package common
import (
// DeleteOne removes a document from a database and then returns it into target
func DeleteOne(db *mongox.Database, target interface{}, filters ...interface{}) error {
collection := db.GetCollectionOf(target)
opts := &options.FindOneAndDeleteOptions{}
composed := query.Compose(filters...)
protected := base.GetProtection(target)
opts.Sort = composed.Sorter()
if target != nil {
composed.And(primitive.M{"_id": base.GetID(target)})
if protected != nil {
query.Push(composed, protected)
protected.X = primitive.NewObjectID()
protected.V = time.Now().Unix()
result := collection.FindOneAndDelete(db.Context(), composed.M(), opts)
if result.Err() != nil {
return errors.InternalErrorf("can't create find one and delete result: %s", result.Err())
err := result.Decode(target)
if err == mongo.ErrNoDocuments {
return errors.NotFoundErrorf("%s", err)
if err != nil {
return errors.InternalErrorf("can't decode result: %s", err)
return nil