/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright © 2013 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <va/va.h> #include <va/va_drm.h> #include <va/va_drmcommon.h> #include <va/va_enc_h264.h> #include <va/va_vpp.h> #include "compositor.h" #include "vaapi-recorder.h" #define NAL_REF_IDC_NONE 0 #define NAL_REF_IDC_LOW 1 #define NAL_REF_IDC_MEDIUM 2 #define NAL_REF_IDC_HIGH 3 #define NAL_NON_IDR 1 #define NAL_IDR 5 #define NAL_SPS 7 #define NAL_PPS 8 #define NAL_SEI 6 #define SLICE_TYPE_P 0 #define SLICE_TYPE_B 1 #define SLICE_TYPE_I 2 #define ENTROPY_MODE_CAVLC 0 #define ENTROPY_MODE_CABAC 1 #define PROFILE_IDC_BASELINE 66 #define PROFILE_IDC_MAIN 77 #define PROFILE_IDC_HIGH 100 struct vaapi_recorder { int drm_fd, output_fd; int width, height; int frame_count; int error; int destroying; pthread_t worker_thread; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t input_cond; struct { int valid; int prime_fd, stride; } input; VADisplay va_dpy; /* video post processing is used for colorspace conversion */ struct { VAConfigID cfg; VAContextID ctx; VABufferID pipeline_buf; VASurfaceID output; } vpp; struct { VAConfigID cfg; VAContextID ctx; VASurfaceID reference_picture[3]; int intra_period; int output_size; int constraint_set_flag; struct { VAEncSequenceParameterBufferH264 seq; VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264 pic; VAEncSliceParameterBufferH264 slice; } param; } encoder; }; static void * worker_thread_function(void *); /* bistream code used for writing the packed headers */ #define BITSTREAM_ALLOCATE_STEPPING 4096 struct bitstream { unsigned int *buffer; int bit_offset; int max_size_in_dword; }; static unsigned int va_swap32(unsigned int val) { unsigned char *pval = (unsigned char *)&val; return ((pval[0] << 24) | (pval[1] << 16) | (pval[2] << 8) | (pval[3] << 0)); } static void bitstream_start(struct bitstream *bs) { bs->max_size_in_dword = BITSTREAM_ALLOCATE_STEPPING; bs->buffer = calloc(bs->max_size_in_dword * sizeof(unsigned int), 1); bs->bit_offset = 0; } static void bitstream_end(struct bitstream *bs) { int pos = (bs->bit_offset >> 5); int bit_offset = (bs->bit_offset & 0x1f); int bit_left = 32 - bit_offset; if (bit_offset) { bs->buffer[pos] = va_swap32((bs->buffer[pos] << bit_left)); } } static void bitstream_put_ui(struct bitstream *bs, unsigned int val, int size_in_bits) { int pos = (bs->bit_offset >> 5); int bit_offset = (bs->bit_offset & 0x1f); int bit_left = 32 - bit_offset; if (!size_in_bits) return; bs->bit_offset += size_in_bits; if (bit_left > size_in_bits) { bs->buffer[pos] = (bs->buffer[pos] << size_in_bits | val); return; } size_in_bits -= bit_left; bs->buffer[pos] = (bs->buffer[pos] << bit_left) | (val >> size_in_bits); bs->buffer[pos] = va_swap32(bs->buffer[pos]); if (pos + 1 == bs->max_size_in_dword) { bs->max_size_in_dword += BITSTREAM_ALLOCATE_STEPPING; bs->buffer = realloc(bs->buffer, bs->max_size_in_dword * sizeof(unsigned int)); } bs->buffer[pos + 1] = val; } static void bitstream_put_ue(struct bitstream *bs, unsigned int val) { int size_in_bits = 0; int tmp_val = ++val; while (tmp_val) { tmp_val >>= 1; size_in_bits++; } bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, size_in_bits - 1); /* leading zero */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, val, size_in_bits); } static void bitstream_put_se(struct bitstream *bs, int val) { unsigned int new_val; if (val <= 0) new_val = -2 * val; else new_val = 2 * val - 1; bitstream_put_ue(bs, new_val); } static void bitstream_byte_aligning(struct bitstream *bs, int bit) { int bit_offset = (bs->bit_offset & 0x7); int bit_left = 8 - bit_offset; int new_val; if (!bit_offset) return; if (bit) new_val = (1 << bit_left) - 1; else new_val = 0; bitstream_put_ui(bs, new_val, bit_left); } static VAStatus encoder_create_config(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VAConfigAttrib attrib[2]; VAStatus status; /* FIXME: should check if VAEntrypointEncSlice is supported */ /* FIXME: should check if specified attributes are supported */ attrib[0].type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat; attrib[0].value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; attrib[1].type = VAConfigAttribRateControl; attrib[1].value = VA_RC_CQP; status = vaCreateConfig(r->va_dpy, VAProfileH264Main, VAEntrypointEncSlice, attrib, 2, &r->encoder.cfg); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = vaCreateContext(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.cfg, r->width, r->height, VA_PROGRESSIVE, 0, 0, &r->encoder.ctx); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { vaDestroyConfig(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.cfg); return status; } return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void encoder_destroy_config(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { vaDestroyContext(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx); vaDestroyConfig(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.cfg); } static void encoder_init_seq_parameters(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { int width_in_mbs, height_in_mbs; int frame_cropping_flag = 0; int frame_crop_bottom_offset = 0; width_in_mbs = (r->width + 15) / 16; height_in_mbs = (r->height + 15) / 16; r->encoder.param.seq.level_idc = 41; r->encoder.param.seq.intra_period = r->encoder.intra_period; r->encoder.param.seq.max_num_ref_frames = 4; r->encoder.param.seq.picture_width_in_mbs = width_in_mbs; r->encoder.param.seq.picture_height_in_mbs = height_in_mbs; r->encoder.param.seq.seq_fields.bits.frame_mbs_only_flag = 1; /* Tc = num_units_in_tick / time_scale */ r->encoder.param.seq.time_scale = 1800; r->encoder.param.seq.num_units_in_tick = 15; if (height_in_mbs * 16 - r->height > 0) { frame_cropping_flag = 1; frame_crop_bottom_offset = (height_in_mbs * 16 - r->height) / 2; } r->encoder.param.seq.frame_cropping_flag = frame_cropping_flag; r->encoder.param.seq.frame_crop_bottom_offset = frame_crop_bottom_offset; r->encoder.param.seq.seq_fields.bits.log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = 2; } static VABufferID encoder_update_seq_parameters(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VABufferID seq_buf; VAStatus status; status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncSequenceParameterBufferType, sizeof(r->encoder.param.seq), 1, &r->encoder.param.seq, &seq_buf); if (status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return seq_buf; else return VA_INVALID_ID; } static void encoder_init_pic_parameters(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264 *pic = &r->encoder.param.pic; pic->pic_init_qp = 0; /* ENTROPY_MODE_CABAC */ pic->pic_fields.bits.entropy_coding_mode_flag = 1; pic->pic_fields.bits.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = 1; } static VABufferID encoder_update_pic_parameters(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VABufferID output_buf) { VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264 *pic = &r->encoder.param.pic; VAStatus status; VABufferID pic_param_buf; VASurfaceID curr_pic, pic0; curr_pic = r->encoder.reference_picture[r->frame_count % 2]; pic0 = r->encoder.reference_picture[(r->frame_count + 1) % 2]; pic->CurrPic.picture_id = curr_pic; pic->CurrPic.TopFieldOrderCnt = r->frame_count * 2; pic->ReferenceFrames[0].picture_id = pic0; pic->ReferenceFrames[1].picture_id = r->encoder.reference_picture[2]; pic->ReferenceFrames[2].picture_id = VA_INVALID_ID; pic->coded_buf = output_buf; pic->frame_num = r->frame_count; pic->pic_fields.bits.idr_pic_flag = (r->frame_count == 0); pic->pic_fields.bits.reference_pic_flag = 1; status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncPictureParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264), 1, pic, &pic_param_buf); if (status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return pic_param_buf; else return VA_INVALID_ID; } static VABufferID encoder_update_slice_parameter(struct vaapi_recorder *r, int slice_type) { VABufferID slice_param_buf; VAStatus status; int width_in_mbs = (r->width + 15) / 16; int height_in_mbs = (r->height + 15) / 16; memset(&r->encoder.param.slice, 0, sizeof r->encoder.param.slice); r->encoder.param.slice.num_macroblocks = width_in_mbs * height_in_mbs; r->encoder.param.slice.slice_type = slice_type; r->encoder.param.slice.slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 = 2; r->encoder.param.slice.slice_beta_offset_div2 = 2; status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncSliceParameterBufferType, sizeof(r->encoder.param.slice), 1, &r->encoder.param.slice, &slice_param_buf); if (status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return slice_param_buf; else return VA_INVALID_ID; } static VABufferID encoder_update_misc_hdr_parameter(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VAEncMiscParameterBuffer *misc_param; VAEncMiscParameterHRD *hrd; VABufferID buffer; VAStatus status; int total_size = sizeof(VAEncMiscParameterBuffer) + sizeof(VAEncMiscParameterRateControl); status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncMiscParameterBufferType, total_size, 1, NULL, &buffer); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return VA_INVALID_ID; status = vaMapBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffer, (void **) &misc_param); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffer); return VA_INVALID_ID; } misc_param->type = VAEncMiscParameterTypeHRD; hrd = (VAEncMiscParameterHRD *) misc_param->data; hrd->initial_buffer_fullness = 0; hrd->buffer_size = 0; vaUnmapBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffer); return buffer; } static int setup_encoder(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VAStatus status; status = encoder_create_config(r); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return -1; } status = vaCreateSurfaces(r->va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, r->width, r->height, r->encoder.reference_picture, 3, NULL, 0); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { encoder_destroy_config(r); return -1; } /* VAProfileH264Main */ r->encoder.constraint_set_flag |= (1 << 1); /* Annex A.2.2 */ r->encoder.output_size = r->width * r->height; r->encoder.intra_period = 30; encoder_init_seq_parameters(r); encoder_init_pic_parameters(r); return 0; } static void encoder_destroy(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { vaDestroySurfaces(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.reference_picture, 3); encoder_destroy_config(r); } static void nal_start_code_prefix(struct bitstream *bs) { bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0x00000001, 32); } static void nal_header(struct bitstream *bs, int nal_ref_idc, int nal_unit_type) { /* forbidden_zero_bit: 0 */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, nal_ref_idc, 2); bitstream_put_ui(bs, nal_unit_type, 5); } static void rbsp_trailing_bits(struct bitstream *bs) { bitstream_put_ui(bs, 1, 1); bitstream_byte_aligning(bs, 0); } static void sps_rbsp(struct bitstream *bs, VAEncSequenceParameterBufferH264 *seq, int constraint_set_flag) { int i; bitstream_put_ui(bs, PROFILE_IDC_MAIN, 8); /* constraint_set[0-3] flag */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int set = (constraint_set_flag & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0; bitstream_put_ui(bs, set, 1); } /* reserved_zero_4bits */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 4); bitstream_put_ui(bs, seq->level_idc, 8); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->seq_parameter_set_id); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->seq_fields.bits.log2_max_frame_num_minus4); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->seq_fields.bits.pic_order_cnt_type); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->seq_fields.bits.log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->max_num_ref_frames); /* gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* pic_width_in_mbs_minus1, pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 */ bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->picture_width_in_mbs - 1); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->picture_height_in_mbs - 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, seq->seq_fields.bits.frame_mbs_only_flag, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, seq->seq_fields.bits.direct_8x8_inference_flag, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, seq->frame_cropping_flag, 1); if (seq->frame_cropping_flag) { bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->frame_crop_left_offset); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->frame_crop_right_offset); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->frame_crop_top_offset); bitstream_put_ue(bs, seq->frame_crop_bottom_offset); } /* vui_parameters_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 1, 1); /* aspect_ratio_info_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* overscan_info_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* video_signal_type_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* chroma_loc_info_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* timing_info_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 1, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, seq->num_units_in_tick, 32); bitstream_put_ui(bs, seq->time_scale, 32); /* fixed_frame_rate_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 1, 1); /* nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* low_delay_hrd_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* pic_struct_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* bitstream_restriction_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); rbsp_trailing_bits(bs); } static void pps_rbsp(struct bitstream *bs, VAEncPictureParameterBufferH264 *pic) { /* pic_parameter_set_id, seq_parameter_set_id */ bitstream_put_ue(bs, pic->pic_parameter_set_id); bitstream_put_ue(bs, pic->seq_parameter_set_id); bitstream_put_ui(bs, pic->pic_fields.bits.entropy_coding_mode_flag, 1); /* pic_order_present_flag: 0 */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); /* num_slice_groups_minus1 */ bitstream_put_ue(bs, 0); bitstream_put_ue(bs, pic->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1); bitstream_put_ue(bs, pic->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, pic->pic_fields.bits.weighted_pred_flag, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, pic->pic_fields.bits.weighted_bipred_idc, 2); /* pic_init_qp_minus26, pic_init_qs_minus26, chroma_qp_index_offset */ bitstream_put_se(bs, pic->pic_init_qp - 26); bitstream_put_se(bs, 0); bitstream_put_se(bs, 0); bitstream_put_ui(bs, pic->pic_fields.bits.