Eric Anholt
Declare a private dependency on libdl.
The new linker requires that the consumers of a library link against
the libraries that that library depends on, which is supported by
Fixes #16
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Fix testsuite build on OS X.
There's no linker flag of this name in the normal clang, presumably
beause the linker feature doesn't exist.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Fix most GLhandleARB warnings on OS X with a big comment in our code.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Disable EGL on OS X.
It doesn't exist. There's EAGL, but that's not something we're
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Add an appropriate error message if libX11 is missing.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Add dispatch generation for wgl.
This is very poorly tested at this point, but survives a simple testcase.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Port tests directory to win32.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Start porting the GL dispatch code to win32.
It now builds successfully builds a .dll file. Not that it's usable
or anything yet.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Conditionalize building the EGL and GLX dispatch code.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Conditionalize building GLX and EGL tests and headers.
Note that the generated code is still generated, they just aren't
built and installed. The goal with that is that someone could take
the built .c and .h files and drop it into their own project, if they
want to avoid shared libs.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Fix make distcheck.
Well, not quite. One of the regression tests is failing with
GLXBadFBConfig in that build. Not sure why.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Add a test for a bug when called during glBegin()/glEnd().
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Add an initial testsuite for GLX API.
11 years ago
Eric Anholt
Add the generator and build infrastructure.
Not actually working yet, but it's a snapshot to start from.
12 years ago