import $ from 'jquery'; function getDefaultSvgBoundsIfUndefined(svgXml, src) { const DefaultSize = 300; const MaxSize = 99999; const svg = svgXml.documentElement; const width = svg?.width?.baseVal; const height = svg?.height?.baseVal; if (width === undefined || height === undefined) { return null; // in case some svg is invalid or doesn't have the width/height } if (width.unitType === SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE || height.unitType === SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE) { const img = new Image(); img.src = src; if (img.width > 1 && img.width < MaxSize && img.height > 1 && img.height < MaxSize) { return { width: img.width, height: img.height }; } if (svg.hasAttribute('viewBox')) { const viewBox = svg.viewBox.baseVal; return { width: DefaultSize, height: DefaultSize * viewBox.width / viewBox.height }; } return { width: DefaultSize, height: DefaultSize }; } return null; } export default function initImageDiff() { function createContext(image1, image2) { const size1 = { width: image1 && image1.width || 0, height: image1 && image1.height || 0 }; const size2 = { width: image2 && image2.width || 0, height: image2 && image2.height || 0 }; const max = { width: Math.max(size2.width, size1.width), height: Math.max(size2.height, size1.height) }; return { image1: $(image1), image2: $(image2), size1, size2, max, ratio: [ Math.floor(max.width - size1.width) / 2, Math.floor(max.height - size1.height) / 2, Math.floor(max.width - size2.width) / 2, Math.floor(max.height - size2.height) / 2 ] }; } $('.image-diff').each(function() { const $container = $(this); // the container may be hidden by "viewed" checkbox, so use the parent's width for reference const diffContainerWidth = Math.max($container.closest('.diff-file-box').width() - 300, 100); const pathAfter = $'path-after'); const pathBefore = $'path-before'); const imageInfos = [{ loaded: false, path: pathAfter, $image: $container.find('img.image-after'), $boundsInfo: $container.find('.bounds-info-after') }, { loaded: false, path: pathBefore, $image: $container.find('img.image-before'), $boundsInfo: $container.find('.bounds-info-before') }]; for (const info of imageInfos) { if (info.$image.length > 0) { $.ajax({ url: info.path, success: (data, _, jqXHR) => { info.$image.on('load', () => { info.loaded = true; setReadyIfLoaded(); }).on('error', () => { info.loaded = true; setReadyIfLoaded(); info.$boundsInfo.text('(image error)'); }); info.$image.attr('src', info.path); if (jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') === 'image/svg+xml') { const bounds = getDefaultSvgBoundsIfUndefined(data, info.path); if (bounds) { info.$image.attr('width', bounds.width); info.$image.attr('height', bounds.height); info.$boundsInfo.hide(); } } } }); } else { info.loaded = true; setReadyIfLoaded(); } } function setReadyIfLoaded() { if (imageInfos[0].loaded && imageInfos[1].loaded) { initViews(imageInfos[0].$image, imageInfos[1].$image); } } function initViews($imageAfter, $imageBefore) { initSideBySide(createContext($imageAfter[0], $imageBefore[0])); if ($imageAfter.length > 0 && $imageBefore.length > 0) { initSwipe(createContext($imageAfter[1], $imageBefore[1])); initOverlay(createContext($imageAfter[2], $imageBefore[2])); } $container.find('> .loader').hide(); $container.find('> .hide').removeClass('hide'); } function initSideBySide(sizes) { let factor = 1; if (sizes.max.width > (diffContainerWidth - 24) / 2) { factor = (diffContainerWidth - 24) / 2 / sizes.max.width; } const widthChanged = sizes.image1.length !== 0 && sizes.image2.length !== 0 && sizes.image1[0].naturalWidth !== sizes.image2[0].naturalWidth; const heightChanged = sizes.image1.length !== 0 && sizes.image2.length !== 0 && sizes.image1[0].naturalHeight !== sizes.image2[0].naturalHeight; if (sizes.image1.length !== 0) { $container.find('.bounds-info-after .bounds-info-width').text(`${sizes.image1[0].naturalWidth}px`).addClass(widthChanged ? 'green' : ''); $container.find('.bounds-info-after .bounds-info-height').text(`${sizes.image1[0].naturalHeight}px`).addClass(heightChanged ? 