error404=The page you are trying to reach either <strong>does not exist</strong> or <strong>you are not authorized</strong> to view it.
occurred=خطایی رخ داده است
occurred=خطایی رخ داده است
report_message=If you are sure this is a Gitea bug, please search for issue on <a href="">GitHub</a> and open new issue if necessary.
app_desc=یک سرویس گیت بیدرد سر و راحت
app_desc=یک سرویس گیت بیدرد سر و راحت
install=راهاندازی ساده
install=راهاندازی ساده
install_desc=Simply <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">run the binary</a> for your platform, ship it with <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Docker</a>, or get it <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">packaged</a>.
platform=مستقل از سکو
platform=مستقل از سکو
platform_desc=گیت همه جا اجرا میشود <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> بریم!</a> میتوانید Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM و ... هر کدام را دوست داشتید انتخاب کنید!
platform_desc=گیت همه جا اجرا میشود <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> بریم!</a> میتوانید Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM و ... هر کدام را دوست داشتید انتخاب کنید!
lightweight=ابزارک سبک
lightweight=ابزارک سبک
@ -107,6 +110,7 @@ password=رمز عبور
db_name=نام پایگاه داده
db_name=نام پایگاه داده
db_helper=نکته برای کاربران MySQL: لطفا از موتور InnoDB استفاده کنید و اگر از نوع کدینگ "utf8mb4" استفاده می کنید، ورژن InnoDB خود را به بالای 5.6 به روز رسانی کنید.
db_helper=نکته برای کاربران MySQL: لطفا از موتور InnoDB استفاده کنید و اگر از نوع کدینگ "utf8mb4" استفاده می کنید، ورژن InnoDB خود را به بالای 5.6 به روز رسانی کنید.
db_schema_helper=Leave blank for database default ("public").
charset=نوع کدگذاری
charset=نوع کدگذاری
@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ openid_signin=فعالسازی ورود با OpenID
openid_signin_popup=فعالسازی ورود کاربر با OpenID.
openid_signin_popup=فعالسازی ورود کاربر با OpenID.
openid_signup=فعالسازی ثبت نام با OpenID
openid_signup=فعالسازی ثبت نام با OpenID
openid_signup_popup=فعال سازی ثبت نام با استفاده از OpenID.
openid_signup_popup=فعال سازی ثبت نام با استفاده از OpenID.
enable_captcha=Enable registration CAPTCHA
enable_captcha_popup=عضویت افراد نیازمند کپچا است.
enable_captcha_popup=عضویت افراد نیازمند کپچا است.
require_sign_in_view=فعالسازی نیازمند به ورود در هنگام مشاهده صفحات
require_sign_in_view=فعالسازی نیازمند به ورود در هنگام مشاهده صفحات
require_sign_in_view_popup=کاربران وارد شده دسترسی به صفحات را دارند. مهمانها فقط قادر به دیدن صفحه 'ثبت نام' و 'ورود' هستند.
require_sign_in_view_popup=کاربران وارد شده دسترسی به صفحات را دارند. مهمانها فقط قادر به دیدن صفحه 'ثبت نام' و 'ورود' هستند.
@ -201,8 +206,17 @@ my_orgs=سازمان های من
my_mirrors=قرینههای من
my_mirrors=قرینههای من
view_home=نمایش %s
view_home=نمایش %s
search_repos=یافتن مخزن…
search_repos=یافتن مخزن…
filter=Other Filters
show_both_archived_unarchived=Showing both archived and unarchived
show_only_archived=Showing only archived
show_only_unarchived=Showing only unarchived
show_both_private_public=Showing both public and private
show_only_private=Showing only private
show_only_public=Showing only public
issues.in_your_repos=در مخازن شما
issues.in_your_repos=در مخازن شما
@ -461,6 +475,7 @@ add_email=اضافه کردن نشانی ایمیل
add_openid=اضافه کردن نشانی OpenID
add_openid=اضافه کردن نشانی OpenID
add_email_confirmation_sent=یک ایمیل تایید به نشانی %s ارسال شد, لطفا صندوق خود را حداکثر تا %s آینده برای تکمیل فرایند تایید بررسی کنید.
add_email_confirmation_sent=یک ایمیل تایید به نشانی %s ارسال شد, لطفا صندوق خود را حداکثر تا %s آینده برای تکمیل فرایند تایید بررسی کنید.
add_email_success=نشانی ایمیل جدید اضافه شده است.
add_email_success=نشانی ایمیل جدید اضافه شده است.
email_preference_set_success=Email preference has been set successfully.
add_openid_success=نشانی OpenID اضافه شد.
add_openid_success=نشانی OpenID اضافه شد.
keep_email_private=مخفی کردن نشانی ایمیل
keep_email_private=مخفی کردن نشانی ایمیل
keep_email_private_popup=نشانی ایمیل شما به کاربران دیگر نمایش داده نمیشود.
keep_email_private_popup=نشانی ایمیل شما به کاربران دیگر نمایش داده نمیشود.
@ -519,6 +534,7 @@ new_token_desc=برنامه های از token شما میتواندد دست
token_name=نام توکن
token_name=نام توکن
generate_token=ساخت توکن
generate_token=ساخت توکن
generate_token_success=اکنون token جدید ساخته شد. همینک آنها را کپی کنید دوباره آن را نخواهید دید.
generate_token_success=اکنون token جدید ساخته شد. همینک آنها را کپی کنید دوباره آن را نخواهید دید.
generate_token_name_duplicate=<strong>%s</strong> has been used as an application name already. Please use a new one.
