/* * Copyright © 2019 Collabora, Ltd. * Copyright © 2019 Harish Krupo * Copyright © 2019 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef GL_RENDERER_INTERNAL_H #define GL_RENDERER_INTERNAL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "shared/weston-egl-ext.h" /* for PFN* stuff */ #include "shared/helpers.h" enum gl_shader_texture_variant { SHADER_VARIANT_NONE = 0, /* Keep the following in sync with fragment.glsl. */ SHADER_VARIANT_RGBX, SHADER_VARIANT_RGBA, SHADER_VARIANT_Y_U_V, SHADER_VARIANT_Y_UV, SHADER_VARIANT_Y_XUXV, SHADER_VARIANT_XYUV, SHADER_VARIANT_SOLID, SHADER_VARIANT_EXTERNAL, }; /** GL shader requirements key * * This structure is used as a binary blob key for building and searching * shaders. Therefore it must not contain any bytes or bits the C compiler * would be free to leave undefined e.g. after struct initialization, * struct assignment, or member operations. * * Use 'pahole' from package 'dwarves' to inspect this structure. */ struct gl_shader_requirements { unsigned variant:4; /* enum gl_shader_texture_variant */ bool green_tint:1; /* * The total size of all bitfields plus pad_bits_ must fill up exactly * how many bytes the compiler allocates for them together. */ unsigned pad_bits_:27; }; static_assert(sizeof(struct gl_shader_requirements) == 4 /* total bitfield size in bytes */, "struct gl_shader_requirements must not contain implicit padding"); struct gl_shader { struct gl_shader_requirements key; GLuint program; GLuint vertex_shader, fragment_shader; GLint proj_uniform; GLint tex_uniforms[3]; GLint alpha_uniform; GLint color_uniform; struct wl_list link; /* gl_renderer::shader_list */ struct timespec last_used; }; struct gl_renderer { struct weston_renderer base; struct weston_compositor *compositor; bool fragment_shader_debug; bool fan_debug; struct weston_binding *fragment_binding; struct weston_binding *fan_binding; EGLenum platform; EGLDisplay egl_display; EGLContext egl_context; EGLConfig egl_config; EGLSurface dummy_surface; uint32_t gl_version; struct wl_array vertices; struct wl_array vtxcnt; PFNGLEGLIMAGETARGETTEXTURE2DOESPROC image_target_texture_2d; PFNEGLCREATEIMAGEKHRPROC create_image; PFNEGLDESTROYIMAGEKHRPROC destroy_image; PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSWITHDAMAGEEXTPROC swap_buffers_with_damage; PFNEGLGETPLATFORMDISPLAYEXTPROC get_platform_display; PFNEGLCREATEPLATFORMWINDOWSURFACEEXTPROC create_platform_window; bool has_platform_base; PFNEGLBINDWAYLANDDISPLAYWL bind_display; PFNEGLUNBINDWAYLANDDISPLAYWL unbind_display; PFNEGLQUERYWAYLANDBUFFERWL query_buffer; bool has_bind_display; bool has_context_priority; bool has_egl_image_external; bool has_egl_buffer_age; bool has_egl_partial_update; PFNEGLSETDAMAGEREGIONKHRPROC set_damage_region; bool has_configless_context; bool has_surfaceless_context; bool has_dmabuf_import; struct wl_list dmabuf_images; struct wl_list dmabuf_formats; bool has_gl_texture_rg; struct gl_shader *current_shader; struct gl_shader *fallback_shader; struct wl_signal destroy_signal; struct wl_listener output_destroy_listener; bool has_dmabuf_import_modifiers; PFNEGLQUERYDMABUFFORMATSEXTPROC query_dmabuf_formats; PFNEGLQUERYDMABUFMODIFIERSEXTPROC query_dmabuf_modifiers; bool has_native_fence_sync; PFNEGLCREATESYNCKHRPROC create_sync; PFNEGLDESTROYSYNCKHRPROC destroy_sync; PFNEGLDUPNATIVEFENCEFDANDROIDPROC dup_native_fence_fd; bool has_wait_sync; PFNEGLWAITSYNCKHRPROC wait_sync; GLint gl_half_float_type; /** Shader program cache in most recently used order * * Uses struct gl_shader::link. */ struct wl_list shader_list; struct weston_log_scope *shader_scope; }; static inline struct gl_renderer * get_renderer(struct weston_compositor *ec) { return (struct gl_renderer *)ec->renderer; } void gl_renderer_print_egl_error_state(void); void gl_renderer_log_extensions(const char *name, const char *extensions); void log_egl_config_info(EGLDisplay egldpy, EGLConfig eglconfig); EGLConfig gl_renderer_get_egl_config(struct gl_renderer *gr, EGLint egl_surface_type, const uint32_t *drm_formats, unsigned drm_formats_count); int gl_renderer_setup_egl_display(struct gl_renderer *gr, void *native_display); int gl_renderer_setup_egl_client_extensions(struct gl_renderer *gr); int gl_renderer_setup_egl_extensions(struct weston_compositor *ec); void gl_shader_destroy(struct gl_renderer *gr, struct gl_shader *shader); struct gl_shader * gl_shader_create(struct gl_renderer *gr, const struct gl_shader_requirements *requirements); int gl_shader_requirements_cmp(const struct gl_shader_requirements *a, const struct gl_shader_requirements *b); struct weston_log_scope * gl_shader_scope_create(struct gl_renderer *gr); #endif /* GL_RENDERER_INTERNAL_H */