Upload tool for an led name tag with USB-HID interface
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
1.0 KiB

7. Fall: Characters can vertical 90 degree
8. Message: Input the content you want to display on the Led badge
9. Speed: 8 speeds available, 1 is the slowest, 8 is the fastest
10. Show mode: Left, Right, Up, Down, Freeze, Animation, Piling, Splite, Laser, Smoth, Rotate
11. Flash: If select the blank , the message will be flash on the Led badge
12. Lamp: If select the blank, a border will show around the message.
Animation mode:
Animation frames are 6 character (or 48px) wide. Upload an animation of N frames as one
image N*48 pixels wide, 11 pixels high. Frames run from left to right and repeat endless.
One animation of 20 frames consume ca. 1kb of the total 4kb of memory.
Speed 8: 15 fps
Speed 7: 7.5 fps
Speed 6: 4.5 fps
Speed 5: 2.8 fps
Speed 4: 2.4 fps
Speed 3: 2.0 fps
Speed 2: 1.3 fps
Speed 1: 1.2 fps
Smoth mode, Rotate mode:
Shows all(?) or part(?) of a short text.
Stays on, even if the cable is connected. (Bug?)
(No rotation or smothering effect can be expected)
BMPBadge encodes speed 1..8 as 0..7