access_token_deletion=حذف توکن
access_token_deletion=حذف توکن
access_token_deletion_desc=حذف token باعث از کار افتادن تمامی برنامههایی که در آنها به کار رفته میشود. آیا ادامه میدهید؟
access_token_deletion_desc=حذف token باعث از کار افتادن تمامی برنامههایی که در آنها به کار رفته میشود. آیا ادامه میدهید؟
@ -675,6 +691,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=الگوی %s در نام مخزن مجاز نیس
need_auth=مجوز همسانسازی
need_auth=مجوز همسانسازی
migrate_type=نوع انتقال
migrate_type=نوع انتقال
migrate_type_helper=این مخزن به عنوان <span class="text blue">قرینه</span> خواهد بود
migrate_type_helper=این مخزن به عنوان <span class="text blue">قرینه</span> خواهد بود
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Your site administrator has disabled new mirrors.
migrate_items=مولفه های مهاجرت
migrate_items=مولفه های مهاجرت
migrate_items_milestones=نقاط عطف
migrate_items_milestones=نقاط عطف
@ -729,6 +746,7 @@ tags=برچسبها
pulls=تقاضاهای واکشی
pulls=تقاضاهای واکشی
org_labels_desc=Organization level labels that can be used with <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization
milestones=نقاط عطف
milestones=نقاط عطف
@ -743,6 +761,7 @@ file_too_large=حجم این پرونده بیشتر از آن است که قا
video_not_supported_in_browser=مرورگر شما از تگ video که در HTML5 تعریف شده است، پشتیبانی نمی کند.
video_not_supported_in_browser=مرورگر شما از تگ video که در HTML5 تعریف شده است، پشتیبانی نمی کند.
audio_not_supported_in_browser=مرورگر شما از تگ audio که در HTML5 تعریف شده است، پشتیبانی نمی کند.
audio_not_supported_in_browser=مرورگر شما از تگ audio که در HTML5 تعریف شده است، پشتیبانی نمی کند.
pulls.no_merge_desc=این تقاضای واکشی قابل ادغام نیست لذا تمامی گزینه های ادغام مخزن غیر فعال هستند.
pulls.no_merge_desc=این تقاضای واکشی قابل ادغام نیست لذا تمامی گزینه های ادغام مخزن غیر فعال هستند.
pulls.no_merge_helper=گزینه های ادغام را در تنظیمات مخزن فعال کنید یا از تقاضای واکشی به صورت دستی ادغام نمایید.
pulls.no_merge_helper=گزینه های ادغام را در تنظیمات مخزن فعال کنید یا از تقاضای واکشی به صورت دستی ادغام نمایید.
pulls.no_merge_wip=این تقاضای واکشی قابل ادغام نیست لذا اکنون به این مخزن درحال پردازش علامت گذاری شده است.
pulls.no_merge_wip=این تقاضای واکشی قابل ادغام نیست لذا اکنون به این مخزن درحال پردازش علامت گذاری شده است.
pulls.no_merge_not_ready=This pull request is not ready to be merged, check review status and status checks.
pulls.no_merge_access=You are not authorized to merge this pull request.
pulls.merge_pull_request=ادغام تقاضای واکشی
pulls.merge_pull_request=ادغام تقاضای واکشی
pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request=بازگردانی و ادغام
pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request=بازگردانی و ادغام
pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request=بازگردانی و ادغام (--no-ff)
pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request=بازگردانی و ادغام (--no-ff)
pulls.squash_merge_pull_request=له کردن و ادغام
pulls.squash_merge_pull_request=له کردن و ادغام
pulls.require_signed_wont_sign=The branch requires signed commits but this merge will not be signed
pulls.invalid_merge_option=شما نمیتوانید از این گزینه برای تقاضای واکشی استفاده کنید.
pulls.invalid_merge_option=شما نمیتوانید از این گزینه برای تقاضای واکشی استفاده کنید.
pulls.merge_conflict=ادغام ناموفق: آنجا یک تداخل در لیست سفید بود: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br> نکته: یک استراتژی دیگر را امتحان کنید
pulls.merge_conflict=ادغام ناموفق: آنجا یک تداخل در لیست سفید بود: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br> نکته: یک استراتژی دیگر را امتحان کنید
pulls.rebase_conflict=ادغام ناموفق: آنجا یک تداخل در لیست سفید بنیان کامیت بود: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>%[3]s<br> نکته: یک استراتژی دیگر را امتحان کنید
pulls.rebase_conflict=ادغام ناموفق: آنجا یک تداخل در لیست سفید بنیان کامیت بود: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>%[3]s<br> نکته: یک استراتژی دیگر را امتحان کنید
pulls.unrelated_histories=ادغام ناموفق: سر و پایه ادغام یک تاریخ مشترک ندارند. نکته: یک استراتژی متفاوت را امتحان کنید
pulls.unrelated_histories=ادغام ناموفق: سر و پایه ادغام یک تاریخ مشترک ندارند. نکته: یک استراتژی متفاوت را امتحان کنید
pulls.merge_out_of_date=ادغام ناموفق: در حالی که ادغام را ایجاد می کند ، پایگاه به روز شد. نکته: دوباره امتحان کنید.
pulls.merge_out_of_date=ادغام ناموفق: در حالی که ادغام را ایجاد می کند ، پایگاه به روز شد. نکته: دوباره امتحان کنید.
