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Lunny Xiao a8048c19f3 Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
.. Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
LICENSE Added all required dependencies 8 years ago Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
VERSION Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
circle.yml Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
doc.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
engine.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
error.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
goracle_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
helpers.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
logger.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
lru_cacher.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
memory_store.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
mssql_dialect.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
mymysql_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
mysql_dialect.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
mysql_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
oci8_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
odbc_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
oracle_dialect.go Fix error 500 on organization dashboard page (#150) 8 years ago
pg_reserved.txt Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
postgres_dialect.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
pq_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
processors.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
rows.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
session.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
session_delete.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_find.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_get.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
session_insert.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_iterate.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_raw.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_schema.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_sum.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_tx.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
session_update.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
sqlite3_dialect.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
sqlite3_driver.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago
statement.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
syslogger.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database (#565) 8 years ago
types.go Update xorm and fix dump command (#692) 8 years ago
xorm.go Added all required dependencies 8 years ago


Xorm is a simple and powerful ORM for Go.

CircleCI Gitter


The last master version is not backwards compatible. You should use engine.ShowSQL() and engine.Logger().SetLevel() instead of engine.ShowSQL = , engine.ShowInfo = and so on.


  • Struct <-> Table Mapping Support

  • Chainable APIs

  • Transaction Support

  • Both ORM and raw SQL operation Support

  • Sync database schema Support

  • Query Cache speed up

  • Database Reverse support, See Xorm Tool README

  • Simple cascade loading support

  • Optimistic Locking support

  • SQL Builder support via

Drivers Support

Drivers for Go's sql package which currently support database/sql includes:


  • v0.6.0

    • remove support for ql
    • add query condition builder support via, so Where, And, Or methods can use builder.Cond as parameter
    • add Sum, SumInt, SumInt64 and NotIn methods
    • some bugs fixed
  • v0.5.0

    • logging interface changed
    • some bugs fixed
  • v0.4.5

    • many bugs fixed
    • extends support unlimited deepth
    • Delete Limit support
  • v0.4.4

    • ql database expriment support
    • tidb database expriment support
    • sql.NullString and etc. field support
    • select ForUpdate support
    • many bugs fixed

More changes ...


If you have gopm installed,

gopm get


go get


Quick Start

  • Create Engine
engine, err := xorm.NewEngine(driverName, dataSourceName)
  • Define a struct and Sync2 table struct to database
type User struct {
    Id int64
    Name string
    Salt string
    Age int
    Passwd string `xorm:"varchar(200)"`
    Created time.Time `xorm:"created"`
    Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"`

err := engine.Sync2(new(User))
  • Query a SQL string, the returned results is []map[string][]byte
results, err := engine.Query("select * from user")
  • Execute a SQL string, the returned results
affected, err := engine.Exec("update user set age = ? where name = ?", age, name)
  • Insert one or multiple records to database
affected, err := engine.Insert(&user)
// INSERT INTO struct () values ()
affected, err := engine.Insert(&user1, &user2)
// INSERT INTO struct1 () values ()
// INSERT INTO struct2 () values ()
affected, err := engine.Insert(&users)
// INSERT INTO struct () values (),(),()
affected, err := engine.Insert(&user1, &users)
// INSERT INTO struct1 () values ()
// INSERT INTO struct2 () values (),(),()
  • Query one record from database
has, err := engine.Get(&user)
has, err := engine.Where("name = ?", name).Desc("id").Get(&user)
  • Query multiple records from database, also you can use join and extends
var users []User
err := engine.Where("name = ?", name).And("age > 10").Limit(10, 0).Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = ? AND age > 10 limit 0 offset 10

type Detail struct {
    Id int64
    UserId int64 `xorm:"index"`

type UserDetail struct {
    User `xorm:"extends"`
    Detail `xorm:"extends"`

var users []UserDetail
err := engine.Table("user").Select("user.*, detail.*")
    Join("INNER", "detail", "detail.user_id =").
    Where(" = ?", name).Limit(10, 0).
// SELECT user.*, detail.* FROM user INNER JOIN detail WHERE = ? limit 0 offset 10
  • Query multiple records and record by record handle, there are two methods Iterate and Rows
err := engine.Iterate(&User{Name:name}, func(idx int, bean interface{}) error {
    user := bean.(*User)
    return nil
// SELECT * FROM user

rows, err := engine.Rows(&User{Name:name})
// SELECT * FROM user
defer rows.Close()
bean := new(Struct)
for rows.Next() {
    err = rows.Scan(bean)
  • Update one or more records, default will update non-empty and non-zero fields except when you use Cols, AllCols and so on.
affected, err := engine.Id(1).Update(&user)
// UPDATE user SET ... Where id = ?

affected, err := engine.Update(&user, &User{Name:name})
// UPDATE user SET ... Where name = ?

var ids = []int64{1, 2, 3}
affected, err := engine.In("id", ids).Update(&user)
// UPDATE user SET ... Where id IN (?, ?, ?)

// force update indicated columns by Cols
affected, err := engine.Id(1).Cols("age").Update(&User{Name:name, Age: 12})
// UPDATE user SET age = ?, updated=? Where id = ?

// force NOT update indicated columns by Omit
affected, err := engine.Id(1).Omit("name").Update(&User{Name:name, Age: 12})
// UPDATE user SET age = ?, updated=? Where id = ?

affected, err := engine.Id(1).AllCols().Update(&user)
// UPDATE user SET name=?,age=?,salt=?,passwd=?,updated=? Where id = ?
  • Delete one or more records, Delete MUST have condition
affected, err := engine.Where(...).Delete(&user)
// DELETE FROM user Where ...
affected, err := engine.Id(2).Delete(&user)
  • Count records
counts, err := engine.Count(&user)
// SELECT count(*) AS total FROM user
  • Query conditions builder
err := engine.Where(builder.NotIn("a", 1, 2).And(builder.In("b", "c", "d", "e"))).Find(&users)
// SELECT id, name ... FROM user WHERE a NOT IN (?, ?) AND b IN (?, ?, ?)



Please visit Xorm on Google Groups


If you want to pull request, please see CONTRIBUTING


BSD License