You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

171 lines
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package httpclient
import (
var _ ghost.Client = (*HTTPClient)(nil)
// Ghost content data URIs:
const (
ghostAPIPrefix = "/ghost/api/v3/"
ghostAPIGetPosts = ghostAPIPrefix + "content/posts/"
ghostAPIGetPostBySlug = ghostAPIPrefix + "content/posts/slug/%s/"
ghostAPIGetPageBySlug = ghostAPIPrefix + "content/pages/slug/%s/"
// HTTPClient implements the ghost http client
type HTTPClient struct {
QueryTimeout time.Duration
ContentKey string
Addr string
Secured bool
Headers map[string]string
client *fasthttp.HostClient
setupClientOnce sync.Once
// setupClient creates the default http client
func (g *HTTPClient) setupClient() {
g.client = &fasthttp.HostClient{
Addr: g.Addr,
IsTLS: g.Secured,
DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing: true,
DisablePathNormalizing: true,
// doQuery does the method and unmarshals the result into the easyjson Unmarshaler
func (g *HTTPClient) doQuery(path string, v easyjson.Unmarshaler, params params.Params) (err error) {
req := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
res := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
defer func() {
g.setupRequest(path, req)
g.applyParams(params, req)
err = g.client.DoTimeout(req, res, g.QueryTimeout)
if err != nil {
if res.StatusCode() != fasthttp.StatusOK {
return fmt.Errorf("non OK status code: %d", res.StatusCode())
resBytes := res.Body()
if resBytes == nil && v == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nothing to unmarshal")
if resBytes == nil {
err = easyjson.Unmarshal(resBytes, v)
// setupRequest does the necessary initial configuration to the http request
func (g *HTTPClient) setupRequest(path string, req *fasthttp.Request) {
uri := req.URI()
scheme := "http"
if g.Secured {
scheme = "https"
uri.QueryArgs().Add("key", g.ContentKey)
for hKey, hValue := range g.Headers {
req.Header.Add(hKey, hValue)
// applyParams function additionally configure the http request using params
func (g *HTTPClient) applyParams(p params.Params, req *fasthttp.Request) (err error) {
uri := req.URI()
limit := p.Limit
if limit > 0 {
uri.QueryArgs().Add("limit", strconv.Itoa(limit))
page := p.Page
if page > 1 {
uri.QueryArgs().Add("page", strconv.Itoa(page))
// GetPageBySlug returns the only one page using slug filter
func (g *HTTPClient) GetPageBySlug(slug string, queryModifiers ...params.Modifier) (pages *data.Pages, err error) {
pages = &data.Pages{}
defaultParams := params.Params{}
method := fmt.Sprintf(ghostAPIGetPageBySlug, slug)
err = g.doQuery(method, pages, defaultParams)
if err != nil {
pages = nil
// GetPosts returns posts
func (g *HTTPClient) GetPosts(queryModifiers ...params.Modifier) (posts *data.Posts, err error) {
posts = &data.Posts{}
defaultParams := params.Params{}
combinedParams := params.Modifiers(queryModifiers).Apply(defaultParams)
err = g.doQuery(ghostAPIGetPosts, posts, combinedParams)
if err != nil {
posts = nil
// GetPostBySlug returns the only one post using slug filter
func (g *HTTPClient) GetPostBySlug(slug string, queryModifiers ...params.Modifier) (posts *data.Posts, err error) {
posts = &data.Posts{}
defaultParams := params.Params{}
combinedParams := params.Modifiers(queryModifiers).Apply(defaultParams)
method := fmt.Sprintf(ghostAPIGetPostBySlug, slug)
err = g.doQuery(method, posts, combinedParams)
if err != nil {
posts = nil