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package routes
import (
routing ""
var _ routing.DataWriter = (*TemplateWriter)(nil)
// staticWriter is thread-safe static instance of template writer
var staticWriter = &TemplateWriter{}
// TemplateWriter is the fasthttp data writer that loads and executes template using the content
type TemplateWriter struct{}
// SetHeader sets the content type to HTML since all templates are HTML
func (tw *TemplateWriter) SetHeader(rh *fasthttp.ResponseHeader) {
// Write executes the template and writes result to the response writer
func (tw *TemplateWriter) Write(w io.Writer, content interface{}) error {
template := templates.MustGetTemplateOf(content)
return template.Execute(w, content)
// useTemplateWriter is the routing middleware to set the default data writer
func (r *Routes) useTemplateWriter(c *routing.Context) (err error) {