date: "2016-12-01T16:00:00+02:00"
title: "Installation from source"
slug: "install-from-source"
weight: 10
toc: true
draft: false
    parent: "installation"
    name: "From source"
    weight: 30
    identifier: "install-from-source"

# Installation from source

This section will not include basic [installation instructions](https://golang.org/doc/install).

**Note**: Go version 1.7 or higher is required

## Download

First retrieve the source code. The easiest way is to use the Go tool. Use the following
commands to fetch the source and switch into the source directory.

go get -d -u code.gitea.io/gitea
cd $GOPATH/src/code.gitea.io/gitea

Decide which version of Gitea to build and install. Currently, there are multiple options
to choose from. The `master` branch represents the current development version. To build
with master, skip to the [build section](#build).

To work with tagged releases, the following commands can be used:
git branch -a
git checkout v1.0

To validate a Pull Request, first enable the new branch (`xyz` is the PR id; for example
`2663` for [#2663](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/2663)):

git fetch origin pull/xyz/head:pr-xyz

To build Gitea from source at a specific tagged release (like v1.0.0), list the available
tags and check out the specific tag.

List available tags with the following.

git tag -l
git checkout v1.0.0  # or git checkout pr-xyz

## Build

Since all required libraries are already bundled in the Gitea source, it's
possible to build Gitea with no additional downloads. Various
[make tasks](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/master/Makefile) are
provided to keep the build process as simple as possible.
<a href='{{< relref "doc/advanced/make.en-us.md" >}}'>See here how to get Make</a>.
Depending on requirements, the following build tags can be included.

* `bindata`: Build a single monolithic binary, with all assets included.
* `sqlite`: Enable support for a [SQLite3](https://sqlite.org/) database. Suggested only
  for tiny installations.
* `tidb`: Enable support for a [TiDB](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb) database.
* `pam`: Enable support for PAM (Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules). Can be used to
  authenticate local users or extend authentication to methods available to PAM.

Bundling assets into the binary using the `bindata` build tag can make development and
testing easier, but is not ideal for a production deployment. To include assets, they
must be built separately using the `generate` make task.

TAGS="bindata" make generate build

## Test

After following the steps above a `gitea` binary will be available in the working directory.
It can be tested from this directory or moved to a directory with test data. When Gitea is
launched manually from command line, it can be killed by pressing `Ctrl + C`.

./gitea web