@ -85,14 +85,22 @@ multiple seats. |
By default Weston will use the default seat named ``seat0``, but there's an |
option to specify which seat Weston must use by passing ``--seat`` argument. |
You can start Weston from a VT, assuming that there's a `logind |
<https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind/>`_ instance running |
on the machine. If that's not available, you can use the ``weston-launch`` |
application that can handle VT switching. |
Another way of launching Weston is via ssh or a serial terminal but is |
currently a pain to do. One way is to run everything as root and issue |
``weston --tty 2`` while TTY 2 is active for example. |
You can start Weston from a VT assuming that there's a seat manager supported by |
`libseat <https://sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/seatd>`_ running, such as ``seatd`` or |
`logind <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind/>`_. The |
backend to be used by ``libseat`` can optionally be selected with |
``$LIBSEAT_BACKEND``. If ``libseat`` and ``seatd`` are both installed, but |
``seatd`` is not already running, it can be started with ``sudo -- seatd -g |
video``. If no seat manager supported by ``libseat`` is available, you can use |
the ``weston-launch`` application that can handle VT switching. |
Another way of launching Weston is via ssh or a serial terminal. The simplest |
option here is to use the ``libseat`` launcher with ``seatd``. The process for |
setting that up is identical to the one described above, where one just need to |
ensure that ``seatd`` is running with the appropriate arguments, after which one |
can just run ``weston``. Alternatively and as a last resort, one can run Weston |
as root, specifying the tty to use on the command line: If TTY 2 is active, one |
would run ``weston --tty 2`` as root. |
Running Weston on a different seat on a stand-alone back-end |
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