pulls.push_rejected=Merge Failed: The push was rejected with the following message:<br>%s<br>Review the githooks for this repository
pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Merge Failed: The push was rejected but there was no remote message.<br>Review the githooks for this repository
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`شما نمیتوانید یک عملیات را انجام داده یا بازگشایی نمایید لذا (#%d) مورد تقاضای واکشی با ویژگی منحصر به فرد هنوز رسیدگی نشده (معلق) است. `
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`شما نمیتوانید یک عملیات را انجام داده یا بازگشایی نمایید لذا (#%d) مورد تقاضای واکشی با ویژگی منحصر به فرد هنوز رسیدگی نشده (معلق) است. `
pulls.status_checking=برخی از بررسیها در حال تعلیق هستند
pulls.status_checking=برخی از بررسیها در حال تعلیق هستند
pulls.status_checks_success=تمامی بررسیها موفق بودند
pulls.status_checks_success=تمامی بررسیها موفق بودند
settings.branch_filter_desc=لیست سفید برای درج در شاخه، سازنده شاخه و حذف کننده رخداد ها، به عنوان الگوی قطرهای تعریف میشوند. اگر خالی یا <code>*</code> باشد. رخداد های تمامی شاخه های گزارش می شوند. به <a href=""> </a> برای مستندات املای آن نگاه کنید. مثال ها: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.branch_filter_desc=لیست سفید برای درج در شاخه، سازنده شاخه و حذف کننده رخداد ها، به عنوان الگوی قطرهای تعریف میشوند. اگر خالی یا <code>*</code> باشد. رخداد های تمامی شاخه های گزارش می شوند. به <a href=""> </a> برای مستندات املای آن نگاه کنید. مثال ها: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.فعالفعال
@ -1376,7 +1500,9 @@ settings.slack_channel=کانال
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">اختلافها </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">اختلافها </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">Dingtalk </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">Dingtalk </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_telegram_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">تلگرام </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_telegram_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">تلگرام </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_matrix_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Matrix</a> into your repository.
settings.add_msteams_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">تیم مایکروسافت </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_msteams_hook_desc=درست کردن <a href="%s">تیم مایکروسافت </a> در مخزن شما.
settings.add_feishu_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Feishu</a> into your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=کلید های استقرار
settings.deploy_keys=کلید های استقرار
settings.add_deploy_key=افزودن کلید استقرار
settings.add_deploy_key=افزودن کلید استقرار
settings.deploy_key_desc=کلید استقرار فقط-خواندنی است برای دسترس واکشی از این مخزن.
settings.deploy_key_desc=کلید استقرار فقط-خواندنی است برای دسترس واکشی از این مخزن.
@ -1423,12 +1549,22 @@ settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled=مصوبات را برای کارب
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc=فقط بررسیهای مربوط به کاربران یا تیم های لیست سفید ، به تاییدیه های لازم خواهد رسید. بدون لیست سفید ، بررسیهای مربوط به هرکسی که دسترسی به نوشتن داشته باشد ، تأییدهای لازم را می دهد.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc=فقط بررسیهای مربوط به کاربران یا تیم های لیست سفید ، به تاییدیه های لازم خواهد رسید. بدون لیست سفید ، بررسیهای مربوط به هرکسی که دسترسی به نوشتن داشته باشد ، تأییدهای لازم را می دهد.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams=تیمهای لیست سفید برای بازبینیها:
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams=تیمهای لیست سفید برای بازبینیها:
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals=Dismiss stale approvals
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=When new commits that change the content of the pull request are pushed to the branch, old approvals will be dismissed.
settings.require_signed_commits=Require Signed Commits
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Reject pushes to this branch if they are unsigned or unverifiable
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns=Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href=""></a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=محافظ شاخه برای شاخهی «%s» بهروز شد.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=محافظ شاخه برای شاخهی «%s» بهروز شد.
settings.remove_protected_branch_success=محافظ شاخه برای شاخهی «%s» غیرفعال شد.
settings.remove_protected_branch_success=محافظ شاخه برای شاخهی «%s» غیرفعال شد.
settings.protected_branch_deletion=غیرفعالکردن حفاظت از شاخه
settings.protected_branch_deletion=غیرفعالکردن حفاظت از شاخه
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=غیرفعال کردن محافظت از شاخه به کاربرانی که دسترسی نوشتن دارند اجازه درج در شاخه را میدهد. آیا ادامه میدهید؟
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=غیرفعال کردن محافظت از شاخه به کاربرانی که دسترسی نوشتن دارند اجازه درج در شاخه را میدهد. آیا ادامه میدهید؟
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Block merge on rejected reviews
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Merging will not be possible when changes are requested by official reviewers, even if there are enough approvals.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Block merge if pull request is outdated
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
settings.default_branch_desc=شاخه اصلی مخزن را برای تقاضا واکشی و کامیت کد ها انتخاب نمایید:
settings.default_branch_desc=شاخه اصلی مخزن را برای تقاضا واکشی و کامیت کد ها انتخاب نمایید:
settings.choose_branch=شاخه اصلی مخزن را برای تقاضا واکشی و کامیت کد ها انتخاب نمایید:
settings.choose_branch=شاخه اصلی مخزن را برای تقاضا واکشی و کامیت کد ها انتخاب نمایید:
settings.no_protected_branch=اینجا هیچ شاخه محافظت شده ای وجود ندارد.
settings.no_protected_branch=اینجا هیچ شاخه محافظت شده ای وجود ندارد.
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min=نیازمند تاییدیه نمیتواند منفی باشد.
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min=نیازمند تاییدیه نمیتواند منفی باشد.
settings.bot_token=Token ربات
settings.bot_token=Token ربات
settings.chat_id=شناسه گپ
settings.chat_id=شناسه گپ
settings.matrix.homeserver_url=Homeserver URL
settings.matrix.room_id=Room ID
settings.matrix.access_token=Access Token
settings.matrix.message_type=Message Type
settings.archive.button=بایگانی مخزن
settings.archive.button=بایگانی مخزن
settings.archive.header=بایگانی این مخزن
settings.archive.header=بایگانی این مخزن
settings.archive.text=بایگانی کردن یک مخزن آن را فقط-خواندی میکند. و از پیشخوان مخفی میشود. و نمیتوان برای آن هیچ کامیتی، مسئله یا تقاضای واکشیای ایجاد نمود.
settings.archive.text=بایگانی کردن یک مخزن آن را فقط-خواندی میکند. و از پیشخوان مخفی میشود. و نمیتوان برای آن هیچ کامیتی، مسئله یا تقاضای واکشیای ایجاد نمود.
emails.change_email_text=Are your sure you want to update this email address?
