/* * Copyright © 2012 Openismus GmbH * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software * without specific, written prior permission. The copyright holders make * no representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS * SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <cairo.h> #include "window.h" #include "input-method-client-protocol.h" #include "text-client-protocol.h" struct keyboard; struct virtual_keyboard { struct wl_input_panel *input_panel; struct wl_input_method *input_method; struct wl_input_method_context *context; struct display *display; struct output *output; char *preedit_string; uint32_t preedit_style; struct { xkb_mod_mask_t shift_mask; } keysym; uint32_t serial; uint32_t content_hint; uint32_t content_purpose; char *preferred_language; char *surrounding_text; uint32_t surrounding_cursor; struct keyboard *keyboard; }; enum key_type { keytype_default, keytype_backspace, keytype_enter, keytype_space, keytype_switch, keytype_symbols, keytype_tab, keytype_arrow_up, keytype_arrow_left, keytype_arrow_right, keytype_arrow_down, keytype_style }; struct key { enum key_type key_type; char *label; char *uppercase; char *symbol; unsigned int width; }; struct layout { const struct key *keys; uint32_t count; uint32_t columns; uint32_t rows; const char *language; uint32_t text_direction; }; static const struct key normal_keys[] = { { keytype_default, "q", "Q", "1", 1}, { keytype_default, "w", "W", "2", 1}, { keytype_default, "e", "E", "3", 1}, { keytype_default, "r", "R", "4", 1}, { keytype_default, "t", "T", "5", 1}, { keytype_default, "y", "Y", "6", 1}, { keytype_default, "u", "U", "7", 1}, { keytype_default, "i", "I", "8", 1}, { keytype_default, "o", "O", "9", 1}, { keytype_default, "p", "P", "0", 1}, { keytype_backspace, "<--", "<--", "<--", 2}, { keytype_tab, "->|", "->|", "->|", 1}, { keytype_default, "a", "A", "-", 1}, { keytype_default, "s", "S", "@", 1}, { keytype_default, "d", "D", "*", 1}, { keytype_default, "f", "F", "^", 1}, { keytype_default, "g", "G", ":", 1}, { keytype_default, "h", "H", ";", 1}, { keytype_default, "j", "J", "(", 1}, { keytype_default, "k", "K", ")", 1}, { keytype_default, "l", "L", "~", 1}, { keytype_enter, "Enter", "Enter", "Enter", 2}, { keytype_switch, "ABC", "abc", "ABC", 2}, { keytype_default, "z", "Z", "/", 1}, { keytype_default, "x", "X", "\'", 1}, { keytype_default, "c", "C", "\"", 1}, { keytype_default, "v", "V", "+", 1}, { keytype_default, "b", "B", "=", 1}, { keytype_default, "n", "N", "?", 1}, { keytype_default, "m", "M", "!", 1}, { keytype_default, ",", ",", "\\", 1}, { keytype_default, ".", ".", "|", 1}, { keytype_switch, "ABC", "abc", "ABC", 1}, { keytype_symbols, "?123", "?123", "abc", 1}, { keytype_space, "", "", "", 5}, { keytype_arrow_up, "/\\", "/\\", "/\\", 1}, { keytype_arrow_left, "<", "<", "<", 1}, { keytype_arrow_right, ">", ">", ">", 1}, { keytype_arrow_down, "\\/", "\\/", "\\/", 1}, { keytype_style, "", "", "", 2} }; static const struct key numeric_keys[] = { { keytype_default, "1", "1", "1", 1}, { keytype_default, "2", "2", "2", 1}, { keytype_default, "3", "3", "3", 1}, { keytype_default, "4", "4", "4", 1}, { keytype_default, "5", "5", "5", 1}, { keytype_default, "6", "6", "6", 1}, { keytype_default, "7", "7", "7", 1}, { keytype_default, "8", "8", "8", 1}, { keytype_default, "9", "9", "9", 1}, { keytype_default, "0", "0", "0", 1}, { keytype_backspace, "<--", "<--", "<--", 2}, { keytype_space, "", "", "", 4}, { keytype_enter, "Enter", "Enter", "Enter", 2}, { keytype_arrow_up, "/\\", "/\\", "/\\", 1}, { keytype_arrow_left, "<", "<", "<", 1}, { keytype_arrow_right, ">", ">", ">", 1}, { keytype_arrow_down, "\\/", "\\/", "\\/", 1}, { keytype_style, "", "", "", 2} }; static const struct key arabic_keys[] = { { keytype_default, "ض", "ﹶ", "۱", 1}, { keytype_default, "ص", "ﹰ", "۲", 1}, { keytype_default, "ث", "ﹸ", "۳", 1}, { keytype_default, "ق", "ﹲ", "۴", 1}, { keytype_default, "ف", "ﻹ", "۵", 1}, { keytype_default, "غ", "ﺇ", "۶", 1}, { keytype_default, "ع", "`", "۷", 1}, { keytype_default, "ه", "٪", "۸", 1}, { keytype_default, "خ", ">", "۹", 1}, { keytype_default, "ح", "<", "۰", 1}, { keytype_backspace, "-->", "-->", "-->", 2}, { keytype_tab, "->|", "->|", "->|", 1}, { keytype_default, "ش", "ﹺ", "ﹼ", 1}, { keytype_default, "س", "ﹴ", "!", 1}, { keytype_default, "ي", "[", "@", 1}, { keytype_default, "ب", "]", "#", 