* Started adding deadline to ui
* Implemented basic issue due date managing
* Improved UI for due date managing
* Added at least write access to the repo in order to modify issue due dates
* Ui improvements
* Added issue comments creation when adding/modifying/removing a due date
* Show due date in issue list
* Added api support for issue due dates
* Fixed lint suggestions
* Added deadline to sdk
* Updated css
* Added support for adding/modifiying deadlines for pull requests via api
* Fixed comments not created when updating or removing a deadline
* update sdk (will do properly once go-gitea/go-sdk#103
An error occurred
is merged)
* enhanced updateIssueDeadline
* Removed unnessecary Issue.DeadlineString
* UI improvements
* Small improvments to comment creation
+ ui & validation improvements
* Check if an issue is overdue is now a seperate function
* Updated go-sdk with govendor as it was merged
* Simplified isOverdue method
* removed unessecary deadline to 0 set
* Update swagger definitions
* Added missing return
* Added an explanary comment
* Improved updateIssueDeadline method so it'll only update `deadline_unix`
* Small changes and improvements
* no need to explicitly load the issue when updating a deadline, just use whats already there
* small optimisations
* Added check if a deadline was modified before updating it
* Moved comment creating logic into its own function
* Code cleanup for creating deadline comment
* locale improvement
* When modifying a deadline, the old deadline is saved with the comment
* small improvments to xorm session handling when updating an issue deadline
+ style nitpicks
* style nitpicks
* Moved checking for if the user has write acces to middleware
* Pull request options migration and UI in settings
* Add ignore whitespace functionality
* Fix settings if pull requests are disabled
* Fix migration transaction
* Merge with Rebase functionality
* UI changes and related functionality for pull request merging button
* Implement squash functionality
* Fix rebase merging
* Fix pull request merge tests
* Add squash and rebase tests
* Fix API method to reuse default message functions
* Some refactoring and small fixes
* Remove more hardcoded values from tests
* Remove unneeded check from API method
* Fix variable name and comment typo
* Fix reset commit count after PR merge