orgs.org_manage_panel=مدیریت سازمان
orgs.org_manage_panel=مدیریت سازماننامنام
@ -1792,6 +1978,9 @@ hooks.desc=هوک تحت وب به صورت خودکار درخواست POST HTT
hooks.add_webhook=افزودن هوک تحت وب پیش فرض
hooks.add_webhook=افزودن هوک تحت وب پیش فرض
hooks.update_webhook=به روز رسانی هوک تحت وب پیش فرض
hooks.update_webhook=به روز رسانی هوک تحت وب پیش فرض
systemhooks.desc=Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined will act on all repositories on the system, so please consider any performance implications this may have. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">webhooks guide</a>.
systemhooks.add_webhook=Add System Webhook
systemhooks.update_webhook=Update System Webhook
auths.auth_manage_panel=مدیریت منابع احراز هویت
auths.auth_manage_panel=مدیریت منابع احراز هویتافزودن منبع احراز هویتافزودن منبع احراز هویت
@ -1818,10 +2007,13 @@ auths.attribute_surname=ویژگی نام خانوادگی
auths.attribute_mail=ویژگی ایمیل
auths.attribute_mail=ویژگی ایمیل
auths.attribute_ssh_public_key=ویژگی های کلید SSH عمومی
auths.attribute_ssh_public_key=ویژگی های کلید SSH عمومی
auths.attributes_in_bind=واکشی ویژگی های DN متصل شده در متن زمینه
auths.attributes_in_bind=واکشی ویژگی های DN متصل شده در متن زمینه
auths.allow_deactivate_all=Allow an empty search result to deactivate all users
auths.use_paged_search=استفاده از جستجو ثبت شده
auths.use_paged_search=استفاده از جستجو ثبت شده
auths.search_page_size=اندازه صفحه
auths.search_page_size=اندازه صفحه
auths.filter=صافی کاربر
auths.filter=صافی کاربر
auths.admin_filter=صافی مدیر
auths.admin_filter=صافی مدیر
auths.restricted_filter=Restricted Filter
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Leave empty to not set any users as restricted. Use an asterisk ('*') to set all users that do not match Admin Filter as restricted.هنگام ثبت احراز هویت OAuth2 جدید ، نشانی callback / redirect باید این گونه باشد: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callbackهنگام ثبت احراز هویت OAuth2 جدید ، نشانی callback / redirect باید این گونه باشد: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=تامین کننده OAuth2
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=تامین کننده OAuth2
auths.tip.bitbucket=ثبت یک OAuth جدید مصرف کننده بر<your username>/oauth-consumers/new و افزودن مجوز 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.bitbucket=ثبت یک OAuth جدید مصرف کننده بر<your username>/oauth-consumers/new و افزودن مجوز 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.nextcloud=Register a new OAuth consumer on your instance using the following menu "Settings -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.dropbox=یک برنامه جدید در بسازید
auths.tip.dropbox=یک برنامه جدید در بسازید
auths.tip.facebook=یک برنامه جدید در بسازید برای ورود از طریق فیس بوک قسمت محصولات "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.facebook=یک برنامه جدید در بسازید برای ورود از طریق فیس بوک قسمت محصولات "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.github=یک برنامه OAuth جدید در ثبت کنید
auths.tip.github=یک برنامه OAuth جدید در ثبت کنید
@ -1865,6 +2058,7 @@ auths.tip.openid_connect=برای مشخص کردن نقاط پایانی از
auths.tip.twitter=به بروید ، برنامه ای ایجاد کنید و اطمینان حاصل کنید که گزینه "اجازه استفاده از این برنامه برای ورود به سیستم با Twitter" را فعال کنید
auths.tip.twitter=به بروید ، برنامه ای ایجاد کنید و اطمینان حاصل کنید که گزینه "اجازه استفاده از این برنامه برای ورود به سیستم با Twitter" را فعال کنید
auths.tip.discord=یک برنامه جدید را در ثبت کنید
auths.tip.discord=یک برنامه جدید را در ثبت کنید
auths.tip.gitea=یک برنامه OAuth2 ثبت کنید. راهنمایی بیشتر
auths.tip.gitea=یک برنامه OAuth2 ثبت کنید. راهنمایی بیشتر a new application at Select following permissions from the "Yandex.Passport API" section: "Access to email address", "Access to user avatar" and "Access to username, first name and surname, gender"
auths.edit=ویرایش منبع احراز هویت
auths.edit=ویرایش منبع احراز هویت
auths.activated=این منبع احراز هویت فعال شده است
auths.activated=این منبع احراز هویت فعال شده است
auths.new_success=احراز هویت '%s' افزوده شد.
auths.new_success=احراز هویت '%s' افزوده شد.
@ -1920,6 +2114,7 @@ config.db_type=نوع
@ -1959,6 +2154,7 @@ config.mailer_user=کاربر
config.mailer_use_sendmail=استفاده از ارسال رایانامه (ایمیل) مستقیم
config.mailer_use_sendmail=استفاده از ارسال رایانامه (ایمیل) مستقیم
monitor.queue.maxnumberworkers=Max Number of Workers Config
monitor.queue.review_add=Review/Add Workers
monitor.queue.configuration=Initial Configuration
monitor.queue.nopool.title=No Worker Pool
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=This queue wraps other queues and does not itself have a worker pool.
monitor.queue.wrapped.desc=A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc=A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title=Add Workers
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit=Add Workers
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc=Add Workers to this pool with or without a timeout. If you set a timeout these workers will be removed from the pool after the timeout has lapsed.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder=Number of Workers
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder=Set to 0 for no timeout
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero=Number of Workers to add must be greater than zero
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration=Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Flush Queue
monitor.queue.pool.flush.desc=Flush will add a worker that will terminate once the queue is empty, or it times out.
monitor.queue.pool.flush.submit=Add Flush Worker
monitor.queue.pool.flush.added=Flush Worker added for %[1]s
monitor.queue.settings.title=Pool Settings
monitor.queue.settings.desc=Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
error404=La pagina che stai cercando di raggiungere <strong>non esiste</strong> oppure <strong>non sei autorizzato</strong> a visualizzarla.
