Configure indices in struct tags

v2 v2.0.2
Nikita Tokarchuk 4 years ago
parent 6e6a042a16
commit eeb83daf4b
  1. 134
  2. 156
  3. 1

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package database
import (
// IndexEnsure function ensures index in mongo collection of document
// `index:""` --
// `index:"-"` -- (descending)
// `index:"-,+foo,+-bar"` --
// `index:"-,+foo,+-bar,unique"` --
// `index:"-,+foo,+-bar,unique,allowNull"` --
// `index:"-,unique,allowNull,expireAfter=86400"` --
// `index:"-,unique,allowNull,expireAfter={{.Expire}}"` -- evaluate index as a golang template with `cfg` arguments
func (d *Database) IndexEnsure(cfg interface{}, document interface{}) error {
el := reflect.ValueOf(document).Elem().Type()
numField := el.NumField()
documents := d.GetCollectionOf(document)
for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
field := el.Field(i)
tag := field.Tag
indexTag, ok := tag.Lookup("index")
if !ok {
bsonTag, ok := tag.Lookup("bson")
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bson tag is not defined for field:%v document:%v", field, document)
tmpBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
tpl, err := template.New("").Parse(indexTag)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid prop template, %v", indexTag))
err = tpl.Execute(tmpBuffer, cfg)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to evaluate prop template, %v", indexTag))
indexString := tmpBuffer.String()
indexValues := strings.Split(indexString, ",")
bsonValues := strings.Split(bsonTag, ",")
var f = false
var t = true
var key = bsonValues[0]
var name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_", indexString, key)
if len(key) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot evaluate index key"))
index := primitive.M{key: 1}
opts := &options.IndexOptions{
Background: &f,
Unique: &f,
Name: &name,
if indexValues[0] == "-" {
index[key] = -1
for _, prop := range indexValues[1:] {
var left string
var right string
pair := strings.SplitN(prop, "=", 2)
left = pair[0]
if len(pair) > 1 {
right = pair[1]
switch {
case left == "unique":
opts.Unique = &t
case left == "allowNull":
expression, isMap := opts.PartialFilterExpression.(primitive.M)
if !isMap || expression == nil {
expression = primitive.M{}
expression[key] = primitive.M{"$exists": true}
opts.PartialFilterExpression = expression
case left == "expireAfter":
expireAfter, err := strconv.Atoi(right)
if err != nil || expireAfter < 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid expireAfter value, err: %w", err))
expireAfterInt32 := int32(expireAfter)
opts.ExpireAfterSeconds = &expireAfterInt32
case len(left) > 0 && left[0] == '+':
compoundValue := left[1:]
if len(compoundValue) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid compound value"))
if compoundValue[0] == '-' {
index[compoundValue[1:]] = -1
} else {
index[compoundValue] = 1
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported flag:%q in tag:%q of type:%s", prop, tag, el))
_, err = documents.Indexes().CreateOne(d.Context(), mongo.IndexModel{Keys: index, Options: opts})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
package database_test
import (
func TestDatabase_Ensure(t *testing.T) {
db, err := database.NewEphemeral("mongodb://localhost")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
testvalues := []struct {
doc interface{}
settings map[string]interface{}
index map[string]interface{}
doc: &struct {
oidbased.Primary `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"1"`
Foobar int `bson:"foobar" json:"foobar" index:"-,unique,allowNull,expireAfter=86400"`
Foo int `bson:"foo" json:"foo"`
Bar int `bson:"bar" json:"bar"`
index: map[string]interface{}{
"background": false,
"expireAfterSeconds": int32(86400),
"key": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": int32(-1),
"name": "-,unique,allowNull,expireAfter=86400_foobar_",
"partialFilterExpression": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": map[string]interface{}{"$exists": true},
"unique": true,
doc: &struct {
oidbased.Primary `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"2"`
Foobar int `bson:"foobar" json:"foobar" index:",unique"`
index: map[string]interface{}{
"background": false,
"key": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": int32(1),
"name": ",unique_foobar_",
"unique": true,
doc: &struct {
oidbased.Primary `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"3"`
Foobar int `bson:"foobar" json:"foobar" index:"-,+foo,+-bar,unique,allowNull"`
Foo int `bson:"foo" json:"foo"`
Bar int `bson:"bar" json:"bar"`
index: map[string]interface{}{
"background": false,
"key": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": int32(-1),
"foo": int32(1),
"bar": int32(-1),
"name": "-,+foo,+-bar,unique,allowNull_foobar_",
"partialFilterExpression": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": map[string]interface{}{"$exists": true},
"unique": true,
doc: &struct {
oidbased.Primary `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"4"`
Foobar int `bson:"foobar" json:"foobar" index:""`
Foo int `bson:"foo" json:"foo"`
Bar int `bson:"bar" json:"bar"`
index: map[string]interface{}{
"background": false,
"key": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": int32(1),
"name": "_foobar_",
doc: &struct {
oidbased.Primary `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"5"`
Foobar int `bson:"foobar" json:"foobar" index:"-"`
Foo int `bson:"foo" json:"foo"`
Bar int `bson:"bar" json:"bar"`
index: map[string]interface{}{
"background": false,
"key": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": int32(-1),
"name": "-_foobar_",
doc: &struct {
oidbased.Primary `bson:",inline" json:",inline" collection:"1"`
Foobar int `bson:"foobar" json:"foobar" index:"-,unique,allowNull,expireAfter={{.Expire}}"`
Foo int `bson:"foo" json:"foo"`
Bar int `bson:"bar" json:"bar"`
settings: map[string]interface{}{
"Expire": 86400,
index: map[string]interface{}{
"background": false,
"expireAfterSeconds": int32(86400),
"key": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": int32(-1),
"name": "-,unique,allowNull,expireAfter=86400_foobar_",
"partialFilterExpression": map[string]interface{}{
"foobar": map[string]interface{}{"$exists": true},
"unique": true,
for _, tt := range testvalues {
err = db.IndexEnsure(tt.settings, tt.doc)
assert.NoError(t, err)
indexes, _ := db.GetCollectionOf(tt.doc).Indexes().List(db.Context())
index := new(map[string]interface{})
indexes.Next(db.Context()) // skip _id_
for k, v := range tt.index {
assert.Equal(t, v, (*index)[k])

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ type Database interface {
LoadOne(target interface{}, filters ...interface{}) error LoadOne(target interface{}, filters ...interface{}) error
LoadStream(target interface{}, filters ...interface{}) (StreamLoader, error) LoadStream(target interface{}, filters ...interface{}) (StreamLoader, error)
SaveOne(source interface{}) error SaveOne(source interface{}) error
IndexEnsure(cfg interface{}, document interface{}) error
} }
// StreamLoader is a interface to control database cursor // StreamLoader is a interface to control database cursor
