@ -5,14 +5,105 @@ import argparse
import json
import os
/ * create a driver { vk_type } and update the vkr_ { vkr_type } * /
static inline VkResult
vkr_ { create_func_name } _create_driver_handle (
UNUSED struct vkr_context * ctx ,
struct vn_command_ { create_cmd } * args ,
struct vkr_ { vkr_type } * obj )
{ {
/ * handles in args are replaced * /
vn_replace_ { create_cmd } _args_handle ( args ) ;
args - > ret = { create_cmd } ( args - > device , args - > { create_info } , NULL ,
& obj - > base . handle . { vkr_type } ) ;
return args - > ret ;
} }
/ * destroy a driver { vk_type } * /
static inline void
vkr_ { destroy_func_name } _destroy_driver_handle (
UNUSED struct vkr_context * ctx ,
struct vn_command_ { destroy_cmd } * args )
{ {
/ * handles in args are replaced * /
vn_replace_ { destroy_cmd } _args_handle ( args ) ;
{ destroy_cmd } ( args - > device , args - > { destroy_obj } , NULL ) ;
} }
/ * create a vkr_ { vkr_type } * /
static inline struct vkr_ { vkr_type } *
vkr_ { create_func_name } _create (
struct vkr_context * ctx ,
struct vn_command_ { create_cmd } * args )
{ {
struct vkr_ { vkr_type } * obj = vkr_context_alloc_object ( ctx , sizeof ( * obj ) ,
{ vk_enum } , args - > { create_obj } ) ;
if ( ! obj ) { {
args - > ret = VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY ;
return NULL ;
} }
/ * handles in args are replaced * /
if ( vkr_ { create_func_name } _create_driver_handle ( ctx , args , obj ) != VK_SUCCESS ) { {
free ( obj ) ;
return NULL ;
} }
return obj ;
} }
def apply_variant ( json_obj , json_variant ) :
tmp_obj = json_obj . copy ( )
for key , val in json_variant . items ( ) :
tmp_obj [ key ] = val
return tmp_obj
def simple_object_generator ( json_obj ) :
return ' '
''' Generate functions for a simple object.
For most device objects , object creation can be broken down into 3 steps
( 1 ) allocate and initialize the object
( 2 ) create the driver handle
( 3 ) add the object to the device and the object table
SIMPLE_OBJECT_CREATE_DRIVER_HANDLE_TEMPL defines a function for ( 2 ) .
SIMPLE_OBJECT_CREATE_TEMPL defines a function for ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .
Object destruction can be broken down into 2 steps
( 1 ) destroy the driver handle
( 2 ) remove the object from the device and the object table
SIMPLE_OBJECT_DESTROY_DRIVER_HANDLE_TEMPL defines a function for ( 1 ) .
contents = ' '
contents + = SIMPLE_OBJECT_CREATE_DRIVER_HANDLE_TEMPL . format ( * * json_obj )
contents + = SIMPLE_OBJECT_CREATE_TEMPL . format ( * * json_obj )
contents + = SIMPLE_OBJECT_DESTROY_DRIVER_HANDLE_TEMPL . format ( * * json_obj )
for json_variant in json_obj [ ' variants ' ] :
tmp_obj = apply_variant ( json_obj , json_variant )
contents + = SIMPLE_OBJECT_CREATE_DRIVER_HANDLE_TEMPL . format ( * * tmp_obj )
contents + = SIMPLE_OBJECT_CREATE_TEMPL . format ( * * tmp_obj )
return contents
def pool_object_generator ( json_obj ) :
return ' '
def pipeline_object_generator ( json_obj ) :
return ' '
return PIPELINE_OBJECT_DESTROY_DRIVER_HANDLE_TEMPL . format ( * * json_obj )
object_generators = {
' simple-object ' : simple_object_generator ,