error404=La pagina che stai cercando di raggiungere <strong>non esiste</strong> oppure <strong>non sei autorizzato</strong> a visualizzarla.
occurred=Si è verificato un errore
report_message=Se sei sicuro che sia un bug di Gitea, cerca il problema su <a href="">GitHub</a> e apri una nuova segnalazione se necessario.
app_desc=Un servizio auto-ospitato per Git pronto all'uso
app_desc=Un servizio auto-ospitato per Git pronto all'uso
install=Facile da installare
install=Facile da installare
install_desc=Simply <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">run the binary</a> for your platform, ship it with <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Docker</a>, or get it <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">packaged</a>.
platform_desc=Gitea funziona ovunque <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a> possa essere compilato: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, etc. Scegli ciò che ami!
platform_desc=Gitea funziona ovunque <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a> possa essere compilato: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, etc. Scegli ciò che ami!
openid_signin_popup=Attiva registrazione utente via OpenID.
openid_signin_popup=Attiva registrazione utente via OpenID.
openid_signup=Attiva OpenID Self-Registration
openid_signup=Attiva OpenID Self-Registration
openid_signup_popup=Attiva OpenID-based user self-registration.
openid_signup_popup=Attiva OpenID-based user self-registration.
enable_captcha=Enable registration CAPTCHA
enable_captcha_popup=Richiedi convalida captcha per i nuovi utenti.
enable_captcha_popup=Richiedi convalida captcha per i nuovi utenti.
require_sign_in_view=Richiedi l'accesso per visualizzare le pagine
require_sign_in_view=Richiedi l'accesso per visualizzare le pagine
require_sign_in_view_popup=Limita l'accesso alle pagine agli utenti che hanno eseguito l'accesso. I visitatori visualizzeranno solamente le pagine di accesso e registrazione.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Limita l'accesso alle pagine agli utenti che hanno eseguito l'accesso. I visitatori visualizzeranno solamente le pagine di accesso e registrazione.
@ -202,8 +206,17 @@ my_orgs=Le mie Organizzazioni
my_mirrors=I miei Mirror
my_mirrors=I miei Mirror
view_home=Vedi %s
view_home=Vedi %s
search_repos=Trova un repository…
search_repos=Trova un repository…
filter=Other Filters
show_both_archived_unarchived=Showing both archived and unarchived
show_only_archived=Showing only archived
show_only_unarchived=Showing only unarchived
show_both_private_public=Showing both public and private
show_only_private=Showing only private
show_only_public=Showing only public
issues.in_your_repos=Nei tuoi repository
issues.in_your_repos=Nei tuoi repository
@ -519,6 +532,7 @@ new_token_desc=Le applicazioni che utilizzano un token hanno accesso completo al
token_name=Nome Token
token_name=Nome Token
generate_token=Genera Token
generate_token=Genera Token
generate_token_success=Il nuovo token è stato generato. Copia ora in quanto non verrà mostrato nuovamente.
generate_token_success=Il nuovo token è stato generato. Copia ora in quanto non verrà mostrato nuovamente.
generate_token_name_duplicate=<strong>%s</strong> has been used as an application name already. Please use a new one.
access_token_deletion=Elimina token di accesso
access_token_deletion=Elimina token di accesso
access_token_deletion_desc=Eliminare un token revocherà l'accesso al tuo account alle applicazioni che lo utilizzano. Continuare?
access_token_deletion_desc=Eliminare un token revocherà l'accesso al tuo account alle applicazioni che lo utilizzano. Continuare?
@ -674,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Il modello '%s' non è consentito come nome di un
need_auth=Autorizzazione clone
need_auth=Autorizzazione clone
migrate_type=Tipo di migrazione
migrate_type=Tipo di migrazione
migrate_type_helper=Questo repository sarà un <span class="text blue">mirror</span>
migrate_type_helper=Questo repository sarà un <span class="text blue">mirror</span>
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Your site administrator has disabled new mirrors.
migrate_items=Elementi di migrazione
migrate_items=Elementi di migrazione
@ -728,6 +743,7 @@ tags=Tag
pulls=Pull Requests
pulls=Pull Requests
org_labels_desc=Organization level labels that can be used with <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization
@ -860,6 +876,8 @@ esistono etichette. Crea una etichetta con 'Nuov
issues.label_templates.helper=Scegli un set di etichette
issues.label_templates.helper=Scegli un set di etichette
issues.label_templates.use=Usa Set Etichette
issues.label_templates.use=Usa Set Etichette
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Impossibile caricare il file template di etichetta '%s': %v
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Impossibile caricare il file template di etichetta '%s': %v
settings.branch_filter_desc=Whitelist branch per gli eventi di push, creazione e cancellazione del ramo, specificati con un pattern globale. Se vuoto o <code>*</code>, gli eventi per tutti i rami vengono segnalati. Vedi <a href=""></a> documentazione per la sintassi. Esempi: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.branch_filter_desc=Whitelist branch per gli eventi di push, creazione e cancellazione del ramo, specificati con un pattern globale. Se vuoto o <code>*</code>, gli eventi per tutti i rami vengono segnalati. Vedi <a href=""></a> documentazione per la sintassi. Esempi: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Quando i nuovi commit che cambiano il contenuto della pull request vengono pushati nel branch, le vecchie approvazioni verranno eliminate.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Quando i nuovi commit che cambiano il contenuto della pull request vengono pushati nel branch, le vecchie approvazioni verranno eliminate.
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Rifiuta i push a questo ramo se non sono firmati o non verificati
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Rifiuta i push a questo ramo se non sono firmati o non verificati
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns=Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href=""></a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Disattivare la protezione branch permette agli utenti con permesso di scrittura di pushare sul branch. Continuare?