'green' : ''); } if (sizes.image2.length !== 0) { $container.find('.bounds-info-before .bounds-info-width').text(`${sizes.image2[0].naturalWidth}px`).addClass(widthChanged ? 'red' : ''); $container.find('.bounds-info-before .bounds-info-height').text(`${sizes.image2[0].naturalHeight}px`).addClass(heightChanged ? 'red' : ''); } sizes.image1.css({ width: sizes.size1.width * factor, height: sizes.size1.height * factor }); sizes.image1.parent().css({ margin: `${sizes.ratio[1] * factor + 15}px ${sizes.ratio[0] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[1] * factor}px`, width: sizes.size1.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.size1.height * factor + 2 }); sizes.image2.css({ width: sizes.size2.width * factor, height: sizes.size2.height * factor }); sizes.image2.parent().css({ margin: `${sizes.ratio[3] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[2] * factor}px`, width: sizes.size2.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.size2.height * factor + 2 }); } function initSwipe(sizes) { let factor = 1; if (sizes.max.width > diffContainerWidth - 12) { factor = (diffContainerWidth - 12) / sizes.max.width; } sizes.image1.css({ width: sizes.size1.width * factor, height: sizes.size1.height * factor }); sizes.image1.parent().css({ margin: `0px ${sizes.ratio[0] * factor}px`, width: sizes.size1.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.size1.height * factor + 2 }); sizes.image1.parent().parent().css({ padding: `${sizes.ratio[1] * factor}px 0 0 0`, width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2 }); sizes.image2.css({ width: sizes.size2.width * factor, height: sizes.size2.height * factor }); sizes.image2.parent().css({ margin: `${sizes.ratio[3] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[2] * factor}px`, width: sizes.size2.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.size2.height * factor + 2 }); sizes.image2.parent().parent().css({ width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.max.height * factor + 2 }); $container.find('.diff-swipe').css({ width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.max.height * factor + 4 }); $container.find('.swipe-bar').on('mousedown', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const $swipeBar = $(this); const $swipeFrame = $swipeBar.parent(); const width = $swipeFrame.width() - $swipeBar.width() - 2; $(document).on('mousemove.diff-swipe', (e2) => { e2.preventDefault(); const value = Math.max(0, Math.min(e2.clientX - $swipeFrame.offset().left, width)); $swipeBar.css({ left: value }); $container.find('.swipe-container').css({ width: $swipeFrame.width() - value }); $(document).on('mouseup.diff-swipe', () => { $(document).off('.diff-swipe'); }); }); }); } function initOverlay(sizes) { let factor = 1; if (sizes.max.width > diffContainerWidth - 12) { factor = (diffContainerWidth - 12) / sizes.max.width; } sizes.image1.css({ width: sizes.size1.width * factor, height: sizes.size1.height * factor }); sizes.image2.css({ width: sizes.size2.width * factor, height: sizes.size2.height * factor }); sizes.image1.parent().css({ margin: `${sizes.ratio[1] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[0] * factor}px`, width: sizes.size1.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.size1.height * factor + 2 }); sizes.image2.parent().css({ margin: `${sizes.ratio[3] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[2] * factor}px`, width: sizes.size2.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.size2.height * factor + 2 }); sizes.image2.parent().parent().css({ width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.max.height * factor + 2 }); $container.find('.onion-skin').css({ width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2, height: sizes.max.height * factor + 4 }); const $range = $container.find("input[type='range']"); const onInput = () => sizes.image1.parent().css({ opacity: $range.val() / 100 }); $range.on('input', onInput); onInput(); } }); }