if get_option('remoting') user_hint = 'If you rather not build this, set "remoting=false".' if not get_option('backend-drm') error('Attempting to build the remoting plugin without the required DRM backend. ' + user_hint) endif depnames = [ 'gstreamer-1.0', 'gstreamer-allocators-1.0', 'gstreamer-app-1.0', 'gstreamer-video-1.0', 'gobject-2.0', 'glib-2.0' ] deps_remoting = [ dep_libweston ] foreach depname : depnames dep = dependency(depname, required: false) if not dep.found() error('Remoting plugin requires @0@ which was not found. '.format(depname) + user_hint) endif deps_remoting += dep endforeach plugin_remoting = shared_library( 'remoting-plugin', 'remoting-plugin.c', include_directories: include_directories('..', '../shared'), dependencies: deps_remoting, name_prefix: '', install: true, install_dir: dir_module_libweston ) env_modmap += 'remoting-plugin.so=@0@;'.format(plugin_remoting.full_path()) endif