1}, { keytype_default, "ل", "ﻷ", "$", 1}, { keytype_default, "ا", "أ", "%", 1}, { keytype_default, "ت", "-", "^", 1}, { keytype_default, "ن", "x", "&", 1}, { keytype_default, "م", "/", "*", 1}, { keytype_default, "ك", ":", "_", 1}, { keytype_default, "د", "\"", "+", 1}, { keytype_enter, "Enter", "Enter", "Enter", 2}, { keytype_switch, "Shift", "Base", "Shift", 2}, { keytype_default, "ئ", "~", ")", 1}, { keytype_default, "ء", "°", "(", 1}, { keytype_default, "ؤ", "{", "\"", 1}, { keytype_default, "ر", "}", "\'", 1}, { keytype_default, "ى", "ﺁ", "؟", 1}, { keytype_default, "ة", "'", "!", 1}, { keytype_default, "و", ",", ";", 1}, { keytype_default, "ﺯ", ".", "\\", 1}, { keytype_default, "ظ", "؟", "=", 1}, { keytype_switch, "Shift", "Base", "Shift", 2}, { keytype_symbols, "؟٣٢١", "؟٣٢١", "Base", 1}, { keytype_default, "ﻻ", "ﻵ", "|", 1}, { keytype_default, ",", "،", "،", 1}, { keytype_space, "", "", "", 6}, { keytype_default, ".", "ذ", "]", 1}, { keytype_default, "ط", "ﺝ", "[", 1}, { keytype_style, "", "", "", 2} }; static const struct layout normal_layout = { normal_keys, sizeof(normal_keys) / sizeof(*normal_keys), 12, 4, "en", WL_TEXT_INPUT_TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR }; static const struct layout numeric_layout = { numeric_keys, sizeof(numeric_keys) / sizeof(*numeric_keys), 12, 2, "en", WL_TEXT_INPUT_TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR }; static const struct layout arabic_layout = { arabic_keys, sizeof(arabic_keys) / sizeof(*arabic_keys), 13, 4, "ar", WL_TEXT_INPUT_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL }; static const char *style_labels[] = { "default", "none", "active", "inactive", "highlight", "underline", "selection", "incorrect" }; static const double key_width = 60; static const double key_height = 50; enum keyboard_state { KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT, KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE, KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS }; struct keyboard { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard; struct window *window; struct widget *widget; enum keyboard_state state; }; static void __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))) dbg(const char *fmt, ...) { #ifdef DEBUG int l; va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); l = vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp); va_end(argp); #endif } static const char * label_from_key(struct keyboard *keyboard, const struct key *key) { if (key->key_type == keytype_style) return style_labels[keyboard->keyboard->preedit_style]; switch(keyboard->state) { case KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT: return key->label; case KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE: return key->uppercase; case KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS: return key->symbol; } return ""; } static void draw_key(struct keyboard *keyboard, const struct key *key, cairo_t *cr, unsigned int row, unsigned int col) { const char *label; cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_save(cr); cairo_rectangle(cr, col * key_width, row * key_height, key->width * key_width, key_height); cairo_clip(cr); /* Paint frame */ cairo_rectangle(cr, col * key_width, row * key_height, key->width * key_width, key_height); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 3); cairo_stroke(cr); /* Paint text */ label = label_from_key(keyboard, key); cairo_text_extents(cr, label, &extents); cairo_translate(cr, col * key_width, row * key_height); cairo_translate(cr, (key->width * key_width - extents.width) / 2, (key_height - extents.y_bearing) / 2); cairo_show_text(cr, label); cairo_restore(cr); } static const struct layout * get_current_layout(struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard) { switch (keyboard->content_purpose) { case WL_TEXT_INPUT_CONTENT_PURPOSE_DIGITS: case WL_TEXT_INPUT_CONTENT_PURPOSE_NUMBER: return &numeric_layout; default: if (keyboard->preferred_language && strcmp(keyboard->preferred_language, "ar") == 0) return &arabic_layout; else return &normal_layout; } } static void redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, void *data) { struct keyboard *keyboard = data; cairo_surface_t *surface; struct rectangle allocation; cairo_t *cr; unsigned int i; unsigned int row = 0, col = 0; const struct layout *layout; layout = get_current_layout(keyboard->keyboard); surface = window_get_surface(keyboard->window); widget_get_allocation(keyboard->widget, &allocation); cr = cairo_create(surface); cairo_rectangle(cr, allocation.x, allocation.y, allocation.width, allocation.height); cairo_clip(cr); cairo_select_font_face(cr, "sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD); cairo_set_font_size(cr, 16); cairo_translate(cr, allocation.x, allocation.y); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1, 1, 1, 0.75); cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, layout->columns * key_width, layout->rows * key_height); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); for (i = 0; i < layout->count; ++i) { cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0); draw_key(keyboard, &layout->keys[i], cr, row, col); col += layout->keys[i].width; if (col >= layout->columns) { row += 1; col = 0; } } cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } static void resize_handler(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height, void *data) { /* struct keyboard *keyboard = data; */ } static char * insert_text(const char *text, uint32_t offset, const char *insert) { int tlen = strlen(text), ilen = strlen(insert); char *new_text = xmalloc(tlen + ilen + 1); memcpy(new_text, text, offset); memcpy(new_text + offset, insert, ilen); memcpy(new_text + offset + ilen, text + offset, tlen - offset); new_text[tlen + ilen] = '\0'; return new_text; } static void virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard) { char *surrounding_text; if (!keyboard->preedit_string || strlen(keyboard->preedit_string) == 0) return; wl_input_method_context_cursor_position(keyboard->context, 0, 0); wl_input_method_context_commit_string(keyboard->context, keyboard->serial, keyboard->preedit_string); if (keyboard->surrounding_text) { surrounding_text = insert_text(keyboard->surrounding_text, keyboard->surrounding_cursor, keyboard->preedit_string); free(keyboard->surrounding_text); keyboard->surrounding_text = surrounding_text; keyboard->surrounding_cursor += strlen(keyboard->preedit_string); } else { keyboard->surrounding_text = strdup(keyboard->preedit_string); keyboard->surrounding_cursor = strlen(keyboard->preedit_string); } free(keyboard->preedit_string); keyboard->preedit_string = strdup(""); } static void virtual_keyboard_send_preedit(struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard, int32_t cursor) { uint32_t index = strlen(keyboard->preedit_string); if (keyboard->preedit_style) wl_input_method_context_preedit_styling(keyboard->context, 0, strlen(keyboard->preedit_string), keyboard->preedit_style); if (cursor > 0) index = cursor; wl_input_method_context_preedit_cursor(keyboard->context, index); wl_input_method_context_preedit_string(keyboard->context, keyboard->serial, keyboard->preedit_string, keyboard->preedit_string); } static const char * prev_utf8_char(const char *s, const char *p) { for (--p; p >= s; --p) { if ((*p & 0xc0) != 0x80) return p; } return NULL; } static void delete_before_cursor(struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard) { const char *start, *end; if (!keyboard->surrounding_text) { dbg("delete_before_cursor: No surrounding text available\n"); return; } start = prev_utf8_char(keyboard->surrounding_text, keyboard->surrounding_text + keyboard->surrounding_cursor); if (!start) { dbg("delete_before_cursor: No previous character to delete\n"); return; } end = keyboard->surrounding_text + keyboard->surrounding_cursor; wl_input_method_context_delete_surrounding_text(keyboard->context, (start - keyboard->surrounding_text) - keyboard->surrounding_cursor, end - start); wl_input_method_context_commit_string(keyboard->context, keyboard->serial, ""); /* Update surrounding text */ keyboard->surrounding_cursor = start - keyboard->surrounding_text; keyboard->surrounding_text[keyboard->surrounding_cursor] = '\0'; if (*end) memmove(keyboard->surrounding_text + keyboard->surrounding_cursor, end, strlen(end)); } static char * append(char *s1, const char *s2) { int len1, len2; char *s; len1 = strlen(s1); len2 = strlen(s2); s = xrealloc(s1, len1 + len2 + 1); memcpy(s + len1, s2, len2); s[len1 + len2] = '\0'; return s; } static void keyboard_handle_key(struct keyboard *keyboard, uint32_t time, const struct key *key, struct input *input, enum wl_pointer_button_state state) { const char *label = NULL; switch(keyboard->state) { case KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT : label = key->label; break; case KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE : label = key->uppercase; break; case KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS : label = key->symbol; break; } xkb_mod_mask_t mod_mask = keyboard->state == KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT ? 