I have verified that the conversion here follows ITU-R BT.601 except for the offsets 16/256 and 128/256 which should be 16/255 and 128/255 respectively. I used to following octave script to verify this: rf = 0.299; gf = 0.587; bf = 0.114; crdiv = 1.402; cbdiv = 1.772; M = [ rf, gf, bf ; -rf / cbdiv, -gf / cbdiv, (1 - bf) / cbdiv; (1 - rf) / crdiv, -gf / crdiv, -bf / crdiv ]; YCbCr = [ 'Y'; 'Cb'; 'Cr' ]; RGB = [ 'R'; 'G'; 'B' ]; eq = [ ' '; '='; ' ' ]; l = [ ' [ '; ' [ '; ' [ ' ]; r = [ ' ] '; ' ] '; ' ] ' ]; mat = [ sprintf('%9f %9f %9f', M(1,:)); sprintf('%9f %9f %9f', M(2,:)); sprintf('%9f %9f %9f', M(3,:)); ]; [ l YCbCr r eq l mat r l RGB r ] R = inv(M); mat = [ sprintf('%9f %9f %9f', R(1,:)); sprintf('%9f %9f %9f', R(2,:)); sprintf('%9f %9f %9f', R(3,:)); ]; [ l RGB r eq l mat r l YCbCr r ] [ R(:,1), R(:,2:3) .* (255/224) ] The final matrix printed is what the shader uses down to +/- one digit, so at least 7 correct decimals. Signed-off-by: Pekka Paalanen <pekka.paalanen@collabora.com>dev
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