Libweston ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: libweston/compositor.rst libweston/output-management.rst libweston/log.rst `Libweston` is an effort to separate the re-usable parts of Weston into a library. `Libweston` provides most of the boring and tedious bits of correctly implementing core Wayland protocols and interfacing with input and output systems, so that people who just want to write a new "Wayland window manager" (WM) or a small desktop environment (DE) can focus on the WM part. Libweston was first introduced in Weston 1.12, and is expected to continue evolving through many Weston releases before it achieves a stable API and feature completeness. `Libweston`'s primary purpose is exporting an API for creating Wayland compositors. Libweston's secondary purpose is to export the weston_config API so that third party plugins and helper programs can read :file:`weston.ini` if they want to. However, these two scopes are orthogonal and independent. At no point will the compositor functionality use or depend on the weston_config functionality. Further work ------------ In current form, `libweston` is an amalgam of various APIs mashed together and currently it needs a large clean-up and re-organization and possibly, a split into class-specific files. The documentation only provide the public API and not the private API used inside `libweston` or other functionality required in the core internals of the library. With that in mind we see the following steps needed to achieve that: - migrate everything that should not reside in the public API (for instance, the doxygen **\\internal** command is a clear indication that that symbol should not be present in the public API) to private headers. - if needed be, create class-specific files, like **input** and **output** which should tackle specific functionality, and allows to write the documentation parts much easier, and provides clarity for `libweston` users when they'd read it.