plugin_test_shell_desktop = shared_library( 'weston-test-desktop-shell', 'weston-test-desktop-shell.c', include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: [ dep_lib_desktop, dep_libweston_public ], name_prefix: '', install: false ) env_modmap += ';'.format(plugin_test_shell_desktop.full_path()) lib_test_runner = static_library( 'test-runner', 'weston-test-runner.c', dependencies: [ dep_libweston_private_h_deps, dep_wayland_client, ], include_directories: common_inc, install: false, ) dep_test_runner = declare_dependency( dependencies: dep_wayland_client, link_with: lib_test_runner ) lib_test_client = static_library( 'test-client', [ 'weston-test-client-helper.c', 'weston-test-fixture-compositor.c', weston_test_client_protocol_h, weston_test_protocol_c, ], include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: [ dep_libshared, dep_wayland_client, dep_libexec_weston, dep_pixman, dependency('cairo'), ], install: false, ) dep_test_client = declare_dependency( link_with: lib_test_client, dependencies: [ dep_wayland_client, dep_test_runner, dep_pixman, ] ) exe_plugin_test = shared_library( 'test-plugin', 'weston-test.c', weston_test_server_protocol_h, weston_test_protocol_c, include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: [ dep_libexec_weston, dep_libweston_private, dep_threads ], name_prefix: '', install: false, ) deps_zuc = [ dep_libshared ] if get_option('test-junit-xml') d = dependency('libxml-2.0', version: '>= 2.6', required: false) if not d.found() error('JUnit XML support requires libxml-2.0 >= 2.6 which was not found. Or, you can use \'-Dtest-junit-xml=false\'.') endif deps_zuc += d config_h.set('ENABLE_JUNIT_XML', '1') endif lib_zuc = static_library( 'zunitc', '../tools/zunitc/inc/zunitc/zunitc.h', '../tools/zunitc/inc/zunitc/zunitc_impl.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_base_logger.c', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_base_logger.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_collector.c', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_collector.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_context.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_event.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_event_listener.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_junit_reporter.c', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_junit_reporter.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zuc_types.h', '../tools/zunitc/src/zunitc_impl.c', include_directories: [ common_inc, include_directories('../tools/zunitc/inc') ], dependencies: deps_zuc, ) dep_zuc = declare_dependency( link_with: lib_zuc, dependencies: dep_libshared, include_directories: include_directories('../tools/zunitc/inc') ) lib_zucmain = static_library( 'zunitcmain', '../tools/zunitc/src/main.c', include_directories: [ common_inc, include_directories('../tools/zunitc/inc') ], dependencies: [ dep_libshared, dep_zuc ], ) dep_zucmain = declare_dependency( link_with: lib_zucmain, dependencies: dep_zuc ) tests = [ { 'name': 'plugin-registry', }, { 'name': 'roles', }, { 'name': 'string', }, { 'name': 'subsurface-shot', }, { 'name': 'vertex-clip', 'dep_objs': dep_vertex_clipping, }, ] tests_standalone = [ ['config-parser', [], [ dep_zucmain ]], ['matrix', [], [ dep_libm, dep_matrix_c ]], ['timespec', [], [ dep_zucmain ]], ['zuc', [ '../tools/zunitc/test/fixtures_test.c', '../tools/zunitc/test/zunitc_test.c' ], [ dep_zucmain ] ], ] tests_weston = [ ['bad-buffer'], ['devices'], ['event'], [ 'keyboard', [ 'input-timestamps-helper.c', input_timestamps_unstable_v1_client_protocol_h, input_timestamps_unstable_v1_protocol_c, ] ], [ 'linux-explicit-synchronization', [ linux_explicit_synchronization_unstable_v1_client_protocol_h, linux_explicit_synchronization_unstable_v1_protocol_c, ] ], ['internal-screenshot'], [ 'presentation', [ presentation_time_client_protocol_h, presentation_time_protocol_c, ] ], [ 'pointer', [ 'input-timestamps-helper.c', input_timestamps_unstable_v1_client_protocol_h, input_timestamps_unstable_v1_protocol_c, ] ], ['subsurface'], [ 'text', [ text_input_unstable_v1_client_protocol_h, text_input_unstable_v1_protocol_c, ] ], [ 'touch', [ 'input-timestamps-helper.c', input_timestamps_unstable_v1_client_protocol_h, input_timestamps_unstable_v1_protocol_c, ] ], [ 'viewporter', [ viewporter_client_protocol_h, viewporter_protocol_c, ] ], ] if get_option('xwayland') d = dependency('x11', required: false) if not d.found() error('Xwayland tests require libX11 which was not found. Or, you can use \'-Dxwayland=false\'.') endif tests_weston += [ [ 'xwayland', [], d ] ] endif tests_weston_plugin = [ ['surface'], ['surface-global'], ['surface-screenshot', 'surface-screenshot-test.c', dep_libshared], ] if get_option('shell-ivi') tests_weston += [ [ 'ivi-shell-app', [ ivi_application_client_protocol_h, ivi_application_protocol_c, ] ] ] tests_weston_plugin += [ ['ivi-layout-internal'], ] ivi_layout_test_plugin = shared_library( 'test-ivi-layout', [ 'ivi-layout-test-plugin.c', weston_test_server_protocol_h, weston_test_protocol_c, ], include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: [ dep_libweston_private, dep_libexec_weston ], name_prefix: '', install: false, ) env_modmap += '' + ivi_layout_test_plugin.full_path() + ';' tests += [ { 'name': 'ivi-layout-client', 'sources': [ 'ivi-layout-test-client.c', ivi_application_client_protocol_h, ivi_application_protocol_c, ], 'test_deps': [ ivi_layout_test_plugin ], }, ] endif env_test_weston = [ 'WESTON_TEST_REFERENCE_PATH=@0@/reference'.format(meson.current_source_dir()), 'WESTON_MODULE_MAP=@0@'.format(env_modmap), 'WESTON_DATA_DIR=' + join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), '..', 'data'), ] test_config_h = configuration_data() test_config_h.set_quoted('WESTON_TEST_REFERENCE_PATH', meson.current_source_dir() + '/reference') test_config_h.set_quoted('WESTON_MODULE_MAP', env_modmap) test_config_h.set_quoted('WESTON_DATA_DIR', join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), '..', 'data')) test_config_h.set_quoted('TESTSUITE_PLUGIN_PATH', exe_plugin_test.full_path()) configure_file(output: 'test-config.h', configuration: test_config_h) foreach t : tests t_name = 'test-' + t.get('name') t_sources = t.get('sources', [t.get('name') + '-test.c']) t_sources += weston_test_client_protocol_h t_deps = [ dep_test_client, dep_libweston_private_h ] t_deps += t.get('dep_objs', []) t_exe = executable( t_name, t_sources, c_args: [ '-DUNIT_TEST', '-DTHIS_TEST_NAME="' + t_name + '"', ], build_by_default: true, include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: t_deps, install: false, ) test(t.get('name'), t_exe, depends: t.get('test_deps', [])) endforeach # FIXME: the multiple loops is lame. rethink this. foreach t : tests_standalone if t[0] != 'zuc' srcs_t = [ '@0@-test.c'.format(t.get(0)), weston_test_client_protocol_h, ] else srcs_t = [] endif if t.length() > 1 srcs_t += t.get(1) endif if t.length() > 2 deps_t = t[2] else deps_t = [ dep_test_client ] endif exe_t = executable( 'test-@0@'.format(t.get(0)), srcs_t, c_args: [ '-DUNIT_TEST' ], build_by_default: true, include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: deps_t, install: false, ) # matrix-test is a manual test if t[0] != 'matrix' test(t.get(0), exe_t) endif endforeach foreach t : tests_weston srcs_t = [ '@0@-test.c'.format(t.get(0)), weston_test_client_protocol_h, ] if t.length() > 1 srcs_t += t.get(1) endif deps_t = [ dep_test_client ] if t.length() > 2 deps_t += t.get(2) endif args_t = [ '', '--socket=test-@0@'.format(t.get(0)), '--modules=@0@'.format(exe_plugin_test.full_path()), '--width=320', '--height=240', ] if t.get(0) == 'xwayland' args_t += '--xwayland' endif # FIXME: Get this from the array ... ? if t.get(0) == 'internal-screenshot' args_t += [ '--config=@0@/internal-screenshot.ini'.format(meson.current_source_dir()) ] args_t += [ '--use-pixman' ] args_t += [ '' ] elif t[0] == 'subsurface-shot' args_t += [ '--no-config' ] args_t += [ '--use-pixman' ] args_t += [ '--width=320' ] args_t += [ '--height=240' ] args_t += [ '' ] elif t.get(0) == 'linux-explicit-synchronization' args_t += [ '--use-pixman' ] elif t.get(0).startswith('ivi-') args_t += [ '--config=@0@/../ivi-shell/weston-ivi-test.ini'.format(meson.current_build_dir()) ] args_t += [ '' ] else args_t += [ '--no-config' ] args_t += [ '' ] endif exe_t = executable( 'test-@0@'.format(t.get(0)), srcs_t, c_args: [ '-DUNIT_TEST' ], include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: deps_t, install: false, ) env_t = [ 'WESTON_TEST_CLIENT_PATH=@0@'.format(exe_t.full_path()) ] env_t += env_test_weston test(t.get(0), exe_weston, env: env_t, args: args_t) endforeach foreach t : tests_weston_plugin srcs_t = [] if t.length() > 1 srcs_t += t.get(1) else srcs_t += '@0@-test.c'.format(t.get(0)) endif deps_t = [ dep_libweston_private, ] if t.length() > 2 deps_t += t.get(2) endif exe_t = shared_library( 'test-@0@'.format(t.get(0)), srcs_t, include_directories: common_inc, dependencies: deps_t, name_prefix: '', install: false, ) args_t = [ '', '--socket=test-@0@'.format(t.get(0)), ] # FIXME: Get this from the array ... ? if t.get(0).startswith('ivi-') args_t += [ '--no-config' ] args_t += [ '--modules=@1@,@0@'.format(exe_plugin_test.full_path(),exe_t.full_path()) ] args_t += [ '' ] else args_t += [ '--no-config' ] args_t += [ '' ] args_t += [ '--modules=@0@'.format(exe_t.full_path()) ] endif # surface-screenshot is a manual test if t[0] != 'surface-screenshot' test(t.get(0), exe_weston, env: env_test_weston, args: args_t) endif endforeach if get_option('backend-drm') executable( 'setbacklight', 'setbacklight.c', dependencies: [ dep_backlight, dep_libdrm, dependency('libudev') ], include_directories: common_inc, install: false ) endif