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Disattivare la protezione branch permette agli utenti con permesso di scrittura di pushare sul branch. Continuare?
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Blocca il merge di revisioni rifiutate
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Blocca il merge di revisioni rifiutate
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Il merge non sarà possibile quando sono richiesti cambiamenti da revisori, anche se ci sono sufficienti approvazioni.
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Il merge non sarà possibile quando sono richiesti cambiamenti da revisori, anche se ci sono sufficienti approvazioni.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Block merge if pull request is outdated
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
settings.default_branch_desc=Seleziona un branch del repository predefinito per le pull request ed i commit di codice:
settings.default_branch_desc=Seleziona un branch del repository predefinito per le pull request ed i commit di codice:
settings.choose_branch=Scegli un branch…
settings.choose_branch=Scegli un branch…
settings.no_protected_branch=Non ci sono branch protetti.
settings.no_protected_branch=Non ci sono branch protetti.
@ -1885,6 +1975,7 @@ hooks.desc=I Webhooks effettuano automaticamente richieste HTTP POST ad un serve
hooks.add_webhook=Aggiungi Webhook predefinito
hooks.add_webhook=Aggiungi Webhook predefinito
hooks.update_webhook=Aggiorna Webhook predefinito
hooks.update_webhook=Aggiorna Webhook predefinito
systemhooks.desc=Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined will act on all repositories on the system, so please consider any performance implications this may have. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">webhooks guide</a>.
systemhooks.add_webhook=Aggiungi Webhook di Sistema
systemhooks.add_webhook=Aggiungi Webhook di Sistema
systemhooks.update_webhook=Aggiorna Webhook di Sistema
systemhooks.update_webhook=Aggiorna Webhook di Sistema
@ -1919,6 +2010,7 @@ auths.search_page_size=Dimensioni pagina
auths.filter=Fitro utente
auths.filter=Fitro utente
auths.admin_filter=Filtro Amministratore
auths.admin_filter=Filtro Amministratore
auths.restricted_filter=Filtro riservato
auths.restricted_filter=Filtro riservato
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Leave empty to not set any users as restricted. Use an asterisk ('*') to set all users that do not match Admin Filter as restricted."Quando si registra una nuova autenticazione OAuth2, l'URL di callback/reindirizzamento deve essere:<host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback"Quando si registra una nuova autenticazione OAuth2, l'URL di callback/reindirizzamento deve essere:<host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 Provider
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 Provider
auths.tip.bitbucket=Registra un nuovo cliente OAuth su<your username>/oauth-consumers/new e aggiungi il permesso 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.bitbucket=Registra un nuovo cliente OAuth su<your username>/oauth-consumers/new e aggiungi il permesso 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.nextcloud=Register a new OAuth consumer on your instance using the following menu "Settings -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.dropbox=Crea una nuova applicazione su
auths.tip.dropbox=Crea una nuova applicazione su
auths.tip.facebook=Registra una nuova applicazione su e aggiungi il prodotto "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.facebook=Registra una nuova applicazione su e aggiungi il prodotto "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.github=Registra una nuova applicazione OAuth su
auths.tip.github=Registra una nuova applicazione OAuth su
auths.tip.twitter=Vai su, crea una applicazione e assicurati che l'opzione "Allow this application to be used to Sign In with Twitter" sia abilitata
auths.tip.twitter=Vai su, crea una applicazione e assicurati che l'opzione "Allow this application to be used to Sign In with Twitter" sia abilitata
auths.tip.discord=Registra una nuova applicazione su
auths.tip.discord=Registra una nuova applicazione su
auths.tip.gitea=Registra una nuova applicazione OAuth2. La guida può essere trovata a
auths.tip.gitea=Registra una nuova applicazione OAuth2. La guida può essere trovata a a new application at Select following permissions from the "Yandex.Passport API" section: "Access to email address", "Access to user avatar" and "Access to username, first name and surname, gender"
auths.edit=Modifica fonte di autenticazione
auths.edit=Modifica fonte di autenticazione
auths.activated=Questa fonte di autenticazione è attiva
auths.activated=Questa fonte di autenticazione è attiva
auths.new_success=L'autenticazione '%s' è stata aggiunta.
auths.new_success=L'autenticazione '%s' è stata aggiunta.
@ -2056,6 +2150,7 @@ config.mailer_user=Utente
config.mailer_use_sendmail=Utilizza Sendmail
config.mailer_use_sendmail=Utilizza Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_path=Percorso Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_path=Percorso Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_args=Argomenti aggiuntivi per Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_args=Argomenti aggiuntivi per Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_timeout=Sendmail Timeout
config.send_test_mail=Invia email di prova
config.send_test_mail=Invia email di prova
config.test_mail_failed=Impossibile inviare mail di prova a '%s': %v
config.test_mail_failed=Impossibile inviare mail di prova a '%s': %v
config.test_mail_sent=Una mail di prova è stata inviata a '%s'.
config.test_mail_sent=Una mail di prova è stata inviata a '%s'.
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=Questa coda racchiude altre code al suo interno e non ha un proprio pool.
