/* * Copyright © 2011 Kristian Høgsberg * Copyright © 2011 Collabora, Ltd. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and * that the name of the copyright holders not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. The copyright holders make no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as * is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <math.h> #include <cairo.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <wayland-client.h> #include "cairo-util.h" #include "window.h" #include "../shared/config-parser.h" #include "desktop-shell-client-protocol.h" struct desktop { struct display *display; struct desktop_shell *shell; struct unlock_dialog *unlock_dialog; struct task unlock_task; struct wl_list outputs; }; struct surface { void (*configure)(void *data, struct desktop_shell *desktop_shell, uint32_t time, uint32_t edges, struct window *window, int32_t width, int32_t height); }; struct panel { struct surface base; struct window *window; struct widget *widget; struct wl_list launcher_list; }; struct background { struct surface base; struct window *window; struct widget *widget; }; struct output { struct wl_output *output; struct wl_list link; struct panel *panel; struct background *background; }; struct panel_launcher { struct widget *widget; struct panel *panel; cairo_surface_t *icon; int focused, pressed; const char *path; struct wl_list link; }; struct unlock_dialog { struct window *window; struct widget *widget; struct widget *button; int button_focused; int closing; struct desktop *desktop; }; static char *key_background_image = DATADIR "/weston/pattern.png"; static char *key_background_type = "tile"; static uint32_t key_panel_color = 0xaa000000; static uint32_t key_background_color = 0xff002244; static char *key_launcher_icon; static char *key_launcher_path; static void launcher_section_done(void *data); static int key_locking = 1; static const struct config_key shell_config_keys[] = { { "background-image", CONFIG_KEY_STRING, &key_background_image }, { "background-type", CONFIG_KEY_STRING, &key_background_type }, { "panel-color", CONFIG_KEY_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, &key_panel_color }, { "background-color", CONFIG_KEY_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, &key_background_color }, { "locking", CONFIG_KEY_BOOLEAN, &key_locking }, }; static const struct config_key launcher_config_keys[] = { { "icon", CONFIG_KEY_STRING, &key_launcher_icon }, { "path", CONFIG_KEY_STRING, &key_launcher_path }, }; static const struct config_section config_sections[] = { { "desktop-shell", shell_config_keys, ARRAY_LENGTH(shell_config_keys) }, { "launcher", launcher_config_keys, ARRAY_LENGTH(launcher_config_keys), launcher_section_done } }; static void sigchild_handler(int s) { int status; pid_t pid; while (pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG), pid > 0) fprintf(stderr, "child %d exited\n", pid); } static void menu_func(struct window *window, int index, void *data) { printf("Selected index %d from a panel menu.\n", index); } static void show_menu(struct panel *panel, struct input *input, uint32_t time) { int32_t x, y; static const char *entries[] = { "Roy", "Pris", "Leon", "Zhora" }; input_get_position(input, &x, &y); window_show_menu(window_get_display(panel->window), input, time, panel->window, x - 10, y - 10, menu_func, entries, 4); } static void panel_launcher_activate(struct panel_launcher *widget) { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "fork failed: %m\n"); return; } if (pid) return; if (execl(widget->path, widget->path, NULL) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "execl '%s' failed: %m\n", widget->path); exit(1); } } static void panel_launcher_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, void *data) { struct panel_launcher *launcher = data; cairo_surface_t *surface; struct rectangle allocation; cairo_t *cr; surface = window_get_surface(launcher->panel->window); cr = cairo_create(surface); widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation); if (launcher->pressed) { allocation.x++; allocation.y++; } cairo_set_source_surface(cr, launcher->icon, allocation.x, allocation.y); cairo_paint(cr); if (launcher->focused) { cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4); cairo_mask_surface(cr, launcher->icon, allocation.x, allocation.y); } cairo_destroy(cr); } static void set_hex_color(cairo_t *cr, uint32_t color) { cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0, ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0, ((color >> 0) & 0xff) / 255.0, ((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0); } static void panel_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, void *data) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; struct panel *panel = data; surface = window_get_surface(panel->window); cr = cairo_create(surface); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); set_hex_color(cr, key_panel_color); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } static int panel_launcher_enter_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, int32_t x, int32_t y, void *data) { struct panel_launcher *launcher = data; launcher->focused = 1; widget_schedule_redraw(widget); return POINTER_LEFT_PTR; } static void panel_launcher_leave_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, void *data) { struct panel_launcher *launcher = data; launcher->focused = 0; widget_schedule_redraw(widget); } static void panel_launcher_button_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, int button, int state, void *data) { struct panel_launcher *launcher; launcher = widget_get_user_data(widget); widget_schedule_redraw(widget); if (state == 0) panel_launcher_activate(launcher); } static void panel_button_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, int button, int state, void *data) { struct panel *panel = data; if (button == BTN_RIGHT && state) show_menu(panel, input, time); } static void panel_resize_handler(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height, void *data) { struct panel_launcher *launcher; struct panel *panel = data; int x, y, w, h; x = 10; y = 16; wl_list_for_each(launcher, &panel->launcher_list, link) { w = cairo_image_surface_get_width(launcher->icon); h = cairo_image_surface_get_height(launcher->icon); widget_set_allocation(launcher->widget, x, y - h / 2, w + 1, h + 1); x += w + 10; } } static void panel_configure(void *data, struct desktop_shell *desktop_shell, uint32_t time, uint32_t edges, struct window *window, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct surface *surface = window_get_user_data(window); struct panel *panel = container_of(surface, struct panel, base); window_schedule_resize(panel->window, width, 32); } static struct panel * panel_create(struct display *display) { struct panel *panel; panel = malloc(sizeof *panel); memset(panel, 0, sizeof *panel); panel->base.configure = panel_configure; panel->window = window_create(display); panel->widget = window_add_widget(panel->window, panel); wl_list_init(&panel->launcher_list); window_set_title(panel->window, "panel"); window_set_custom(panel->window); window_set_user_data(panel->window, panel); widget_set_redraw_handler(panel->widget, panel_redraw_handler); widget_set_resize_handler(panel->widget, panel_resize_handler); widget_set_button_handler(panel->widget, panel_button_handler); return panel; } static void panel_add_launcher(struct panel *panel, const char *icon, const char *path) { struct panel_launcher *launcher; launcher = malloc(sizeof *launcher); memset(launcher, 0, sizeof *launcher); launcher->icon = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(icon); launcher->path = strdup(path); launcher->panel = panel; wl_list_insert(panel->launcher_list.prev, &launcher->link); launcher->widget = widget_add_widget(panel->widget, launcher); widget_set_enter_handler(launcher->widget, panel_launcher_enter_handler); widget_set_leave_handler(launcher->widget, panel_launcher_leave_handler); widget_set_button_handler(launcher->widget, panel_launcher_button_handler); widget_set_redraw_handler(launcher->widget, panel_launcher_redraw_handler); } enum { BACKGROUND_SCALE, BACKGROUND_TILE }; static void background_draw(struct widget *widget, void *data) { struct background *background = data; cairo_surface_t *surface, *image; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_t *cr; double sx, sy; struct rectangle allocation; int type = -1; surface = window_get_surface(background->window); cr = cairo_create(surface); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0); cairo_paint(cr); widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation); image = NULL; if (key_background_image) image = load_image(key_background_image); if (strcmp(key_background_type, "scale") == 0) type = BACKGROUND_SCALE; else if (strcmp(key_background_type, "tile") == 0) type = BACKGROUND_TILE; else fprintf(stderr, "invalid background-type: %s\n", key_background_type); if (image && type != -1) { pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(image); switch (type) { case BACKGROUND_SCALE: sx = (double) cairo_image_surface_get_width(image) / allocation.width; sy = (double) cairo_image_surface_get_height(image) / allocation.height; cairo_matrix_init_scale(&matrix, sx, sy); cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern, &matrix); break; case BACKGROUND_TILE: cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); break; } cairo_set_source(cr, pattern); cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); cairo_surface_destroy(image); } else { set_hex_color(cr, key_background_color); } cairo_paint(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } static void background_configure(void *data, struct desktop_shell *desktop_shell, uint32_t time, uint32_t edges, struct window *window, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct background *background = (struct background *) window_get_user_data(window); widget_schedule_resize(background->widget, width, height); } static void unlock_dialog_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, void *data) { struct unlock_dialog *dialog = data; struct rectangle allocation; cairo_t *cr; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_pattern_t *pat; double cx, cy, r, f; surface = window_get_surface(dialog->window); cr = cairo_create(surface); widget_get_allocation(dialog->widget, &allocation); cairo_rectangle(cr, allocation.x, allocation.y, allocation.width, allocation.height); cairo_clip(cr); cairo_push_group(cr); cairo_translate(cr, allocation.x, allocation.y); cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.6); cairo_paint(cr); if (dialog->button_focused) f = 1.0; else f = 0.7; cx = allocation.width / 2.0; cy = allocation.height / 2.0; r = (cx < cy ? cx : cy) * 0.4; pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial(cx, cy, r * 0.7, cx, cy, r); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(pat, 0.0, 0, 0.86 * f, 0); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(pat, 0.85, 0.2 * f, f, 0.2 * f); cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb(pat, 1.0, 0, 0.86 * f, 0); cairo_set_source(cr, pat); cairo_arc(cr, cx, cy, r, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI); cairo_fill(cr); widget_set_allocation(dialog->button, allocation.x + cx - r, allocation.y + cy - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); cairo_pattern_destroy(pat); cairo_pop_group_to_source(cr); cairo_paint(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } static void unlock_dialog_button_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, int button, int state, void *data) { struct unlock_dialog *dialog = data; struct desktop *desktop = dialog->desktop; if (button == BTN_LEFT) { if (state == 0 && !dialog->closing) { display_defer(desktop->display, &desktop->unlock_task); dialog->closing = 1; } } } static void unlock_dialog_keyboard_focus_handler(struct window *window, struct input *device, void *data) { window_schedule_redraw(window); } static int unlock_dialog_widget_enter_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, uint32_t time, int32_t x, int32_t y, void *data) { struct unlock_dialog *dialog = data; dialog->button_focused = 1; widget_schedule_redraw(widget); return POINTER_LEFT_PTR; } static void unlock_dialog_widget_leave_handler(struct widget *widget, struct input *input, void *data) { struct unlock_dialog *dialog = data; dialog->button_focused = 0; widget_schedule_redraw(widget); } static struct unlock_dialog * unlock_dialog_create(struct desktop *desktop) { struct display *display = desktop->display; struct unlock_dialog *dialog; dialog = malloc(sizeof *dialog); if (!dialog) return NULL; memset(dialog, 0, sizeof *dialog); dialog->window = window_create(display); dialog->widget = frame_create(dialog->window, dialog); window_set_title(dialog->window, "Unlock your desktop"); window_set_custom(dialog->window); window_set_user_data(dialog->window, dialog); window_set_keyboard_focus_handler(dialog->window, unlock_dialog_keyboard_focus_handler); dialog->button = widget_add_widget(dialog->widget, dialog); widget_set_redraw_handler(dialog->widget, unlock_dialog_redraw_handler); widget_set_enter_handler(dialog->button, unlock_dialog_widget_enter_handler); widget_set_leave_handler(dialog->button, unlock_dialog_widget_leave_handler); widget_set_button_handler(dialog->button, unlock_dialog_button_handler); desktop_shell_set_lock_surface(desktop->shell, window_get_wl_shell_surface(dialog->window)); window_schedule_resize(dialog->window, 