@ -226,6 +226,18 @@ fmt-check: |
test: |
GO111MODULE=on $(GO) test -mod=vendor -tags='sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify' $(PACKAGES)
PHONY: test-check |
test-check: |
@echo "Checking if tests have changed the source tree...";
@diff=$$(git status -s); \
if [ -n "$$diff" ]; then \
echo "make test has changed files in the source tree:"; \
echo "$${diff}"; \
echo "You should change the tests to create these files in a temporary directory."; \
echo "Do not simply add these files to .gitignore"; \
exit 1; \
.PHONY: test\#%
test\#%: |
GO111MODULE=on $(GO) test -mod=vendor -tags='sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify' -run $* $(PACKAGES)