- Switch to use `CryptoRandomBytes` instead of `CryptoRandomString`, OAuth's secrets are copied pasted and don't need to avoid dubious characters etc.
- `CryptoRandomBytes` gives ![2^256 = 1.15 * 10^77](https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=2^256%20=%201.15%20\cdot%2010^77) `CryptoRandomString` gives ![62^44 = 7.33 * 10^78](https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=62^44%20=%207.33%20\cdot%2010^78) possible states.
- Add a prefix, such that code scanners can easily grep these in source code.
- 32 Bytes + prefix
* Use single shared random string generation function
- Replace 3 functions that do the same with 1 shared one
- Use crypto/rand over math/rand for a stronger RNG
- Output only alphanumerical for URL compatibilty
Fixes: #15536