sphinx = find_program('sphinx-build', required: true) doxygen = find_program('doxygen', required: true) breathe = find_program('breathe-apidoc', required: true) sphinx_c = run_command(sphinx, '--version') breathe_c = run_command(breathe, '--version') doxygen_c = run_command(doxygen, '--version') sphinx_v = sphinx_c.stdout().split(' ')[1].strip() breathe_v = breathe_c.stdout().split(' ')[2].strip() doxygen_v = doxygen_c.stdout().strip() if sphinx_v.version_compare('< 2.1.0') error('Use at least sphinx version 2.1.0, found ' + sphinx_v) endif if breathe_v.version_compare('< 4.11') error('Use at least breathe version 4.11, found ' + breathe_v) endif if doxygen_v.version_compare('< 1.8') error('Use at least doxygen version 1.8, found ' + doxygen_v) endif doxygen_database = meson.current_build_dir() + '/doxygen_doc' # modify the sphinx configuration and the breathe doxygen XML database # to point where its being generated by doxygen sphinx_conf_data = configuration_data() sphinx_conf_data.set('BUILD_ROOT', doxygen_database) sphinx_conf_data.set('VERSION', meson.project_version()) sphinx_conf = configure_file( input: 'conf.py.in', output: 'conf.py', configuration: sphinx_conf_data ) doxy_conf_data = configuration_data() doxy_conf_data.set('SRC_ROOT', meson.source_root()) doxy_conf_data.set('OUTPUT_DIR', doxygen_database) doxygen_conf_weston = configure_file( input: 'doxygen.ini.in', output: 'doxygen.ini', configuration: doxy_conf_data ) script_data = configuration_data() script_data.set('SRCDIR', meson.current_build_dir()) script_data.set('OUTDIR', meson.current_build_dir() + '/doc') # Set a different directory for doctrees to avoid installing them script_data.set('DOCTREES_DIR', meson.current_build_dir() + '/doctrees') script_data.set('DOXYGEN_CONF', meson.current_build_dir() + '/doxygen.ini') script_data.set('DOXYGEN_CMD', doxygen.path()) script_data.set('SPHINX_CMD', sphinx.path()) script_doxy_sphinx = configure_file( input: 'run_doxygen_sphinx.sh.in', output: 'run_doxygen_sphinx.sh', configuration: script_data ) # copy everything to build_dir, if you plan on adding other files in the top # rootdir of sourcedir, please add them here as well, otherwise use 'toc/'s # meson.build file sphinx_files = ['index.rst'] foreach file : sphinx_files configure_file(input: file, output: file, copy: true) endforeach # and those in toc subdir('toc') sphinx_doc = custom_target( 'weston-doc-breathe', command: script_doxy_sphinx, output: 'doc', build_by_default: true, ) # we need this because we will have a stale 'doc' directory # and this forces it to be rebuilt docs = run_target( 'docs', command: script_doxy_sphinx, ) install_subdir( sphinx_doc.full_path(), install_dir: join_paths(dir_data, 'doc', 'weston'), exclude_files: '.buildinfo', strip_directory: true, )