has_gles1 = gles1_dep.found() has_gles2 = gles2_dep.found() build_x11_tests = enable_x11 and x11_dep.found() test_cflags = common_cflags + [ '-D_XOPEN_SOURCE', '-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', ] # Unconditionally built tests test('header_guards', executable('header guards', 'headerguards.c', c_args: common_cflags, dependencies: libepoxy_dep, include_directories: libepoxy_inc)) test('misc_defines', executable('misc defines', 'miscdefines.c', c_args: common_cflags, dependencies: libepoxy_dep, include_directories: libepoxy_inc)) test('khronos_typedefs', executable('khronos typedefs', [ 'khronos_typedefs.c', 'khronos_typedefs.h', 'khronos_typedefs_nonepoxy.c', ], c_args: common_cflags, dependencies: libepoxy_dep, include_directories: libepoxy_inc)) if build_egl and build_x11_tests egl_common_sources = [ 'egl_common.h', 'egl_common.c', ] egl_common_lib = static_library('egl_common', sources: egl_common_sources, dependencies: libepoxy_dep, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, c_args: common_cflags, install: false) egl_tests = [ [ 'egl_has_extension_nocontext', [], [ 'egl_has_extension_nocontext.c' ], true, ], [ 'egl_gles1_without_glx', [ '-DGLES_VERSION=1', ], [ 'egl_without_glx.c' ], has_gles1, ], [ 'egl_gles2_without_glx', [ '-DGLES_VERSION=2', ], [ 'egl_without_glx.c' ], has_gles2, ], ] if build_glx egl_tests += [ [ 'egl_gl', [], [ 'egl_gl.c' ], true, ], ] endif foreach test: egl_tests test_name = test[0] test_source = test[2] test_args = test[1] test_run = test[3] if test_run test_bin = executable(test_name, test_source, c_args: test_cflags + test_args, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, dependencies: [ libepoxy_dep, x11_dep, egl_dep, dl_dep ], link_with: egl_common_lib, link_args: '-rdynamic') test(test_name, test_bin) endif endforeach endif if build_glx glx_common_sources = [ 'glx_common.h', 'glx_common.c', ] glx_common_lib = static_library('glx_common', sources: glx_common_sources, dependencies: libepoxy_dep, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, c_args: common_cflags, install: false) # glx_beginend links directly with the GL library, so we need to check it # separately test('glx_beginend', executable('glx_beginend', 'glx_beginend.c', c_args: test_cflags, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, dependencies: [ libepoxy_dep, x11_dep, gl_dep, dl_dep ], link_with: glx_common_lib)) glx_tests = [ [ 'glx_public_api', [ 'glx_public_api.c' ], [], [], true ], [ 'glx_public_api_core', [ 'glx_public_api_core.c' ], [], [], true ], [ 'glx_glxgetprocaddress_nocontext', [ 'glx_glxgetprocaddress_nocontext.c' ], [], [], true ], [ 'glx_has_extension_nocontext', [ 'glx_has_extension_nocontext.c' ], [], [], true ], [ 'glx_static', [ 'glx_static.c' ], [ '-DNEEDS_TO_BE_STATIC'], [ '-static' ], libtype == 'static' ], [ 'glx_shared_znow', [ 'glx_static.c', ], [], [ '-Wl,-z,now' ], has_znow ], [ 'glx_alias_prefer_same_name', [ 'glx_alias_prefer_same_name.c', 'dlwrap.c', 'dlwrap.h' ], [], [ '-rdynamic' ], not build_apple ], [ 'glx_gles2', [ 'glx_gles2.c', 'dlwrap.c', 'dlwrap.h' ], [], [ '-rdynamic' ], not build_apple ], ] foreach test: glx_tests test_name = test[0] test_source = test[1] test_c_args = test[2] test_link_args = test[3] test_run = test[4] if test_run test_bin = executable(test_name, test_source, c_args: test_cflags + test_c_args, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, dependencies: [ libepoxy_dep, x11_dep, dl_dep ], link_with: glx_common_lib, link_args: test_link_args) test(test_name, test_bin) endif endforeach if not build_apple # GLX/EGL tests if build_egl glx_egl_sources = [ 'egl_and_glx_different_pointers.c', 'dlwrap.c', 'dlwrap.h', ] glx_egl_deps = [ libepoxy_dep, x11_dep, dl_dep ] glx_egl_link_flags = [ '-rdynamic' ] glx_egl_link_with = [ glx_common_lib, egl_common_lib ] glx_egl_tests = [ [ 'egl_and_glx_different_pointers_glx', [ '-DUSE_GLX' ], false ], [ 'egl_and_glx_different_pointers_egl', [ '-DUSE_EGL' ], false ], [ 'egl_and_glx_different_pointers_egl_glx', [ '-DUSE_EGL', '-DUSE_GLX' ], true ], ] foreach test: glx_egl_tests test_name = test[0] test_c_args = test[1] test_should_fail = test[2] test_bin = executable(test_name, glx_egl_sources, c_args: common_cflags + test_c_args, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, dependencies: glx_egl_deps, link_with: glx_egl_link_with, link_args: glx_egl_link_flags) test(test_name, test_bin, should_fail: test_should_fail) endforeach endif endif endif # WGL if build_wgl wgl_common_sources = [ 'wgl_common.h', 'wgl_common.c', ] wgl_common_lib = static_library('wgl_common', sources: wgl_common_sources, dependencies: libepoxy_dep, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, c_args: common_cflags, install: false) wgl_tests = [ [ 'wgl_core_and_exts', [ 'wgl_core_and_exts.c' ], [], ], [ 'wgl_per_context_funcptrs', [ 'wgl_per_context_funcptrs.c' ], [], ], [ 'wgl_usefontbitmaps', [ 'wgl_usefontbitmaps.c'], [], ], [ 'wgl_usefontbitmaps_unicode', [ 'wgl_usefontbitmaps.c' ], [ '-DUNICODE' ], ], ] foreach test: wgl_tests test_name = test[0] test_source = test[1] test_c_args = test[2] test_bin = executable(test_name, test_source, c_args: test_cflags + test_c_args, include_directories: libepoxy_inc, dependencies: [ libepoxy_dep ], link_with: wgl_common_lib) test(test_name, test_bin) endforeach endif