/* * Copyright © 2008 Kristian Høgsberg * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _WINDOW_H_ #define _WINDOW_H_ #include "config.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <time.h> #include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h> #include <wayland-client.h> #include <cairo.h> #include "shared/config-parser.h" #include "shared/zalloc.h" #include "shared/platform.h" struct window; struct widget; struct display; struct input; struct output; struct task { void (*run)(struct task *task, uint32_t events); struct wl_list link; }; struct rectangle { int32_t x; int32_t y; int32_t width; int32_t height; }; struct display * display_create(int *argc, char *argv[]); void display_destroy(struct display *display); void display_set_user_data(struct display *display, void *data); void * display_get_user_data(struct display *display); struct wl_display * display_get_display(struct display *display); int display_has_subcompositor(struct display *display); cairo_device_t * display_get_cairo_device(struct display *display); struct wl_compositor * display_get_compositor(struct display *display); struct output * display_get_output(struct display *display); uint32_t display_get_serial(struct display *display); typedef void (*display_global_handler_t)(struct display *display, uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version, void *data); void display_set_global_handler(struct display *display, display_global_handler_t handler); void display_set_global_handler_remove(struct display *display, display_global_handler_t remove_handler); void * display_bind(struct display *display, uint32_t name, const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version); typedef void (*display_output_handler_t)(struct output *output, void *data); /* * The output configure handler is called, when a new output is connected * and we know its current mode, or when the current mode changes. * Test and set the output user data in your handler to know, if the * output is new. Note: 'data' in the configure handler is the display * user data. */ void display_set_output_configure_handler(struct display *display, display_output_handler_t handler); struct wl_data_source * display_create_data_source(struct display *display); #ifdef EGL_NO_DISPLAY EGLDisplay display_get_egl_display(struct display *d); EGLConfig display_get_argb_egl_config(struct display *d); int display_acquire_window_surface(struct display *display, struct window *window, EGLContext ctx); void display_release_window_surface(struct display *display, struct window *window); #endif #define SURFACE_OPAQUE 0x01 #define SURFACE_SHM 0x02 #define SURFACE_HINT_RESIZE 0x10 #define SURFACE_HINT_RGB565 0x100 cairo_surface_t * display_create_surface(struct display *display, struct wl_surface *surface, struct rectangle *rectangle, uint32_t flags); struct wl_buffer * display_get_buffer_for_surface(struct display *display, cairo_surface_t *surface); struct wl_cursor_image * display_get_pointer_image(struct display *display, int pointer); void display_defer(struct display *display, struct task *task); void display_watch_fd(struct display *display, int fd, uint32_t events, struct task *task); void display_unwatch_fd(struct display *display, int fd); void display_run(struct display *d); void display_exit(struct display *d); int display_get_data_device_manager_version(struct display *d); enum cursor_type { CURSOR_BOTTOM_LEFT, CURSOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, CURSOR_BOTTOM, CURSOR_DRAGGING, CURSOR_LEFT_PTR, CURSOR_LEFT, CURSOR_RIGHT, CURSOR_TOP_LEFT, CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT, CURSOR_TOP, CURSOR_IBEAM, CURSOR_HAND1, CURSOR_WATCH, CURSOR_DND_MOVE, CURSOR_DND_COPY, CURSOR_DND_FORBIDDEN, CURSOR_BLANK }; typedef void (*window_key_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t unicode, enum wl_keyboard_key_state state, void *data); typedef void (*window_keyboard_focus_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *device, void *data); typedef void (*window_data_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, float x, float y, const char **types, void *data); typedef void (*window_drop_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, int32_t x, int32_t y, void *data); typedef void (*window_close_handler_t)(void *data); typedef void (*window_fullscreen_handler_t)(struct window *window, void *data); typedef void (*window_output_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct output *output, int enter, void *data); typedef void (*window_state_changed_handler_t)(struct window *window, void *data); typedef void (*window_locked_pointer_motion_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, uint32_t time, float x, float y, void *data); typedef void (*locked_pointer_locked_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*locked_pointer_unlocked_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*confined_pointer_confined_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*confined_pointer_unconfined_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*widget_resize_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height, void *data); typedef void (*widget_redraw_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, void *data); typedef int (*widget_enter_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, float x, float y, void *data); typedef void (*widget_leave_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, void *data); typedef int (*widget_motion_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, float x, float y, void *data); typedef void (*widget_button_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, enum wl_pointer_button_state state, void *data); typedef void (*widget_touch_down_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, int32_t id, float x, float y, void *data); typedef void (*widget_touch_up_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, int32_t id, void *data); typedef void (*widget_touch_motion_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, int32_t id, float x, float y, void *data); typedef void (*widget_touch_frame_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*widget_touch_cancel_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*widget_axis_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, uint32_t axis, wl_fixed_t value, void *data); typedef void (*widget_pointer_frame_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, void *data); typedef void (*widget_axis_source_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t source, void *data); typedef void (*widget_axis_stop_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, uint32_t axis, void *data); typedef void (*widget_axis_discrete_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t axis, int32_t discrete, void *data); struct window * window_create(struct display *display); struct window * window_create_custom(struct display *display); void window_set_parent(struct window *window, struct window *parent_window); struct window * window_get_parent(struct window *window); int window_has_focus(struct window *window); typedef void (*menu_func_t)(void *data, struct input *input, int index); void window_show_menu(struct display *display, struct input *input, uint32_t time, struct window *parent, int32_t x, int32_t y, menu_func_t func, const char **entries, int count); void window_show_frame_menu(struct window *window, struct input *input, uint32_t time); int window_get_buffer_transform(struct window *window); void window_set_buffer_transform(struct window *window, enum wl_output_transform transform); uint32_t window_get_buffer_scale(struct window *window); void window_set_buffer_scale(struct window *window, int32_t scale); uint32_t window_get_output_scale(struct window *window); void window_destroy(struct window *window); struct widget * window_add_widget(struct window *window, void *data); enum subsurface_mode { SUBSURFACE_SYNCHRONIZED, SUBSURFACE_DESYNCHRONIZED }; struct widget * window_add_subsurface(struct window *window, void *data, enum subsurface_mode default_mode); typedef void (*data_func_t)(void *data, size_t len, int32_t x, int32_t y, void *user_data); struct display * window_get_display(struct window *window); void window_move(struct window *window, struct input *input, uint32_t time); void window_get_allocation(struct window *window, struct rectangle *allocation); void window_schedule_redraw(struct window *window); void window_schedule_resize(struct window *window, int width, int height); int window_lock_pointer(struct window *window, struct input *input); void window_unlock_pointer(struct window *window); void widget_set_locked_pointer_cursor_hint(struct widget *widget, float x, float y); int window_confine_pointer_to_rectangles(struct window *window, struct input *input, struct rectangle *rectangles, int num_rectangles); void window_update_confine_rectangles(struct window *window, struct rectangle *rectangles, int num_rectangles); int window_confine_pointer_to_widget(struct window *window, struct widget *widget, struct input *input); void window_unconfine_pointer(struct window *window); cairo_surface_t * window_get_surface(struct window *window); struct wl_surface * window_get_wl_surface(struct window *window); struct wl_subsurface * widget_get_wl_subsurface(struct widget *widget); enum window_buffer_type { WINDOW_BUFFER_TYPE_EGL_WINDOW, WINDOW_BUFFER_TYPE_SHM, }; void display_surface_damage(struct display *display, cairo_surface_t *cairo_surface, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height); void window_set_buffer_type(struct window *window, enum window_buffer_type type); enum window_buffer_type window_get_buffer_type(struct window *window); int window_is_fullscreen(struct window *window); void window_set_fullscreen(struct window *window, int fullscreen); int window_is_maximized(struct window *window); void window_set_maximized(struct window *window, int maximized); int window_is_resizing(struct window *window); void window_set_minimized(struct window *window); void window_set_user_data(struct window *window, void *data); void * window_get_user_data(struct window *window); void window_set_key_handler(struct window *window, window_key_handler_t handler); void window_set_keyboard_focus_handler(struct window *window, window_keyboard_focus_handler_t handler); void window_set_data_handler(struct window *window, window_data_handler_t handler); void window_set_drop_handler(struct window *window, window_drop_handler_t handler); void window_set_close_handler(struct window *window, window_close_handler_t handler); void window_set_fullscreen_handler(struct window *window, window_fullscreen_handler_t handler); void window_set_output_handler(struct window *window, window_output_handler_t handler); void window_set_state_changed_handler(struct window *window, window_state_changed_handler_t handler); void window_set_pointer_locked_handler(struct window *window, locked_pointer_locked_handler_t locked, locked_pointer_unlocked_handler_t unlocked); void window_set_pointer_confined_handler(struct window *window, confined_pointer_confined_handler_t confined, confined_pointer_unconfined_handler_t unconfined); void window_set_locked_pointer_motion_handler( struct window *window, window_locked_pointer_motion_handler_t handler); void window_set_title(struct window *window, const char *title); const char * window_get_title(struct window *window); void window_set_text_cursor_position(struct