You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

394 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package nuget
import (
packages_model ""
nuget_module ""
type AtomTitle struct {
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
Text string `xml:",chardata"`
type ServiceCollection struct {
Href string `xml:"href,attr"`
Title AtomTitle `xml:"atom:title"`
type ServiceWorkspace struct {
Title AtomTitle `xml:"atom:title"`
Collection ServiceCollection `xml:"collection"`
type ServiceIndexResponseV2 struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"service"`
Base string `xml:"base,attr"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
XmlnsAtom string `xml:"xmlns:atom,attr"`
Workspace ServiceWorkspace `xml:"workspace"`
type EdmxPropertyRef struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
type EdmxProperty struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
Type string `xml:"Type,attr"`
Nullable bool `xml:"Nullable,attr"`
type EdmxEntityType struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
HasStream bool `xml:"m:HasStream,attr"`
Keys []EdmxPropertyRef `xml:"Key>PropertyRef"`
Properties []EdmxProperty `xml:"Property"`
type EdmxFunctionParameter struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
Type string `xml:"Type,attr"`
type EdmxFunctionImport struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
ReturnType string `xml:"ReturnType,attr"`
EntitySet string `xml:"EntitySet,attr"`
Parameter []EdmxFunctionParameter `xml:"Parameter"`
type EdmxEntitySet struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
EntityType string `xml:"EntityType,attr"`
type EdmxEntityContainer struct {
Name string `xml:"Name,attr"`
IsDefaultEntityContainer bool `xml:"m:IsDefaultEntityContainer,attr"`
EntitySet EdmxEntitySet `xml:"EntitySet"`
FunctionImports []EdmxFunctionImport `xml:"FunctionImport"`
type EdmxSchema struct {
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
Namespace string `xml:"Namespace,attr"`
EntityType *EdmxEntityType `xml:"EntityType,omitempty"`
EntityContainer *EdmxEntityContainer `xml:"EntityContainer,omitempty"`
type EdmxDataServices struct {
XmlnsM string `xml:"xmlns:m,attr"`
DataServiceVersion string `xml:"m:DataServiceVersion,attr"`
MaxDataServiceVersion string `xml:"m:MaxDataServiceVersion,attr"`
Schema []EdmxSchema `xml:"Schema"`
type EdmxMetadata struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"edmx:Edmx"`
XmlnsEdmx string `xml:"xmlns:edmx,attr"`
Version string `xml:"Version,attr"`
DataServices EdmxDataServices `xml:"edmx:DataServices"`
var Metadata = &EdmxMetadata{
XmlnsEdmx: "",
Version: "1.0",
DataServices: EdmxDataServices{
XmlnsM: "",
DataServiceVersion: "2.0",
MaxDataServiceVersion: "2.0",
Schema: []EdmxSchema{
Xmlns: "",
Namespace: "NuGetGallery.OData",
EntityType: &EdmxEntityType{
Name: "V2FeedPackage",
HasStream: true,
Keys: []EdmxPropertyRef{
{Name: "Id"},
{Name: "Version"},
Properties: []EdmxProperty{
Name: "Id",
Type: "Edm.String",
Name: "Version",
Type: "Edm.String",
Name: "NormalizedVersion",
Type: "Edm.String",
Nullable: true,
Name: "Authors",
Type: "Edm.String",
Nullable: true,
Name: "Created",
Type: "Edm.DateTime",
Name: "Dependencies",
Type: "Edm.String",
Name: "Description",
Type: "Edm.String",
Name: "DownloadCount",
Type: "Edm.Int64",
Name: "LastUpdated",
Type: "Edm.DateTime",
Name: "Published",
Type: "Edm.DateTime",
Name: "PackageSize",
Type: "Edm.Int64",
Name: "ProjectUrl",
Type: "Edm.String",
Nullable: true,
Name: "ReleaseNotes",
Type: "Edm.String",
Nullable: true,
Name: "RequireLicenseAcceptance",
Type: "Edm.Boolean",
Nullable: false,
Name: "Title",
Type: "Edm.String",
Nullable: true,
Name: "VersionDownloadCount",
Type: "Edm.Int64",
Nullable: false,
Xmlns: "",
Namespace: "NuGetGallery",
EntityContainer: &EdmxEntityContainer{
Name: "V2FeedContext",
IsDefaultEntityContainer: true,
EntitySet: EdmxEntitySet{
Name: "Packages",
EntityType: "NuGetGallery.OData.V2FeedPackage",
FunctionImports: []EdmxFunctionImport{
Name: "Search",
ReturnType: "Collection(NuGetGallery.OData.V2FeedPackage)",
EntitySet: "Packages",
Parameter: []EdmxFunctionParameter{
Name: "searchTerm",
Type: "Edm.String",
Name: "FindPackagesById",
ReturnType: "Collection(NuGetGallery.OData.V2FeedPackage)",
EntitySet: "Packages",
Parameter: []EdmxFunctionParameter{
Name: "id",
Type: "Edm.String",
type FeedEntryCategory struct {
Term string `xml:"term,attr"`
Scheme string `xml:"scheme,attr"`
type FeedEntryLink struct {
Rel string `xml:"rel,attr"`
