On our [downloads page](https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/) you will see a 1.7 directory, as well as directories for 1.7.0, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4, 1.7.5, and 1.7.6.
The 1.7 and 1.7.0 directories are **not** the same. The 1.7 directory is built on each merged commit to the [`release/v1.7`](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/release/v1.7) branch.
There are a few places that could make this show incorrectly.
1. If using a reverse proxy, make sure you have followed the correction directions in the [reverse proxy guide]({{< relref "doc/usage/reverse-proxies.en-us.md" >}})
2. Make sure you have correctly set `ROOT_URL` in the `server` section of your `app.ini`
If certain clone options aren't showing up (HTTP/S or SSH), the following options can be checked in your `app.ini`
`DISABLE_HTTP_GIT`: if set to true, there will be no HTTP/HTTPS link
`DISABLE_SSH`: if set to true, there will be no SSH link
2. If you are still unable to find a path, the default can be [calculated above](#where-does-gitea-store-x-file)
3. Once you have figured out the correct custom path, you can refer to the [customizing Gitea]({{< relref "doc/advanced/customizing-gitea.en-us.md" >}}) page to add your template to the correct location.
1. By whitelisting or blocklisting certain email domains
2. By only whitelisting certain domains with OpenID (see below)
3. Setting `ENABLE_CAPTCHA` to `true` in your `app.ini` and properly configuring `RECAPTCHA_SECRET` and `RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY`
4. Settings `DISABLE_REGISTRATION` to `true` and creating new users via the [CLI]({{< relref "doc/usage/command-line.en-us.md" >}}), [API]({{< relref "doc/developers/api-usage.en-us.md" >}}), or Gitea's Admin UI
Restricted users are limited to a subset of the content based on their organization/team memberships and collaborations, ignoring the public flag on organizations/repos etc.\_\_
At some point, a customer or third party needs access to a specific repo and only that repo. Making such a customer account restricted and granting any needed access using team membership(s) and/or collaboration(s) is a simple way to achieve that without the need to make everything private.
Use [Fail2Ban]({{< relref "doc/usage/fail2ban-setup.en-us.md" >}}) to monitor and stop automated login attempts or other malicious behavior based on log patterns
Gitea supports three official themes right now, `gitea` (light), `arc-green` (dark), and `auto` (automatically switches between the previous two depending on operating system settings).
As an example, let's say our theme is `arc-blue` (this is a real theme, and can be found [in this issue](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/6011))
Our translations are currently crowd-sourced on our [Crowdin project](https://crowdin.com/project/gitea)
Whether you want to change a translation or add a new one, it will need to be there as all translations are overwritten in our CI via the Crowdin integration.
You can also try logging into the administration panel and running the `Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.` option.
Hi there, You've successfully authenticated, but Gitea does not provide shell access.
If this is unexpected, please log in with password and setup Gitea under another user.
If you do not get the above message but still connect, it means your SSH key is **not** being managed by Gitea. This means hooks won't run, among other potential problems.
By default, your LFS token will expire after 20 minutes. If you have a slow connection or a large file (or both), it may not finish uploading within the time limit.
Gitea provides a sub-command `gitea migrate` to initialize the database, after which you can use the [admin CLI commands]({{< relref "doc/usage/command-line.en-us.md#admin" >}}) to add users like normal.
There is no setting for password resets. It is enabled when a [mail service]({{< relref "doc/usage/email-setup.en-us.md" >}}) is configured, and disabled otherwise.
Keep in mind most commands will also need a [global flag]({{< relref "doc/usage/command-line.en-us.md#global-options" >}}) to point the CLI at the correct configuration.
If the `Forgot Password/Account Recovery` page is disabled, please contact your administrator to configure a [mail service]({{< relref "doc/usage/email-setup.en-us.md" >}}).
In Gitea version `1.11` we moved to [goldmark](https://github.com/yuin/goldmark) for markdown rendering, which is [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/) compliant.
If you have markdown that worked as you expected prior to version `1.11` and after upgrading it's not working anymore, please look through the CommonMark spec to see whether the problem is due to a bug or non-compliant syntax.
If it is the latter, _usually_ there is a compliant alternative listed in the spec.
If you are receiving errors on upgrade of Gitea using MySQL that read:
> `ORM engine initialization failed: migrate: do migrate: Error: 1118: Row size too large...`
Please run `gitea convert` or run `ALTER TABLE table_name ROW_FORMAT=dynamic;` for each table in the database.
The underlying problem is that the space allocated for indices by the default row format
is too small. Gitea requires that the `ROWFORMAT` for its tables is `DYNAMIC`.
If you are receiving an error line containing `Error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes...`
then you are attempting to run Gitea on tables which use the ISAM engine. While this may have worked by chance in previous versions of Gitea, it has never been officially supported and
## Why are Emoji displaying only as placeholders or in monochrome
Gitea requires the system or browser to have one of the supported Emoji fonts installed, which are Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji and Twemoji Mozilla. Generally, the operating system should already provide one of these fonts, but especially on Linux, it may be necessary to install them manually.
Stdout on systemd goes to the journal by default. Try using `journalctl`, `journalctl -u gitea`, or `journalctl <path-to-gitea-binary>`.
Similarly stdout on docker can be viewed using `docker logs <container>`
## Initial logging
Before Gitea has read the configuration file and set-up its logging it will log a number of things to stdout in order to help debug things if logging does not work.
You can stop this logging by setting the `--quiet` or `-q` option. Please note this will only stop logging until Gitea has set-up its own logging.
If you report a bug or issue you MUST give us logs with this information restored.
You should only set this option once you have completely configured everything.
## Warnings about struct defaults during database startup
Sometimes when there are migrations the old columns and default values may be left
unchanged in the database schema. This may lead to warning such as:
2020/08/02 11:32:29 ...rm/session_schema.go:360:Sync2() [W] Table user Column keep_activity_private db default is , struct default is 0
These can safely be ignored but you may able to stop these warnings by getting Gitea to recreate these tables using:
gitea doctor recreate-table user
This will cause Gitea to recreate the user table and copy the old data into the new table
with the defaults set appropriately.
You can ask Gitea to recreate multiple tables using:
gitea doctor recreate-table table1 table2 ...
And if you would like Gitea to recreate all tables simply call:
gitea doctor recreate-table
It is highly recommended to back-up your database before running these commands.