window *window, int32_t x, int32_t y); enum preferred_format { WINDOW_PREFERRED_FORMAT_NONE, WINDOW_PREFERRED_FORMAT_RGB565 }; void window_set_preferred_format(struct window *window, enum preferred_format format); int widget_set_tooltip(struct widget *parent, char *entry, float x, float y); void widget_destroy_tooltip(struct widget *parent); struct widget * widget_add_widget(struct widget *parent, void *data); void widget_destroy(struct widget *widget); void widget_set_default_cursor(struct widget *widget, int cursor); void widget_get_allocation(struct widget *widget, struct rectangle *allocation); void widget_set_allocation(struct widget *widget, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height); void widget_set_size(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height); void widget_set_transparent(struct widget *widget, int transparent); void widget_schedule_resize(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height); void * widget_get_user_data(struct widget *widget); cairo_t * widget_cairo_create(struct widget *widget); struct wl_surface * widget_get_wl_surface(struct widget *widget); uint32_t widget_get_last_time(struct widget *widget); void widget_input_region_add(struct widget *widget, const struct rectangle *rect); void widget_set_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_redraw_handler_t handler); void widget_set_resize_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_resize_handler_t handler); void widget_set_enter_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_enter_handler_t handler); void widget_set_leave_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_leave_handler_t handler); void widget_set_motion_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_motion_handler_t handler); void widget_set_button_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_button_handler_t handler); void widget_set_touch_down_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_touch_down_handler_t handler); void widget_set_touch_up_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_touch_up_handler_t handler); void widget_set_touch_motion_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_touch_motion_handler_t handler); void widget_set_touch_frame_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_touch_frame_handler_t handler); void widget_set_touch_cancel_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_touch_cancel_handler_t handler); void widget_set_axis_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_axis_handler_t handler); void widget_set_pointer_frame_handler(struct widget *widget, widget_pointer_frame_handler_t handler); void widget_set_axis_handlers(struct widget *widget, widget_axis_handler_t axis_handler, widget_axis_source_handler_t axis_source_handler, widget_axis_stop_handler_t axis_stop_handler, widget_axis_discrete_handler_t axis_discrete_handler); void widget_schedule_redraw(struct widget *widget); void widget_set_use_cairo(struct widget *widget, int use_cairo); struct widget * window_frame_create(struct window *window, void *data); void window_frame_set_child_size(struct widget *widget, int child_width, int child_height); void input_set_pointer_image(struct input *input, int pointer); void input_get_position(struct input *input, int32_t *x, int32_t *y); int input_get_touch(struct input *input, int32_t id, float *x, float *y); #define MOD_SHIFT_MASK 0x01 #define MOD_ALT_MASK 0x02 #define MOD_CONTROL_MASK 0x04 uint32_t input_get_modifiers(struct input *input); void touch_grab(struct input *input, int32_t touch_id); void touch_ungrab(struct input *input); void input_grab(struct input *input, struct widget *widget, uint32_t button); void input_ungrab(struct input *input); struct widget * input_get_focus_widget(struct input *input); struct display * input_get_display(struct input *input); struct wl_seat * input_get_seat(struct input *input); struct wl_data_device * input_get_data_device(struct input *input); void input_set_selection(struct input *input, struct wl_data_source *source, uint32_t time); void input_accept(struct input *input, const char *type); void input_receive_drag_data(struct input *input, const char *mime_type, data_func_t func, void *user_data); int input_receive_drag_data_to_fd(struct input *input, const char *mime_type, int fd); int input_receive_selection_data(struct input *input, const char *mime_type, data_func_t func, void *data); int input_receive_selection_data_to_fd(struct input *input, const char *mime_type, int fd); void output_set_user_data(struct output *output, void *data); void * output_get_user_data(struct output *output); void output_set_destroy_handler(struct output *output, display_output_handler_t handler); void output_get_allocation(struct output *output, struct rectangle *allocation); struct wl_output * output_get_wl_output(struct output *output); enum wl_output_transform output_get_transform(struct output *output); uint32_t output_get_scale(struct output *output); const char * output_get_make(struct output *output); const char * output_get_model(struct output *output); void keysym_modifiers_add(struct wl_array *modifiers_map, const char *name); xkb_mod_mask_t keysym_modifiers_get_mask(struct wl_array *modifiers_map, const char *name); struct toytimer; typedef void (*toytimer_cb)(struct toytimer *); struct toytimer { struct display *display; struct task tsk; int fd; toytimer_cb callback; }; void toytimer_init(struct toytimer *tt, clockid_t clock, struct display *display, toytimer_cb callback); void toytimer_fini(struct toytimer *tt); void toytimer_arm(struct toytimer *tt, const struct itimerspec *its); void toytimer_arm_once_usec(struct toytimer *tt, uint32_t usec); void toytimer_disarm(struct toytimer *tt); #endif