Publish generic files, like release binaries or other output, for your user or organization.
**Table of Contents**
## Authenticate to the package registry
To authenticate to the Package Registry, you need to provide [custom HTTP headers or use HTTP Basic authentication]({{< relref "doc/developers/" >}}).
## Publish a package
To publish a generic package perform a HTTP PUT operation with the package content in the request body.
You cannot publish a package if a package of the same name and version already exists. You must delete the existing package first.
| Parameter | Description |
| ----------------- | ----------- |
| `owner` | The owner of the package. |
| `package_name` | The package name. It can contain only lowercase letters (`a-z`), uppercase letter (`A-Z`), numbers (`0-9`), dots (`.`), hyphens (`-`), or underscores (`_`). |
| `file_name` | The filename. It can contain only lowercase letters (`a-z`), uppercase letter (`A-Z`), numbers (`0-9`), dots (`.`), hyphens (`-`), or underscores (`_`). |