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag, 1); /* constrained_intra_pred_flag, redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); bitstream_put_ui(bs, pic->pic_fields.bits.transform_8x8_mode_flag, 1); /* pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag */ bitstream_put_ui(bs, 0, 1); bitstream_put_se(bs, pic->second_chroma_qp_index_offset ); rbsp_trailing_bits(bs); } static int build_packed_pic_buffer(struct vaapi_recorder *r, void **header_buffer) { struct bitstream bs; bitstream_start(&bs); nal_start_code_prefix(&bs); nal_header(&bs, NAL_REF_IDC_HIGH, NAL_PPS); pps_rbsp(&bs, &r->encoder.param.pic); bitstream_end(&bs); *header_buffer = bs.buffer; return bs.bit_offset; } static int build_packed_seq_buffer(struct vaapi_recorder *r, void **header_buffer) { struct bitstream bs; bitstream_start(&bs); nal_start_code_prefix(&bs); nal_header(&bs, NAL_REF_IDC_HIGH, NAL_SPS); sps_rbsp(&bs, &r->encoder.param.seq, r->encoder.constraint_set_flag); bitstream_end(&bs); *header_buffer = bs.buffer; return bs.bit_offset; } static int create_packed_header_buffers(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VABufferID *buffers, VAEncPackedHeaderType type, void *data, int bit_length) { VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBuffer packed_header; VAStatus status; packed_header.type = type; packed_header.bit_length = bit_length; packed_header.has_emulation_bytes = 0; status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBufferType, sizeof packed_header, 1, &packed_header, &buffers[0]); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return 0; status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncPackedHeaderDataBufferType, (bit_length + 7) / 8, 1, data, &buffers[1]); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffers[0]); return 0; } return 2; } static int encoder_prepare_headers(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VABufferID *buffers) { VABufferID *p; int bit_length; void *data; p = buffers; bit_length = build_packed_seq_buffer(r, &data); p += create_packed_header_buffers(r, p, VAEncPackedHeaderSequence, data, bit_length); free(data); bit_length = build_packed_pic_buffer(r, &data); p += create_packed_header_buffers(r, p, VAEncPackedHeaderPicture, data, bit_length); free(data); return p - buffers; } static VAStatus encoder_render_picture(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VASurfaceID input, VABufferID *buffers, int count) { VAStatus status; status = vaBeginPicture(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, input); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = vaRenderPicture(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, buffers, count); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = vaEndPicture(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; return vaSyncSurface(r->va_dpy, input); } static VABufferID encoder_create_output_buffer(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VABufferID output_buf; VAStatus status; status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->encoder.ctx, VAEncCodedBufferType, r->encoder.output_size, 1, NULL, &output_buf); if (status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return output_buf; else return VA_INVALID_ID; } enum output_write_status { OUTPUT_WRITE_SUCCESS, OUTPUT_WRITE_OVERFLOW, OUTPUT_WRITE_FATAL }; static enum output_write_status encoder_write_output(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VABufferID output_buf) { VACodedBufferSegment *segment; VAStatus status; int count; status = vaMapBuffer(r->va_dpy, output_buf, (void **) &segment); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return OUTPUT_WRITE_FATAL; if (segment->status & VA_CODED_BUF_STATUS_SLICE_OVERFLOW_MASK) { r->encoder.output_size *= 2; vaUnmapBuffer(r->va_dpy, output_buf); return OUTPUT_WRITE_OVERFLOW; } count = write(r->output_fd, segment->buf, segment->size); vaUnmapBuffer(r->va_dpy, output_buf); if (count < 0) return OUTPUT_WRITE_FATAL; return OUTPUT_WRITE_SUCCESS; } static void