0 : keyboard->keyboard->keysym.shift_mask; uint32_t key_state = (state == WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) ? WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED : WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_RELEASED; switch (key->key_type) { case keytype_default: if (state != WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) break; keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string = append(keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string, label); virtual_keyboard_send_preedit(keyboard->keyboard, -1); break; case keytype_backspace: if (state != WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) break; if (strlen(keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string) == 0) { delete_before_cursor(keyboard->keyboard); } else { keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string[strlen(keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string) - 1] = '\0'; virtual_keyboard_send_preedit(keyboard->keyboard, -1); } break; case keytype_enter: virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); wl_input_method_context_keysym(keyboard->keyboard->context, display_get_serial(keyboard->keyboard->display), time, XKB_KEY_Return, key_state, mod_mask); break; case keytype_space: if (state != WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) break; keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string = append(keyboard->keyboard->preedit_string, " "); virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); break; case keytype_switch: if (state != WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) break; switch(keyboard->state) { case KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT: keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE; break; case KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE: keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT; break; case KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS: keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE; break; } break; case keytype_symbols: if (state != WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) break; switch(keyboard->state) { case KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT: keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS; break; case KEYBOARD_STATE_UPPERCASE: keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS; break; case KEYBOARD_STATE_SYMBOLS: keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT; break; } break; case keytype_tab: virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); wl_input_method_context_keysym(keyboard->keyboard->context, display_get_serial(keyboard->keyboard->display), time, XKB_KEY_Tab, key_state, mod_mask); break; case keytype_arrow_up: virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); wl_input_method_context_keysym(keyboard->keyboard->context, display_get_serial(keyboard->keyboard->display), time, XKB_KEY_Up, key_state, mod_mask); break; case keytype_arrow_left: virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); wl_input_method_context_keysym(keyboard->keyboard->context, display_get_serial(keyboard->keyboard->display), time, XKB_KEY_Left, key_state, mod_mask); break; case keytype_arrow_right: virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); wl_input_method_context_keysym(keyboard->keyboard->context, display_get_serial(keyboard->keyboard->display), time, XKB_KEY_Right, key_state, mod_mask); break; case keytype_arrow_down: virtual_keyboard_commit_preedit(keyboard->keyboard); wl_input_method_context_keysym(keyboard->keyboard->context, display_get_serial(keyboard->keyboard->display), time, XKB_KEY_Down, key_state, mod_mask); break; case keytype_style: if (state != WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) break; keyboard->keyboard->preedit_style = (keyboard->keyboard->preedit_style + 1) % 8; /* TODO */ virtual_keyboard_send_preedit(keyboard->keyboard, -1); break; } } static void button_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, enum wl_pointer_button_state state, void *data) { struct keyboard *keyboard = data; struct rectangle allocation; int32_t x, y; int row, col; unsigned int i; const struct layout *layout; layout = get_current_layout(keyboard->keyboard); if (button != BTN_LEFT) { return; } input_get_position(input, &x, &y); widget_get_allocation(keyboard->widget, &allocation); x -= allocation.x; y -= allocation.y; row = y / key_height; col = x / key_width + row * layout->columns; for (i = 0; i < layout->count; ++i) { col -= layout->keys[i].width; if (col < 0) { keyboard_handle_key(keyboard, time, &layout->keys[i], input, state); break; } } widget_schedule_redraw(widget); } static void touch_handler(struct input *input, uint32_t time, float x, float y, uint32_t state, void *data) { struct keyboard *keyboard = data; struct rectangle allocation; int row, col; unsigned int i; const struct layout *layout; layout = get_current_layout(keyboard->keyboard); widget_get_allocation(keyboard->widget, &allocation); x -= allocation.x; y -= allocation.y; row = (int)y / key_height; col = (int)x / key_width + row * layout->columns; for (i = 0; i < layout->count; ++i) { col -= layout->keys[i].width; if (col < 0) { keyboard_handle_key(keyboard, time, &layout->keys[i], input, state); break; } } widget_schedule_redraw(keyboard->widget); } static void touch_down_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, int32_t id, float x, float y, void *data) { touch_handler(input, time, x, y, WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED, data); } static void touch_up_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t serial, uint32_t time, int32_t id, void *data) { float x, y; input_get_touch(input, id, &x, &y); touch_handler(input, time, x, y, WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED, data); } static void handle_surrounding_text(void *data, struct wl_input_method_context *context, const char *text, uint32_t cursor, uint32_t anchor) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; free(keyboard->surrounding_text); keyboard->surrounding_text = strdup(text); keyboard->surrounding_cursor = cursor; } static void handle_reset(void *data, struct wl_input_method_context *context) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; dbg("Reset pre-edit buffer\n"); if (strlen(keyboard->preedit_string)) { free(keyboard->preedit_string); keyboard->preedit_string = strdup(""); } } static void handle_content_type(void *data, struct wl_input_method_context *context, uint32_t hint, uint32_t purpose) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; keyboard->content_hint = hint; keyboard->content_purpose = purpose; } static void handle_invoke_action(void *data, struct wl_input_method_context *context, uint32_t button, uint32_t index) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; if (button != BTN_LEFT) return; virtual_keyboard_send_preedit(keyboard, index); } static void handle_commit_state(void *data, struct wl_input_method_context *context, uint32_t serial) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; const struct layout *layout; keyboard->serial = serial; layout = get_current_layout(keyboard); if (keyboard->surrounding_text) dbg("Surrounding text updated: %s\n", keyboard->surrounding_text); window_schedule_resize(keyboard->keyboard->window, layout->columns * key_width, layout->rows * key_height); wl_input_method_context_language(context, keyboard->serial, layout->language); wl_input_method_context_text_direction(context, keyboard->serial, layout->text_direction); widget_schedule_redraw(keyboard->keyboard->widget); } static void handle_preferred_language(void *data, struct wl_input_method_context *context, const char *language) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; if (keyboard->preferred_language) free(keyboard->preferred_language); keyboard->preferred_language = NULL; if (language) keyboard->preferred_language = strdup(language); } static const struct wl_input_method_context_listener input_method_context_listener = { handle_surrounding_text, handle_reset, handle_content_type, handle_invoke_action, handle_commit_state, handle_preferred_language }; static void input_method_activate(void *data, struct wl_input_method *input_method, struct wl_input_method_context *context) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; struct wl_array modifiers_map; const struct layout *layout; keyboard->keyboard->state = KEYBOARD_STATE_DEFAULT; if (keyboard->context) wl_input_method_context_destroy(keyboard->context); if (keyboard->preedit_string) free(keyboard->preedit_string); keyboard->preedit_string = strdup(""); keyboard->content_hint = 0; keyboard->content_purpose = 0; free(keyboard->preferred_language); keyboard->preferred_language = NULL; free(keyboard->surrounding_text); keyboard->surrounding_text = NULL; keyboard->serial = 0; keyboard->context = context; wl_input_method_context_add_listener(context, &input_method_context_listener, keyboard); wl_array_init(&modifiers_map); keysym_modifiers_add(&modifiers_map, "Shift"); keysym_modifiers_add(&modifiers_map, "Control"); keysym_modifiers_add(&modifiers_map, "Mod1"); wl_input_method_context_modifiers_map(context, &modifiers_map); keyboard->keysym.shift_mask = keysym_modifiers_get_mask(&modifiers_map, "Shift"); wl_array_release(&modifiers_map); layout = get_current_layout(keyboard); window_schedule_resize(keyboard->keyboard->window, layout->columns * key_width, layout->rows * key_height); wl_input_method_context_language(context, keyboard->serial, layout->language); wl_input_method_context_text_direction(context, keyboard->serial, layout->text_direction); widget_schedule_redraw(keyboard->keyboard->widget); } static void input_method_deactivate(void *data, struct wl_input_method *input_method, struct wl_input_method_context *context) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; if (!keyboard->context) return; wl_input_method_context_destroy(keyboard->context); keyboard->context = NULL; } static const struct wl_input_method_listener input_method_listener = { input_method_activate, input_method_deactivate }; static void global_handler(struct display *display, uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version, void *data) { struct virtual_keyboard *keyboard = data; if (!strcmp(interface, "wl_input_panel")) { keyboard->input_panel = display_bind(display, name, &wl_input_panel_interface, 1); } else if (!strcmp(interface, "wl_input_method")) { keyboard->input_method = display_bind(display, name, &wl_input_method_interface, 1); wl_input_method_add_listener(keyboard->input_method, &input_method_listener, keyboard); } } static void keyboard_create(struct output *output, struct virtual_keyboard *virtual_keyboard) { struct keyboard *keyboard; const struct layout *layout; struct wl_input_panel_surface *ips; layout = get_current_layout(virtual_keyboard); keyboard = xzalloc(sizeof *keyboard); keyboard->keyboard = virtual_keyboard; keyboard->window = window_create_custom(virtual_keyboard->display); keyboard->widget = window_add_widget(keyboard->window, keyboard); virtual_keyboard->keyboard = keyboard; window_set_title(keyboard->window, "Virtual keyboard"); window_set_user_data(keyboard->window, keyboard); widget_set_redraw_handler(keyboard->widget, redraw_handler); widget_set_resize_handler(keyboard->widget, resize_handler); widget_set_button_handler(keyboard->widget, button_handler); widget_set_touch_down_handler(keyboard->widget, touch_down_handler); widget_set_touch_up_handler(keyboard->widget, touch_up_handler); window_schedule_resize(keyboard->window, layout->columns * key_width, layout->rows * key_height); ips = wl_input_panel_get_input_panel_surface(virtual_keyboard->input_panel, window_get_wl_surface(keyboard->window)); wl_input_panel_surface_set_toplevel(ips, output_get_wl_output(output), WL_INPUT_PANEL_SURFACE_POSITION_CENTER_BOTTOM); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct virtual_keyboard virtual_keyboard; struct output *output; memset(&virtual_keyboard, 0, sizeof virtual_keyboard); virtual_keyboard.display = display_create(&argc, argv); if (virtual_keyboard.display == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create display: %m\n"); return -1; } display_set_user_data(virtual_keyboard.display, &virtual_keyboard); display_set_global_handler(virtual_keyboard.display, global_handler); if (virtual_keyboard.input_panel == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No input panel global\n"); return -1; } output = display_get_output(virtual_keyboard.display); keyboard_create(output, &virtual_keyboard); display_run(virtual_keyboard.display); return 0; }