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package database
import (
// Database handler
type Database struct {
client *mongox.Client
name string
ctx context.Context
// NewDatabase function creates new database instance with mongo client and empty context
func NewDatabase(ctx context.Context, client *mongox.Client, name string) (db mongox.Database) {
db = &Database{
client: client,
name: name,
ctx: ctx,
return db
// Client function returns a mongo client
func (d *Database) Client() (client *mongox.Client) {
return d.client
// Name function returns a database name
func (d *Database) Name() (name string) {
// Context function returns a context
func (d *Database) Context() (ctx context.Context) {
ctx = d.ctx
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
return ctx
// GetCollectionOf returns the collection object by the «collection» tag of the given document;
// example:
// type Foobar struct {
// base.ObjectID `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"foobars"`
// ...
func (d *Database) GetCollectionOf(document interface{}) (collection *mongox.Collection, err error) {
el := reflect.TypeOf(document).Elem()
numField := el.NumField()
databaseName :=
for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
field := el.Field(i)
tag := field.Tag
collectionName, found := tag.Lookup("collection")
if !found {
return d.client.Database(databaseName).Collection(collectionName), nil
return nil, mongox.ErrNoCollection