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86 lines
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8 months ago
import sys
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from io import StringIO
class USBError(BaseException):
class AbstractWriteMethodTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
print("Real platform: " + sys.platform)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_test_conditions(self, pyusb_available, pyhidapi_available, device_available, method, device_id):
print("Test condition: os=%s pyusb=%s pyhidapi=%s device=%s method=%s device_id=%s" % (
'yes' if pyusb_available else 'no',
'yes' if pyhidapi_available else 'no',
'yes' if device_available else 'no',
def prepare_modules(self, pyusb_available, pyhidapi_available, device_available, func):
result = None
output = None
mocks = None
with self.do_import_patch(pyusb_available, pyhidapi_available, device_available) as module_mocks:
with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as stdio_mock:
import lednamebadge
result = func(lednamebadge.LedNameBadge)
mocks = {'pyhidapi': module_mocks['pyhidapi'], 'usb': module_mocks['usb']}
output = stdio_mock.getvalue()
return result, output, mocks
def do_import_patch(self, pyusb_available, pyhidapi_available, device_available):
patch_obj = patch.dict('sys.modules', {
'pyhidapi': self.create_hid_mock(device_available) if pyhidapi_available else None,
'usb': self.create_usb_mock(device_available) if pyusb_available else None,
'usb.core': MagicMock() if pyusb_available else None,
'usb.core.USBError': USBError if pyusb_available else None,
'usb.util': MagicMock() if pyusb_available else None})
# Assure fresh reimport of lednamebadge with current mocks
if 'lednamebadge' in sys.modules:
del sys.modules['lednamebadge']
return patch_obj
def create_hid_mock(self, device_available):
device = MagicMock()
device.path = b'3-4:5-6'
device.manufacturer_string = 'HidApi Test Manufacturer'
device.product_string = 'HidApi Test Product'
device.interface_number = 0
mock = MagicMock()
mock.hid_enumerate.return_value = [device] if device_available else []
mock.hid_open_path.return_value = 123456 if device_available else []
return mock
def create_usb_mock(self, device_available):
device = MagicMock()
device.manufacturer = 'LibUsb Test Manufacturer'
device.product = 'LibUsb Test Product'
device.bus = 3
device.address = 4
ep = MagicMock()
ep.bEndpointAddress = 2
mock = MagicMock()
mock.core = MagicMock()
mock.core.find.return_value = [device] if device_available else []
mock.core.USBError = USBError
mock.util.find_descriptor.return_value = [ep] if device_available else []
return mock