encoder_encode(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VASurfaceID input) { VABufferID output_buf = VA_INVALID_ID; VABufferID buffers[8]; int count = 0; int i, slice_type; enum output_write_status ret; if ((r->frame_count % r->encoder.intra_period) == 0) slice_type = SLICE_TYPE_I; else slice_type = SLICE_TYPE_P; buffers[count++] = encoder_update_seq_parameters(r); buffers[count++] = encoder_update_misc_hdr_parameter(r); buffers[count++] = encoder_update_slice_parameter(r, slice_type); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (buffers[i] == VA_INVALID_ID) goto bail; if (r->frame_count == 0) count += encoder_prepare_headers(r, buffers + count); do { output_buf = encoder_create_output_buffer(r); if (output_buf == VA_INVALID_ID) goto bail; buffers[count++] = encoder_update_pic_parameters(r, output_buf); if (buffers[count - 1] == VA_INVALID_ID) goto bail; encoder_render_picture(r, input, buffers, count); ret = encoder_write_output(r, output_buf); vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, output_buf); output_buf = VA_INVALID_ID; vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffers[--count]); } while (ret == OUTPUT_WRITE_OVERFLOW); if (ret == OUTPUT_WRITE_FATAL) r->error = errno; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffers[i]); r->frame_count++; return; bail: for (i = 0; i < count; i++) vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, buffers[i]); if (output_buf != VA_INVALID_ID) vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, output_buf); } static int setup_vpp(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VAStatus status; status = vaCreateConfig(r->va_dpy, VAProfileNone, VAEntrypointVideoProc, NULL, 0, &r->vpp.cfg); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("vaapi: failed to create VPP config\n"); return -1; } status = vaCreateContext(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.cfg, r->width, r->height, 0, NULL, 0, &r->vpp.ctx); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("vaapi: failed to create VPP context\n"); goto err_cfg; } status = vaCreateBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.ctx, VAProcPipelineParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer), 1, NULL, &r->vpp.pipeline_buf); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("vaapi: failed to create VPP pipeline buffer\n"); goto err_ctx; } status = vaCreateSurfaces(r->va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, r->width, r->height, &r->vpp.output, 1, NULL, 0); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("vaapi: failed to create YUV surface\n"); goto err_buf; } return 0; err_buf: vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.pipeline_buf); err_ctx: vaDestroyConfig(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.ctx); err_cfg: vaDestroyConfig(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.cfg); return -1; } static void vpp_destroy(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { vaDestroySurfaces(r->va_dpy, &r->vpp.output, 1); vaDestroyBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.pipeline_buf); vaDestroyConfig(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.ctx); vaDestroyConfig(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.cfg); } static int setup_worker_thread(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { pthread_mutex_init(&r->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&r->input_cond, NULL); pthread_create(&r->worker_thread, NULL, worker_thread_function, r); return 1; } static void destroy_worker_thread(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { pthread_mutex_lock(&r->mutex); /* Make sure the worker thread finishes */ r->destroying = 1; pthread_cond_signal(&r->input_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&r->mutex); pthread_join(r->worker_thread, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(&r->mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&r->input_cond); } struct vaapi_recorder * vaapi_recorder_create(int drm_fd, int width, int height, const char *filename) { struct vaapi_recorder *r; VAStatus status; int major, minor; int flags; r = zalloc(sizeof *r); if (r == NULL) return NULL; r->width = width; r->height = height; r->drm_fd = drm_fd; if (setup_worker_thread(r) < 0) goto err_free; flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC; r->output_fd = open(filename, flags, 0644); if (r->output_fd < 0) goto err_thread; r->va_dpy = vaGetDisplayDRM(drm_fd); if (!r->va_dpy) { weston_log("failed to create VA display\n"); goto err_fd; } status = vaInitialize(r->va_dpy, &major, &minor); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("vaapi: failed to initialize display\n"); goto err_fd; } if (setup_vpp(r) < 