Href string `xml:"href,attr"`
type TypedValue[T any] struct {
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
Value T `xml:",chardata"`
type FeedEntryProperties struct {
Version string `xml:"d:Version"`
NormalizedVersion string `xml:"d:NormalizedVersion"`
Authors string `xml:"d:Authors"`
Dependencies string `xml:"d:Dependencies"`
Description string `xml:"d:Description"`
VersionDownloadCount TypedValue[int64] `xml:"d:VersionDownloadCount"`
DownloadCount TypedValue[int64] `xml:"d:DownloadCount"`
PackageSize TypedValue[int64] `xml:"d:PackageSize"`
Created TypedValue[time.Time] `xml:"d:Created"`
LastUpdated TypedValue[time.Time] `xml:"d:LastUpdated"`
Published TypedValue[time.Time] `xml:"d:Published"`
ProjectURL string `xml:"d:ProjectUrl,omitempty"`
ReleaseNotes string `xml:"d:ReleaseNotes,omitempty"`
RequireLicenseAcceptance TypedValue[bool] `xml:"d:RequireLicenseAcceptance"`
Title string `xml:"d:Title"`
type FeedEntry struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"entry"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
XmlnsD string `xml:"xmlns:d,attr,omitempty"`
XmlnsM string `xml:"xmlns:m,attr,omitempty"`
Base string `xml:"xml:base,attr,omitempty"`
ID string `xml:"id"`
Category FeedEntryCategory `xml:"category"`
Links []FeedEntryLink `xml:"link"`
Title TypedValue[string] `xml:"title"`
Updated time.Time `xml:"updated"`
Author string `xml:"author>name"`
Summary string `xml:"summary"`
Properties *FeedEntryProperties `xml:"m:properties"`
Content string `xml:",innerxml"`
type FeedResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"feed"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
XmlnsD string `xml:"xmlns:d,attr,omitempty"`
XmlnsM string `xml:"xmlns:m,attr,omitempty"`
Base string `xml:"xml:base,attr,omitempty"`
ID string `xml:"id"`
Title TypedValue[string] `xml:"title"`
Updated time.Time `xml:"updated"`
Link FeedEntryLink `xml:"link"`
Entries []*FeedEntry `xml:"entry"`
Count int64 `xml:"m:count"`
func createFeedResponse(l *linkBuilder, totalEntries int64, pds []*packages_model.PackageDescriptor) *FeedResponse {
entries := make([]*FeedEntry, 0, len(pds))
for _, pd := range pds {
entries = append(entries, createEntry(l, pd, false))
return &FeedResponse{
Xmlns: "",
Base: l.Base,
XmlnsD: "",
XmlnsM: "",
ID: "",
Updated: time.Now(),
Link: FeedEntryLink{Rel: "self", Href: l.Base},
Count: totalEntries,
Entries: entries,
func createEntryResponse(l *linkBuilder, pd *packages_model.PackageDescriptor) *FeedEntry {
return createEntry(l, pd, true)
func createEntry(l *linkBuilder, pd *packages_model.PackageDescriptor, withNamespace bool) *FeedEntry {
metadata := pd.Metadata.(*nuget_module.Metadata)
id := l.GetPackageMetadataURL(pd.Package.Name, pd.Version.Version)
// Workaround to force a self-closing tag to satisfy XmlReader.IsEmptyElement used by the NuGet client.
content := `<content type="application/zip" src="` + l.GetPackageDownloadURL(pd.Package.Name, pd.Version.Version) + `"/>`
createdValue := TypedValue[time.Time]{
Type: "Edm.DateTime",
Value: pd.Version.CreatedUnix.AsLocalTime(),
entry := &FeedEntry{
ID: id,
Category: FeedEntryCategory{Term: "NuGetGallery.OData.V2FeedPackage", Scheme: ""},
Links: []FeedEntryLink{
{Rel: "self", Href: id},
{Rel: "edit", Href: id},
Title: TypedValue[string]{Type: "text", Value: pd.Package.Name},
Updated: pd.Version.CreatedUnix.AsLocalTime(),
Author: metadata.Authors,
Content: content,
Properties: &FeedEntryProperties{
Version: pd.Version.Version,
NormalizedVersion: normalizeVersion(pd.SemVer),
Authors: metadata.Authors,
Dependencies: buildDependencyString(metadata),
Description: metadata.Description,
VersionDownloadCount: TypedValue[int64]{Type: "Edm.Int64", Value: pd.Version.DownloadCount},
DownloadCount: TypedValue[int64]{Type: "Edm.Int64", Value: pd.Version.DownloadCount},
PackageSize: TypedValue[int64]{Type: "Edm.Int64", Value: pd.CalculateBlobSize()},
Created: createdValue,
LastUpdated: createdValue,
Published: createdValue,
ProjectURL: metadata.ProjectURL,
ReleaseNotes: metadata.ReleaseNotes,
RequireLicenseAcceptance: TypedValue[bool]{Type: "Edm.Boolean", Value: metadata.RequireLicenseAcceptance},
Title: pd.Package.Name,
if withNamespace {
entry.Xmlns = ""
entry.Base = l.Base
entry.XmlnsD = ""
entry.XmlnsM = ""
return entry
func buildDependencyString(metadata *nuget_module.Metadata) string {
var b strings.Builder
first := true
for group, deps := range metadata.Dependencies {
for _, dep := range deps {
if !first {
first = false
return b.String()