Logging/Debugging ================= Weston's printf --------------- Logging in weston takes place through :func:`weston_log()` function, which calls a log handler (:var:`log_handler`) that has to be installed before actually calling :func:`weston_log()`. In weston, the log handler makes use of the logging framework which is (mostly) comprised of :ref:`log scopes` (produces of data) and :ref:`subscribers`. Logging context --------------- Management of the logging framework in weston happens under the :type:`weston_log_context` object and is entirely separated from the main compositor instance (:type:`weston_compositor`). The compositor instance can be brought up much more later, but in the same time logging can take place much earlier without the need of a compositor instance. Instantiation of the :type:`weston_log_context` object takes place using :func:`weston_log_ctx_compositor_create()` and clean-up/destroy with :func:`weston_log_ctx_compositor_destroy()`. Log scopes ---------- A scope represents a source for a data stream (i.e., a producer). You'll require one as a way to generate data. Creating a log scope is done using :func:`weston_compositor_add_log_scope()`. You can customize the scope behaviour and you'll require at least a name and a description for the scope. .. note:: A scope **name** identifies that scope. Scope retrieval from the :type:`weston_log_context` is done using the scope name. The name is important for the subscription part, detailed bit later. Log scopes are managed **explicitly**, and destroying the scope is done using :func:`weston_compositor_log_scope_destroy`. Available scopes in weston ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weston has a few scopes worth mentioning: - **log** - a debug scope for generic logging, upon which :func:`weston_log` re-routes its data. - **proto** - debug scope that displays the protocol communication. It is similar to WAYLAND_DEBUG=server environmental variable but has the ability to distinguish multiple clients. - **scene-graph** - an one-shot debug scope which describes the current scene graph comprising of layers (containers of views), views (which represent a window), their surfaces, sub-surfaces, buffer type and format, both in :samp:`DRM_FOURCC` type and human-friendly form. - **drm-backend** - Weston uses DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) as one of its backends and this debug scope display information related to that: details the transitions of a view as it takes before being assigned to a hardware plane or to a renderer, current assignments of views, the compositing mode Weston is using for rendering the scene-graph, describes the current hardware plane properties like CRTC_ID, FB_ID, FORMAT when doing a commit or a page-flip. It incorporates the scene-graph scope as well. - **xwm-wm-x11** - a scope for the X11 window manager in Weston for supporting Xwayland, printing some X11 protocol actions. - **content-protection-debug** - scope for debugging HDCP issues. - **timeline** - see more at :ref:`timeline points` .. note:: Besides 'log' scope, which is a generic scope, intended for usage through :func:`weston_log`, all the others scopes listed above could suffer various modifications and might not represent a current list on which one should rely upon. Subscribers ----------- Besides creating a creating a scope, a subscriber (:type:`weston_log_subscriber`) object needs to be created. The subscriber object is an opaque object (private) and allows customization of the back-end side of libweston. The subscriber object can define its own methods. Users wanting to define a new data stream should extend this :type:`weston_log_subscriber`. For example libweston make uses of several type of subscribers, specific to the data streams they will be generating: - a **'logger'** type created by :func:`weston_log_subscriber_create_log()` - a **'flight-recoder'** type created by :func:`weston_log_subscriber_destroy_flight_rec()` - for the **'weston-debug'** protocol, which is private/hidden created whenever a client connects Like log scopes, the subscribers are also manged **explicitly** and both of the subscriber types above have their destroy counter-parts. `weston-debug` protocol is a bit special in this regard as the destroying part is handled implicitly using wayland protocol specifics. Once the subscriber has been created there needs to be a subscription process in which we establish a relationship between the subscriber and the scope. To create a subscription we use :func:`weston_log_subscribe` which uses the subscriber created previously and the scope name. If the scope was not created at the time, the subscription will be (at least for a time) a *pending subscription*. Once the scope is created the *pending subscription* is destroyed, not before creating a new subscription to accommodate the initial/original one. .. note:: The subscription process is (an) internal API and is managed implictly. When a scope is being destroyed the subscriptions for this scope will be destroyed as well. Logger ~~~~~~ weston uses a logger type of a subscriber for logging everyhing in the code (through the help of :func:`weston_log()`). The subscriber method (:func:`weston_log_subscriber_create_log()`) takes an :samp:`FILE *` as an argument in case the std :samp:`stdout` file-descriptor is not where the data should be sent to. Additionally, specifying which scopes to subscribe to can be done using :samp:`--logger-scopes` command line option. As log scopes are already created in the code, this merely subscribes to them. Default, the 'log' scope is being subscribr to the logger subscriber. Flight recorder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The flight recorder acts like a black box found in airplanes: it accumulates data until the user wants to display its contents. The backed up storage is a simple ring-buffer of a compiled-time fixed size value, and the memory is forcibly-mapped such that we make sure the kernel allocated storage for it. The user can use the debug keybinding :samp:`KEY_D` (shift+mod+space-d) to force the contents to be printed on :samp:`stdout` file-descriptor. The user has first to specify which log scope to subscribe to. Specifying which scopes to subscribe for the flight-recorder can be done using :samp:`--flight-rec-scopes`. By default, the 'log' scope and 'drm-backend' are the scopes subscribed to. weston-debug protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weston-debug protocol is only present in the weston compositor (i.e., a weston specific compositor). It make uses of the the logging framework presented above, with the exception that the subscription happens automatically rather than manually with :func:`weston_log_subscribe()` in case of the other two types of subscribers. Also the subscriber is created once the client has connected and requested data from a log scope. This means that each time a client connects a new subscriber will be created. For each stream subscribed a subscription will be created. Enabling the debug-protocol happens using the :samp:`--debug` command line. Timeline points --------------- A special log scope is the 'timeline' scope which, together with `wesgr <https://github.com/ppaalanen/wesgr>`_ tool, helps diagnose latency issues. Timeline points write to this 'timeline' scope in different parts of the compositor, including the GL renderer. As with all other scopes this scope is available over the debug protocol, or by using the others :ref:`subscribers`. By far the easiest way to get data out of this scope would be to use the debug protocol. Then use `wesgr <https://github.com/ppaalanen/wesgr>`_ to process the data which will transform it into a SVG that can be rendered by any web browser. The following illustrates how to use it: .. code-block:: console ./weston-debug timeline > log.json ./wesgr -i log.json -o log.svg Inserting timeline points ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timline points can be inserted using :c:macro:`TL_POINT` macro. The macro will take the :type:`weston_compositor` instance, followed by the name of the timeline point. What follows next is a variable number of arguments, which **must** end with the macro :c:macro:`TLP_END`. Debug protocol API ------------------ .. doxygengroup:: debug-protocol :content-only: Weston Log API -------------- .. doxygengroup:: wlog :content-only: Logging API ----------- .. doxygengroup:: log :content-only: Internal logging API -------------------- .. note:: The following is mean to be internal API and aren't exposed in libweston! .. doxygengroup:: internal-log :content-only: