# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. FROM debian:bullseye LABEL description="Test crosvm using a command like the following: \ docker run --privileged -v /dev/log:/dev/log -v <path to crosvm>:/platform/crosvm:ro <crosvm base image>" # should be set to the ID/GROUP_ID of the user running the docker image ARG USER_ID ARG GROUP_ID RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates gnupg wget && \ echo 'deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \ cat /etc/apt/sources.list && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get build-dep -y mesa && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates \ python3-setuptools \ llvm-dev \ libxcb-shm0-dev \ libelf-dev \ cmake \ chrony \ bc \ flex \ bison \ debootstrap \ cpio \ xz-utils \ libegl1-mesa-dev \ autoconf \ automake \ curl \ g++ \ gcc \ gdb \ git \ kmod \ libcap-dev \ libdbus-1-dev \ libegl1-mesa-dev \ libepoxy-dev \ libfdt-dev \ libgl1-mesa-dev \ libgles2-mesa-dev \ libpciaccess-dev \ libssl-dev \ libtool \ libusb-1.0-0-dev \ libwayland-dev \ make \ nasm \ ninja-build \ pkg-config \ protobuf-compiler \ python \ libtinfo5 \ python3-protobuf \ clang \ iptables \ libunwind-dev \ libprotobuf-dev \ protobuf-compiler \ libprotoc-dev \ libdw-dev \ libprotobuf-dev \ libdocopt-dev \ && \ apt-get -y build-dep intel-gpu-tools ENV RUSTUP_HOME=/usr/local/rustup \ CARGO_HOME=/usr/local/cargo \ PATH=/usr/local/cargo/bin:$PATH \ RUST_VERSION=1.45.2 \ RUSTFLAGS='--cfg hermetic' # Debian usually has an old rust version in the repository. Instead of using that, we use rustup to # pull in a toolchain versions of our choosing. RUN curl -LO "https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup/archive/1.22.1/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/rustup-init" \ && echo "49c96f3f74be82f4752b8bffcf81961dea5e6e94ce1ccba94435f12e871c3bdb *rustup-init" | sha256sum -c - \ && chmod +x rustup-init \ && ./rustup-init -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain $RUST_VERSION \ && rm rustup-init \ && chmod -R a+w $RUSTUP_HOME $CARGO_HOME \ && rustup --version \ && cargo --version \ && rustc --version # Set the default toolchain to 'stable' to match the one that bin/smoke_test # uses. This allows kokoro runs to avoid re-downloading the toolchain as long # as the version matches RUST_VERSION. RUN rustup default stable # Warms up the cargo registry cache for future cargo runs. Cargo will still update the cache using a # git pull, but it only needs to download files that were changed since this image was built. RUN cargo install thisiznotarealpackage -q || true # Used /scratch for building dependencies which are too new or don't exist on Debian stretch. WORKDIR /scratch # Suppress warnings about detached HEAD, which will happen a lot and is meaningless in this context. RUN git config --global advice.detachedHead false # New libepoxy and libdrm-dev requires newer meson than is in Debian stretch. ARG MESON_COMMIT=master RUN git clone https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson /meson \ && cd /meson \ && git checkout $MESON_COMMIT \ && rm -f /usr/bin/meson \ && ln -s $PWD/meson.py /usr/bin/meson # The libdrm-dev in distro can be too old to build minigbm, # so we build it from upstream. ARG DRM_COMMIT=master RUN git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm.git/ \ && cd drm \ && git checkout $DRM_COMMIT \ && meson build -Dlibdir=lib \ && ninja -C build/ install # The gbm used by upstream linux distros is not compatible with crosvm, which must use Chrome OS's # minigbm. RUN git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/minigbm \ && cd minigbm \ && sed 's/-Wall/-Wno-maybe-uninitialized/g' -i Makefile \ && make CPPFLAGS="-DDRV_I915" DRV_I915=1 install -j$(nproc) RUN git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/virgl/virglrenderer.git \ && cd virglrenderer \ && mkdir -p build \ && meson build/ -Dprefix=/usr/local -Dlibdir=lib \ && ninja -C build/ install # Install libtpm2 so that tpm2-sys/build.rs does not try to build it in place in # the read-only source directory. ARG TPM2_COMMIT=073dc25aa4dda42475a7a5a140399fc5db61b20f RUN git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/tpm2 \ && cd tpm2 \ && git checkout $TPM2_COMMIT \ && make -j$(nproc) \ && cp build/libtpm2.a /lib # PUll down platform2 repositroy and install librendernodehost. # Note that we clone the repository outside of /scratch not to be removed # because crosvm depends on libvda. ENV PLATFORM2_ROOT=/platform2 ARG PLATFORM2_COMMIT=2dce812fc9091e41a33094929610199468ee322b RUN git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform2 $PLATFORM2_ROOT \ && cd $PLATFORM2_ROOT \ && git checkout $PLATFORM2_COMMIT # Set up sysroot from which system_api proto files are built. ENV SYSROOT=/sysroot RUN mkdir -p $SYSROOT/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/trunks \ && cp $PLATFORM2_ROOT/trunks/interface.proto \ $SYSROOT/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/trunks # Copy it under rustc's sysroot as well for cargo clippy. RUN export RUST_SYSROOT=$(rustc --print sysroot); echo $RUST_SYSROOT RUN mkdir -p $RUST_SYSROOT/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/trunks \ && cp $PLATFORM2_ROOT/trunks/interface.proto \ $RUST_SYSROOT/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/trunks # Reduces image size and prevents accidentally using /scratch files RUN rm -r /scratch WORKDIR / # The manual installation of shared objects requires an ld.so.cache refresh. RUN ldconfig # Pull down repositories that crosvm depends on to cros checkout-like locations. ENV CROS_ROOT=/ ENV THIRD_PARTY_ROOT=$CROS_ROOT/third_party RUN mkdir -p $THIRD_PARTY_ROOT ENV PLATFORM_ROOT=$CROS_ROOT/platform RUN mkdir -p $PLATFORM_ROOT ENV AOSP_EXTERNAL_ROOT=$CROS_ROOT/aosp/external RUN mkdir -p $AOSP_EXTERNAL_ROOT # minijail does not exist in upstream linux distros. ARG MINIJAIL_COMMIT=5f9e3001c61626d2863dad91248ba8496c3ef511 RUN git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/minijail $AOSP_EXTERNAL_ROOT/minijail \ && cd $AOSP_EXTERNAL_ROOT/minijail \ && git checkout $MINIJAIL_COMMIT \ && make -j$(nproc) \ && cp libminijail.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # Pull the cras library for audio access. ARG ADHD_COMMIT=5068bdd18b51de8f2d5bcff754cdecda80de8f44 RUN git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/adhd $THIRD_PARTY_ROOT/adhd \ && cd $THIRD_PARTY_ROOT/adhd \ && git checkout $ADHD_COMMIT ARG VPERFETTO_COMMIT=3ce4813ae114e5f2e6e0b3f29517a88246c00363 RUN git clone https://github.com/741g/vperfetto.git && \ cd vperfetto && \ git checkout $VPERFETTO_COMMIT && \ cmake -G Ninja -B_build -DOPTION_BUILD_TESTS=FALSE && \ ninja -C _build install ARG CROSVM_COMMIT=3f9373f474a295df0f8a38592472ae59adc98e29 RUN mkdir -p /platform/ \ && cd /platform \ && git clone --single-branch -b perfetto https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/tomeu/crosvm.git \ && cd crosvm \ && cargo install --locked --debug --features 'default-no-sandbox wl-dmabuf gpu x virtio-gpu-next' --path . --root /usr/local RUN export uid=$USER_ID gid=$GROUP_ID && \ mkdir -p /home/chronos && \ echo "chronos:x:${uid}:${gid}:Developer,,,:/home/chronos:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd && \ echo "chronos:x:${uid}:" >> /etc/group && \ chown ${uid}:${gid} -R /home/chronos #crony didn't install cleanly when using --include, so we add it by using an extra apt install ENV EXTRA_PACKAGES="sudo,strace,libxcb-dri2-0,libxcb-dri3-0,libx11-xcb1,libxcb-xfixes0,libxcb-present0,libxcb-sync1,libxshmfence1,libx11-6,sysvinit-core,libwayland-client0,libwayland-server0,time,inetutils-ping,dnsutils,libpng16-16,libprocps8,valgrind,libsensors5,python3,wget,gnupg,ca-certificates,llvm-dev,chrony" RUN ulimit -n 1024 && \ debootstrap --variant=minbase --components main,contrib,non-free --include=$EXTRA_PACKAGES bullseye /rootfs http://deb.debian.org/debian && \ chroot /rootfs /bin/bash -c "apt install -yy gdb" && \ chroot /rootfs /bin/bash -c "dpkg-query -Wf '\${Installed-Size}\t\${Package}\n' | sort -n " && \ chroot /rootfs /bin/bash -c "useradd -u 1001 -r -d / -s /sbin/nologin -c 'crossvm image user' perfetto" COPY perf-testing/Docker/init.sh /rootfs/. RUN cd /rootfs && \ find -H | cpio -H newc -o | xz --check=crc32 -T4 - > /rootfs.cpio.gz COPY perf-testing/Docker/x86_64.config /tmp/. RUN mkdir -p kernel && \ wget -O- https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.10.16.tar.xz | tar -xJ --strip-components=1 -C kernel && \ cd kernel && \ ./scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh arch/x86/configs/x86_64_defconfig /tmp/x86_64.config && \ make -j12 vmlinux && \ cp vmlinux /. && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf kernel # Need an unreleased version of Waffle for surfaceless support in apitrace # Replace this build with the Debian package once that's possible ENV WAFFLE_VERSION="b6d94483694b6889a8567b6bd748f7baad527df4" RUN git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/waffle.git --single-branch --no-checkout /waffle && \ cd /waffle && \ git checkout "$WAFFLE_VERSION" && \ cmake -B_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Dwaffle_has_surfaceless_egl=1 . && \ make -j12 -C _build install && \ mkdir -p build/lib build/bin && \ cp _build/lib/libwaffle-1.so build/lib/libwaffle-1.so.0 && \ cp _build/bin/wflinfo build/bin/wflinfo ENV APITRACE_VERSION="perfetto" RUN git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/tomeu/apitrace.git --single-branch -b perfetto --no-checkout /apitrace && \ cd /apitrace && \ git checkout "$APITRACE_VERSION" && \ cmake -G Ninja -B_build -H. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DENABLE_GUI=False -DENABLE_WAFFLE=on -DWaffle_DIR=/usr/local/lib/cmake/Waffle/ && \ ninja -C _build && \ mkdir build && \ cp _build/apitrace build && \ cp _build/eglretrace build ENV GN_ARGS="is_debug=false use_custom_libcxx=false" ENV CFG=linux_trusty-gcc7-x86_64-release RUN git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/perfetto && \ cd perfetto && \ git checkout v12.1 && \ python3 tools/install-build-deps && \ python3 tools/install-build-deps --ui && \ tools/gn gen out/dist --args="${GN_ARGS}" --check && \ tools/ninja -C out/dist traced traced_probes perfetto trace_to_text ui trace_processor_shell && \ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages && \ protoc --python_out=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto_trace.proto && \ tools/gen_amalgamated --gn_args 'target_os="linux" is_debug=false' RUN mkdir -p /traces-db && chown chronos:chronos /traces-db && mkdir -p /wd && chown -R chronos:chronos /wd ENV IGT_GPU_TOOLS_VERSION="igt-gpu-tools-1.25" RUN git clone --single-branch -b master https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/igt-gpu-tools.git && \ cd igt-gpu-tools && \ git checkout "$IGT_GPU_TOOLS_VERSION" && \ meson build -Doverlay=disabled -Dchamelium=disabled -Dvalgrind=disabled -Dman=disabled -Ddocs=disabled -Dtests=disabled -Drunner=disabled && \ ninja -C build install ENV GFX_PPS_VERSION="v0.3.0" RUN git clone --single-branch -b master https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/Fahien/gfx-pps.git && \ cd gfx-pps && \ git checkout "$GFX_PPS_VERSION" && \ meson build -Dtest=false -Dbuildtype=debugoptimized && \ ninja -C build COPY perf-testing/Docker/run_traces.sh /usr/local/. COPY perf-testing/Docker/run_perfetto_ui.sh /usr/local/. COPY perf-testing/Docker/run.sh /usr/local/. COPY perf-testing/Docker/perfetto-guest.cfg /usr/local/. COPY perf-testing/Docker/perfetto-host.cfg /usr/local/. COPY perf-testing/Docker/merge_traces.py /usr/local/. ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/run.sh"]