0) { weston_log("vaapi: failed to initialize VPP pipeline\n"); goto err_va_dpy; } if (setup_encoder(r) < 0) { goto err_vpp; } return r; err_vpp: vpp_destroy(r); err_va_dpy: vaTerminate(r->va_dpy); err_fd: close(r->output_fd); err_thread: destroy_worker_thread(r); err_free: free(r); return NULL; } void vaapi_recorder_destroy(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { destroy_worker_thread(r); encoder_destroy(r); vpp_destroy(r); vaTerminate(r->va_dpy); close(r->output_fd); close(r->drm_fd); free(r); } static VAStatus create_surface_from_fd(struct vaapi_recorder *r, int prime_fd, int stride, VASurfaceID *surface) { VASurfaceAttrib va_attribs[2]; VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers va_attrib_extbuf; VAStatus status; unsigned long buffer_fd = prime_fd; va_attrib_extbuf.pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_BGRX; va_attrib_extbuf.width = r->width; va_attrib_extbuf.height = r->height; va_attrib_extbuf.data_size = r->height * stride; va_attrib_extbuf.num_planes = 1; va_attrib_extbuf.pitches[0] = stride; va_attrib_extbuf.offsets[0] = 0; va_attrib_extbuf.buffers = &buffer_fd; va_attrib_extbuf.num_buffers = 1; va_attrib_extbuf.flags = 0; va_attrib_extbuf.private_data = NULL; va_attribs[0].type = VASurfaceAttribMemoryType; va_attribs[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; va_attribs[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger; va_attribs[0].value.value.i = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_DRM_PRIME; va_attribs[1].type = VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor; va_attribs[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; va_attribs[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer; va_attribs[1].value.value.p = &va_attrib_extbuf; status = vaCreateSurfaces(r->va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_RGB32, r->width, r->height, surface, 1, va_attribs, 2); return status; } static VAStatus convert_rgb_to_yuv(struct vaapi_recorder *r, VASurfaceID rgb_surface) { VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer *pipeline_param; VAStatus status; status = vaMapBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.pipeline_buf, (void **) &pipeline_param); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; memset(pipeline_param, 0, sizeof *pipeline_param); pipeline_param->surface = rgb_surface; pipeline_param->surface_color_standard = VAProcColorStandardNone; pipeline_param->output_background_color = 0xff000000; pipeline_param->output_color_standard = VAProcColorStandardNone; status = vaUnmapBuffer(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.pipeline_buf); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = vaBeginPicture(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.ctx, r->vpp.output); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = vaRenderPicture(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.ctx, &r->vpp.pipeline_buf, 1); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = vaEndPicture(r->va_dpy, r->vpp.ctx); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; return status; } static void recorder_frame(struct vaapi_recorder *r) { VASurfaceID rgb_surface; VAStatus status; status = create_surface_from_fd(r, r->input.prime_fd, r->input.stride, &rgb_surface); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("[libva recorder] " "failed to create surface from bo\n"); return; } close(r->input.prime_fd); status = convert_rgb_to_yuv(r, rgb_surface); if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { weston_log("[libva recorder] " "color space conversion failed\n"); return; } encoder_encode(r, r->vpp.output); vaDestroySurfaces(r->va_dpy, &rgb_surface, 1); } static void * worker_thread_function(void *data) { struct vaapi_recorder *r = data; pthread_mutex_lock(&r->mutex); while (!r->destroying) { if (!r->input.valid) pthread_cond_wait(&r->input_cond, &r->mutex); /* If the thread is awaken by destroy_worker_thread(), * there might not be valid input */ if (!r->input.valid) continue; recorder_frame(r); r->input.valid = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&r->mutex); return NULL; } int vaapi_recorder_frame(struct vaapi_recorder *r, int prime_fd, int stride) { int ret = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&r->mutex); if (r->error) { errno = r->error; ret = -1; goto unlock; } /* The mutex is never released while encoding, so this point should * never be reached if input.valid is true. */ assert(!r->input.valid); r->input.prime_fd = prime_fd; r->input.stride = stride; r->input.valid = 1; pthread_cond_signal(&r->input_cond); unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock(&r->mutex); return ret; }