@ -29,11 +29,32 @@ pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme==0.4.3 --user
# Build a Linux kernel for use in testing. We enable the VKMS module so we can
# predictably test the DRM backend in the absence of real hardware. We lock the
# version here so we see predictable results.
# To run this we use virtme, a QEMU wrapper: https://github.com/amluto/virtme
# virtme makes our lives easier by abstracting handling of the console,
# filesystem, etc, so we can pretend that the VM we execute in is actually
# just a regular container.
# The reason why we are using a fork here is that it adds a patch to have the
# --script-dir command line option. With that we can run scripts that are in a
# certain folder when virtme starts, which is necessary in our use case.
# The upstream also has some commands that could help us to reach the same
# results: --script-sh and --script-exec. Unfornutately they are not completely
# implemented yet, so we had some trouble to use them and it was becoming
# hackery.
if [ [ -n " ${ KERNEL_DEFCONFIG } " ] ] ; then
git clone --depth= 1 --branch= drm-next-2020-06-11-1 https://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/drm/drm.git linux
cd linux
if [ [ " ${ BUILD_ARCH } " = "x86-64" ] ] ; then
echo "Invalid or missing \$BUILD_ARCH"
exit 1
if [ [ -z " ${ KERNEL_DEFCONFIG } " ] ] ; then
echo "Invalid or missing \$KERNEL_DEFCONFIG"
@ -42,6 +63,7 @@ if [[ -z "${KERNEL_IMAGE}" ]]; then
echo "Invalid or missing \$KERNEL_IMAGE"
make ARCH = ${ LINUX_ARCH } kvmconfig
./scripts/config --enable CONFIG_DRM_VKMS
@ -53,26 +75,12 @@ mv linux/arch/${LINUX_ARCH}/boot/${KERNEL_IMAGE} /weston-virtme/
mv linux/.config /weston-virtme/.config
rm -rf linux
# Build virtme, a QEMU wrapper: https://github.com/amluto/virtme
# virtme makes our lives easier by abstracting handling of the console,
# filesystem, etc, so we can pretend that the VM we execute in is actually
# just a regular container.
# The reason why we are using a fork here is that it adds a patch to have the
# --script-dir command line option. With that we can run scripts that are in a
# certain folder when virtme starts, which is necessary in our use case.
# The upstream also has some commands that could help us to reach the same
# results: --script-sh and --script-exec. Unfornutately they are not completely
# implemented yet, so we had some trouble to use them and it was becoming
# hackery.
git clone https://github.com/ezequielgarcia/virtme
cd virtme
git checkout -b snapshot 69e3cb83b3405edc99fcf9611f50012a4f210f78
./setup.py install
cd ..
# Build and install Wayland; keep this version in sync with our dependency
# in meson.build.