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=Questa coda racchiude altre code al suo interno e non ha un proprio pool.
monitor.queue.wrapped.desc=A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc=A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
@ -2143,7 +2240,9 @@ monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder=Imposta 0 per non avere timeou
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero=Il numero di Workers da aggiungere deve essere maggiore di zero
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero=Il numero di Workers da aggiungere deve essere maggiore di zero
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration=Il timeout deve essere una durata golang, per esempio 5m o 0
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration=Il timeout deve essere una durata golang, per esempio 5m o 0
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Pulisci Coda
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Pulisci Coda
monitor.queue.pool.flush.desc=Flush will add a worker that will terminate once the queue is empty, or it times out.
monitor.queue.pool.flush.submit=Aggiungi un Flush Worker
monitor.queue.pool.flush.submit=Aggiungi un Flush Worker
monitor.queue.pool.flush.added=Flush Worker added for %[1]s
monitor.queue.settings.title=Impostazioni pool
monitor.queue.settings.title=Impostazioni pool
monitor.queue.settings.desc=I gruppi crescono dinamicamente con un boost in risposta al loro blocco delle code dei worker. Queste modifiche non influenzeranno i gruppi di worker attuali.
monitor.queue.settings.desc=I gruppi crescono dinamicamente con un boost in risposta al loro blocco delle code dei worker. Queste modifiche non influenzeranno i gruppi di worker attuali.
enable_captcha_popup=Vereis captcha validatie voor zelf-registratie van gebruiker.
enable_captcha_popup=Vereis captcha validatie voor zelf-registratie van gebruiker.
require_sign_in_view=Vereis inloggen om pagina's te kunnen bekijken
require_sign_in_view=Vereis inloggen om pagina's te kunnen bekijken
require_sign_in_view_popup=Beperk de toegang tot de pagina tot ingelogde gebruikers. Bezoekers zullen alleen de 'login' en het registratiegedeelte van de pagina zien.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Beperk de toegang tot de pagina tot ingelogde gebruikers. Bezoekers zullen alleen de 'login' en het registratiegedeelte van de pagina zien.
@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Het patroon '%s' is niet toegestaan in de naam van
need_auth=Authenticatie benodigd om te klonen
need_auth=Authenticatie benodigd om te klonen
migrate_type=Migratie type
migrate_type=Migratie type
migrate_type_helper=Deze repository zal een <span class="text blue">kopie</span> zijn
migrate_type_helper=Deze repository zal een <span class="text blue">kopie</span> zijn
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Uw sitebeheerder heeft nieuwe mirrors uitgeschakeld.
migrate_items=Migratie Items
migrate_items=Migratie Items
@ -949,6 +951,10 @@ issues.reopened_at=`heropende dit probleem <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>
issues.commit_ref_at=`verwees naar dit probleem vanuit commit <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s"> %[2]s'</a>`
issues.commit_ref_at=`verwees naar dit probleem vanuit commit <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s"> %[2]s'</a>`
issues.ref_issue_from=`<a href="%[3]s">refereerde aan dit issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_issue_from=`<a href="%[3]s">refereerde aan dit issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_pull_from=`<a href="%[3]s">refereerde aan deze pull request %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_pull_from=`<a href="%[3]s">refereerde aan deze pull request %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_closing_from=`<a href="%[3]s">verwees naar een pull request %[4]s dat het issue zal sluiten</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_reopening_from=`<a href="%[3]s">verwees naar een pull request %[4]s dat dit issue heropent</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a> `
issues.ref_closed_from=`<a href="%[3]s">sloot dit issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_reopened_from=`<a href="%[3]s">heropende dit issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
issues.ref_from=`van %[1]s`
issues.ref_from=`van %[1]s`
@ -1023,6 +1029,9 @@ issues.due_date=Vervaldatum
issues.invalid_due_date_format=Het formaat van de deadline is moet 'jjjj-mm-dd' zijn.
issues.invalid_due_date_format=Het formaat van de deadline is moet 'jjjj-mm-dd' zijn.
pulls.reopen_to_merge=Heropen dit pull request aub om een een merge actie uit te voeren.
pulls.reopen_to_merge=Heropen dit pull request aub om een een merge actie uit te voeren.
pulls.cant_reopen_deleted_branch=Deze pull-aanvraag kan niet opnieuw worden geopend omdat de branch is verwijderd.
pulls.merged_as=De pull request is samengevoegd als <a rel="nofollow" class="ui sha" href="%[1]s"><code>%[2]s</code></a>.
pulls.is_closed=Deze pull-aanvraag is gesloten.
pulls.is_closed=Deze pull-aanvraag is gesloten.
pulls.has_merged=Deze pull-aanvraag is al samengevoegd.
pulls.has_merged=Deze pull-aanvraag is al samengevoegd.
pulls.title_wip_desc=`<a href="#">Start de titel met <strong>%s</strong></a> om te voorkomen dat deze pull-aanvraag per ongeluk wordt samengevoegd.`
pulls.title_wip_desc=`<a href="#">Start de titel met <strong>%s</strong></a> om te voorkomen dat deze pull-aanvraag per ongeluk wordt samengevoegd.`
pulls.cannot_merge_work_in_progress=Deze pull-aanvraag is als "work in progress" gemarkeerd. Verwijder de <strong>%s</strong>-prefix van de titel zodra hij klaar is
pulls.cannot_merge_work_in_progress=Deze pull-aanvraag is als "work in progress" gemarkeerd. Verwijder de <strong>%s</strong>-prefix van de titel zodra hij klaar is
pulls.data_broken=Deze pull-aanvraag is ongeldig wegens missende fork-informatie.
pulls.data_broken=Deze pull-aanvraag is ongeldig wegens missende fork-informatie.
pulls.files_conflicted=Dit pull request heeft wijzigingen die strijdig zijn met de doel branch.
pulls.is_checking=Controle op samenvoegingsconflicten is nog bezig. Probeer later nog een keer.
pulls.is_checking=Controle op samenvoegingsconflicten is nog bezig. Probeer later nog een keer.
pulls.required_status_check_failed=Sommige vereiste controles waren niet succesvol.
pulls.required_status_check_failed=Sommige vereiste controles waren niet succesvol.
pulls.required_status_check_missing=Er ontbreken enkele vereiste controles.
pulls.required_status_check_missing=Er ontbreken enkele vereiste controles.
