@ -2,34 +2,27 @@ package database |
import ( |
"context" |
"fmt" |
"reflect" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive" |
"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options" |
"github.com/mainnika/mongox-go-driver/v2/mongox" |
"github.com/mainnika/mongox-go-driver/v2/mongox/query" |
) |
// Database handler
type Database struct { |
client *mongox.Client |
dbname string |
name string |
ctx context.Context |
} |
// NewDatabase function creates new database instance with mongo client and empty context
func NewDatabase(client *mongox.Client, dbname string) (db mongox.Database) { |
func NewDatabase(ctx context.Context, client *mongox.Client, name string) (db mongox.Database) { |
db = &Database{ |
client: client, |
dbname: dbname, |
name: name, |
ctx: ctx, |
} |
return |
return db |
} |
// Client function returns a mongo client
@ -37,213 +30,42 @@ func (d *Database) Client() (client *mongox.Client) { |
return d.client |
} |
// Context function returns a context
func (d *Database) Context() (ctx context.Context) { |
ctx = d.ctx |
if ctx == nil { |
ctx = context.Background() |
} |
return |
} |
// Name function returns a database name
func (d *Database) Name() (name string) { |
return d.dbname |
return d.name |
} |
// New function creates new database context with same client
func (d *Database) New(ctx context.Context) (db mongox.Database) { |
// Context function returns a context
func (d *Database) Context() (ctx context.Context) { |
ctx = d.ctx |
if ctx == nil { |
ctx = context.Background() |
} |
db = &Database{ |
client: d.client, |
dbname: d.dbname, |
ctx: ctx, |
} |
return |
return ctx |
} |
// GetCollectionOf returns the collection object by the ยซcollectionยป tag of the given document;
// the ยซcollectionยป tag should exists, e.g.:
// type Foobar struct {
// base.ObjectID `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"foobars"`
// ...
// Will panic if there is no ยซcollectionยป tag
func (d *Database) GetCollectionOf(document interface{}) (collection *mongox.Collection) { |
// example:
// type Foobar struct {
// base.ObjectID `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"foobars"`
// ...
func (d *Database) GetCollectionOf(document interface{}) (collection *mongox.Collection, err error) { |
el := reflect.TypeOf(document).Elem() |
numField := el.NumField() |
databaseName := d.name |
for i := 0; i < numField; i++ { |
field := el.Field(i) |
tag := field.Tag |
found, ok := tag.Lookup("collection") |
if !ok { |
collectionName, found := tag.Lookup("collection") |
if !found { |
continue |
} |
return d.client.Database(d.dbname).Collection(found) |
} |
panic(fmt.Errorf("document %v does not have a collection tag", document)) |
} |
func (d *Database) createSimpleLoad(target interface{}, composed *query.Query) (cursor *mongox.Cursor, err error) { |
collection := d.GetCollectionOf(target) |
opts := options.Find() |
opts.Sort = composed.Sorter() |
opts.Limit = composed.Limiter() |
opts.Skip = composed.Skipper() |
return collection.Find(d.Context(), composed.M(), opts) |
} |
func (d *Database) createAggregateLoad(target interface{}, composed *query.Query) (cursor *mongox.Cursor, err error) { |
collection := d.GetCollectionOf(target) |
opts := options.Aggregate() |
pipeline := primitive.A{} |
if !composed.Empty() { |
pipeline = append(pipeline, primitive.M{"$match": composed.M()}) |
} |
if composed.Sorter() != nil { |
pipeline = append(pipeline, primitive.M{"$sort": composed.Sorter()}) |
} |
if composed.Skipper() != nil { |
pipeline = append(pipeline, primitive.M{"$skip": *composed.Skipper()}) |
} |
if composed.Limiter() != nil { |
pipeline = append(pipeline, primitive.M{"$limit": *composed.Limiter()}) |
} |
el := reflect.ValueOf(target) |
elType := el.Type() |
if elType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { |
elType = elType.Elem() |
} |
numField := elType.NumField() |
preloads, _ := composed.Preloader() |
for i := 0; i < numField; i++ { |
field := elType.Field(i) |
tag := field.Tag |
preloadTag, ok := tag.Lookup("preload") |
if !ok { |
continue |
} |
jsonTag, _ := tag.Lookup("json") |
if jsonTag == "-" { |
panic(fmt.Errorf("preload private field is impossible")) |
} |
jsonData := strings.SplitN(jsonTag, ",", 2) |
jsonName := field.Name |
if len(jsonData) > 0 { |
jsonName = strings.TrimSpace(jsonData[0]) |
} |
preloadData := strings.Split(preloadTag, ",") |
if len(preloadData) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
if len(preloadData) == 1 { |
panic(fmt.Errorf("there is no foreign field")) |
} |
localField := strings.TrimSpace(preloadData[0]) |
if len(localField) == 0 { |
localField = "_id" |
} |
foreignField := strings.TrimSpace(preloadData[1]) |
if len(foreignField) == 0 { |
panic(fmt.Errorf("there is no foreign field")) |
} |
preloadLimiter := 100 |
preloadReversed := false |
if len(preloadData) > 2 { |
stringLimit := strings.TrimSpace(preloadData[2]) |
intLimit := preloadLimiter |
preloadReversed = strings.HasPrefix(stringLimit, "-") |
if preloadReversed { |
stringLimit = stringLimit[1:] |
} |
intLimit, err = strconv.Atoi(stringLimit) |
if err == nil { |
preloadLimiter = intLimit |
} |
} |
for _, preload := range preloads { |
if preload != jsonName { |
continue |
} |
field := elType.Field(i) |
fieldType := field.Type |
isSlice := fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Slice |
if isSlice { |
fieldType = fieldType.Elem() |
} |
isPtr := fieldType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr |
if isPtr { |
panic(fmt.Errorf("preload field should have ptr type")) |
} |
lookupCollection := d.GetCollectionOf(reflect.Zero(fieldType).Interface()) |
lookupVars := primitive.M{"selector": "$" + localField} |
lookupPipeline := primitive.A{ |
primitive.M{"$match": primitive.M{"$expr": primitive.M{"$eq": primitive.A{"$" + foreignField, "$$selector"}}}}, |
} |
if preloadReversed { |
lookupPipeline = append(lookupPipeline, primitive.M{"$sort": primitive.M{"_id": -1}}) |
} |
if isSlice && preloadLimiter > 0 { |
lookupPipeline = append(lookupPipeline, primitive.M{"$limit": preloadLimiter}) |
} else if !isSlice { |
lookupPipeline = append(lookupPipeline, primitive.M{"$limit": 1}) |
} |
pipeline = append(pipeline, primitive.M{ |
"$lookup": primitive.M{ |
"from": lookupCollection.Name(), |
"let": lookupVars, |
"pipeline": lookupPipeline, |
"as": jsonName, |
}, |
}) |
if isSlice { |
continue |
} |
pipeline = append(pipeline, primitive.M{ |
"$unwind": primitive.M{ |
"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true, |
"path": "$" + jsonName, |
}, |
}) |
} |
return d.client.Database(databaseName).Collection(collectionName), nil |
} |
return collection.Aggregate(d.Context(), pipeline, opts) |
return nil, mongox.ErrNoCollection |
} |