260, 230); return dialog; } static void unlock_dialog_destroy(struct unlock_dialog *dialog) { window_destroy(dialog->window); free(dialog); } static void unlock_dialog_finish(struct task *task, uint32_t events) { struct desktop *desktop = container_of(task, struct desktop, unlock_task); desktop_shell_unlock(desktop->shell); unlock_dialog_destroy(desktop->unlock_dialog); desktop->unlock_dialog = NULL; } static void desktop_shell_configure(void *data, struct desktop_shell *desktop_shell, uint32_t time, uint32_t edges, struct wl_shell_surface *shell_surface, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct window *window = wl_shell_surface_get_user_data(shell_surface); struct surface *s = window_get_user_data(window); s->configure(data, desktop_shell, time, edges, window, width, height); } static void desktop_shell_prepare_lock_surface(void *data, struct desktop_shell *desktop_shell) { struct desktop *desktop = data; if (!key_locking) { desktop_shell_unlock(desktop->shell); return; } if (!desktop->unlock_dialog) { desktop->unlock_dialog = unlock_dialog_create(desktop); desktop->unlock_dialog->desktop = desktop; } } static const struct desktop_shell_listener listener = { desktop_shell_configure, desktop_shell_prepare_lock_surface }; static struct background * background_create(struct desktop *desktop) { struct background *background; background = malloc(sizeof *background); memset(background, 0, sizeof *background); background->base.configure = background_configure; background->window = window_create(desktop->display); background->widget = window_add_widget(background->window, background); window_set_custom(background->window); window_set_user_data(background->window, background); widget_set_redraw_handler(background->widget, background_draw); return background; } static void create_output(struct desktop *desktop, uint32_t id) { struct output *output; output = calloc(1, sizeof *output); if (!output) return; output->output = wl_display_bind(display_get_display(desktop->display), id, &wl_output_interface); wl_list_insert(&desktop->outputs, &output->link); } static void global_handler(struct wl_display *display, uint32_t id, const char *interface, uint32_t version, void *data) { struct desktop *desktop = data; if (!strcmp(interface, "desktop_shell")) { desktop->shell = wl_display_bind(display, id, &desktop_shell_interface); desktop_shell_add_listener(desktop->shell, &listener, desktop); } else if (!strcmp(interface, "wl_output")) { create_output(desktop, id); } } static void launcher_section_done(void *data) { struct desktop *desktop = data; struct output *output; if (key_launcher_icon == NULL || key_launcher_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid launcher section\n"); return; } wl_list_for_each(output, &desktop->outputs, link) panel_add_launcher(output->panel, key_launcher_icon, key_launcher_path); free(key_launcher_icon); key_launcher_icon = NULL; free(key_launcher_path); key_launcher_path = NULL; } static void add_default_launcher(struct desktop *desktop) { struct output *output; wl_list_for_each(output, &desktop->outputs, link) panel_add_launcher(output->panel, DATADIR "/weston/terminal.png", "/usr/bin/weston-terminal"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct desktop desktop = { 0 }; char *config_file; struct output *output; int ret; desktop.unlock_task.run = unlock_dialog_finish; wl_list_init(&desktop.outputs); desktop.display = display_create(&argc, &argv, NULL); if (desktop.display == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create display: %m\n"); return -1; } wl_display_add_global_listener(display_get_display(desktop.display), global_handler, &desktop); wl_list_for_each(output, &desktop.outputs, link) { struct wl_shell_surface *s; output->panel = panel_create(desktop.display); s = window_get_wl_shell_surface(output->panel->window); desktop_shell_set_panel(desktop.shell, output->output, s); output->background = background_create(&desktop); s = window_get_wl_shell_surface(output->background->window); desktop_shell_set_background(desktop.shell, output->output, s); } config_file = config_file_path("weston-desktop-shell.ini"); ret = parse_config_file(config_file, config_sections, ARRAY_LENGTH(config_sections), &desktop); free(config_file); if (ret < 0) add_default_launcher(&desktop); signal(SIGCHLD, sigchild_handler); display_run(desktop.display); return 0; }