- Add nsswitch.conf to configure LibC Name Service inside the container
- Change my email in the Dockerfile
- Update build script to install software as a `build-deps` virtual package so that adding a package to it will be automatically removed at the end of the build script
According to the docs [1], the Reply method must be called for all
requests where WantReply is true. This fixes a hanging java ssh
implementation (jsch) which sets WantReply flag and waits for reply from
the server.
[1] https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh#Request.Reply
Using this script:
1. Copy scripts/launchd/io.gogs.web.plist into /Library/LaunchDaemons
2. The script assumes Gogs is running under 'gogs' user and group, modify
/Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gogs.web.plist if you want to user different user.
3. The script assumes Gogs is installed in /Users/git/gogs, modify
/Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gogs.web.plist if you installed Gogs in different
4. Once you are sure that running Gogs manually via `gogs web` works fine, run
it as a launchd service with:
sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gogs.web.plist
From now on launchd will ensure Gogs is running, eg. when system is restarted.
If the init script is called with `status`, the rc.subr(8) routines check if
the first argument associated with the pid in the pidfile is equal to
`procname`. By default, `procname` is equal to the value of `command`. In our
case, `command` contains a space (i.e. has multiple arguments), so `procname`
can never be equal to the first argument of the command associated with the
Set `procname` to the first argument of `command` to fix the `status` command
of the init script.