@ -1137,6 +1150,10 @@ pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request=Rebase en voeg samen (--no-ff)
pulls.squash_merge_pull_request=Squash en Merge
pulls.squash_merge_pull_request=Squash en Merge
pulls.require_signed_wont_sign=De branch heeft ondertekende commits nodig, maar deze merge zal niet worden ondertekend
pulls.require_signed_wont_sign=De branch heeft ondertekende commits nodig, maar deze merge zal niet worden ondertekend
pulls.invalid_merge_option=Je kan de samenvoegingsoptie niet gebruiken voor deze pull-aanvraag.
pulls.invalid_merge_option=Je kan de samenvoegingsoptie niet gebruiken voor deze pull-aanvraag.
pulls.merge_conflict=Samenvoegen mislukt: Er was een conflict tijdens het samenvoegen: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>Hint: Probeer een andere strategie
pulls.rebase_conflict=Samenvoegen mislukt: Er was een conflict tijdens het rebasen van commit: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>%[3]s<br>Hint:Probeer een andere strategie
pulls.unrelated_histories=Samenvoegen mislukt: de HEAD en base delen geen gemeenschappelijke geschiedenis. Tip: Probeer een andere strategie
pulls.merge_out_of_date=Samenvoegen mislukt: Tijdens het samenvoegen is de basis bijgewerkt. Tip: Probeer het opnieuw.
pulls.push_rejected=Samenvoegen mislukt: De push is afgewezen met het volgende bericht:<br>%s<br>Controleer de githooks voor deze repository
pulls.push_rejected=Samenvoegen mislukt: De push is afgewezen met het volgende bericht:<br>%s<br>Controleer de githooks voor deze repository
pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Samenvoegen mislukt: De push is afgewezen maar er was geen extern bericht.<br>Controleer de githooks voor deze repository
pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Samenvoegen mislukt: De push is afgewezen maar er was geen extern bericht.<br>Controleer de githooks voor deze repository
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Je kan deze pull-aanvraag niet opnieuw openen omdat er een andere (#%d) met identieke eigenschappen open staat.`
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Je kan deze pull-aanvraag niet opnieuw openen omdat er een andere (#%d) met identieke eigenschappen open staat.`
@ -1342,18 +1359,29 @@ settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge_commit=Samenvoegen met expliciete samenvoeging
settings.pulls.allow_squash_commits="Squash"-en om samen te voegen inschakelen
settings.pulls.allow_squash_commits="Squash"-en om samen te voegen inschakelen
settings.wiki_deletion_success=De repository wiki gegevens zijn verwijderd.
settings.delete=Verwijder deze repository
settings.delete=Verwijder deze repository
settings.delete_desc=Deleting a repository is permanent and cannot be undone.
settings.delete_notices_1=- Deze bewerking kan <strong>NIET</strong> ongedaan gemaakt worden.
settings.delete_notices_1=- Deze bewerking kan <strong>NIET</strong> ongedaan gemaakt worden.
settings.delete_notices_2=- This operation will permanently delete the <strong>%s</strong> repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.
settings.delete_notices_fork_1=- Forks of this repository will become independent after deletion.
settings.deletion_success=De repository is verwijderd.
settings.deletion_success=De repository is verwijderd.
settings.update_settings_success=De repository-instellingen zijn bijgewerkt.
settings.update_settings_success=De repository-instellingen zijn bijgewerkt.
settings.transfer_owner=Nieuwe eigenaar
settings.transfer_owner=Nieuwe eigenaar
@ -1362,29 +1390,44 @@ settings.transfer_succeed=De repository is overgedragen.
settings.confirm_delete=Verwijder repository
settings.confirm_delete=Verwijder repository
settings.add_collaborator=Medewerker toevoegen
settings.add_collaborator=Medewerker toevoegen
settings.add_collaborator_success=De medewerker is toegevoegd.
settings.add_collaborator_success=De medewerker is toegevoegd.
settings.add_collaborator_inactive_user=Kan geen inactieve gebruiker toevoegen als medewerker.
settings.add_collaborator_duplicate=The collaborator is already added to this repository.
settings.collaborator_deletion_desc=Removing a collaborator will revoke their access to this repository. Continue?
settings.remove_collaborator_success=De medewerker is verwijderd.
settings.search_user_placeholder=Zoek gebruiker…
settings.search_user_placeholder=Zoek gebruiker…
settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator=Organisaties kunnen niet worden toegevoegd als een medewerker.
settings.change_team_access_not_allowed=Changing team access for repository has been restricted to organization owner
settings.team_not_in_organization=The team is not in the same organization as the repository
settings.add_team=Team toevoegen
settings.add_team=Team toevoegen
settings.add_team_duplicate=Team heeft al de repository
settings.add_team_success=The team now have access to the repository.
settings.search_team=Zoek team…
settings.search_team=Zoek team…
settings.change_team_permission_tip=Teammachtiging is ingesteld op de team-instellingspagina en kan niet per repository worden gewijzigd
settings.change_team_permission_tip=Teammachtiging is ingesteld op de team-instellingspagina en kan niet per repository worden gewijzigd
settings.delete_team_tip=Dit team heeft toegang tot alle repositories en kan niet verwijderd worden
settings.delete_team_tip=Dit team heeft toegang tot alle repositories en kan niet verwijderd worden
settings.remove_team_success=De toegang van het team tot de repository is verwijderd.
settings.add_webhook=Webhook toevoegen
settings.add_webhook=Webhook toevoegen
settings.add_webhook.invalid_channel_name=Webhook channel naam mag niet leeg zijn en mag niet alleen een # teken bevatten.
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks maken automatisch een HTTP POST verzoek naar een server wanneer bepaalde Gitea-gebeurtenissen geactiveerd worden. Lees meer in de <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks gids</a>.
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks maken automatisch een HTTP POST verzoek naar een server wanneer bepaalde Gitea-gebeurtenissen geactiveerd worden. Lees meer in de <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks gids</a>.
settings.webhook_deletion=Verwijder webhook
settings.webhook_deletion=Verwijder webhook
settings.webhook_deletion_desc=Removing a webhook deletes its settings and delivery history. Continue?
settings.webhook_deletion_success=Webhook is verwijderd.
settings.webhook_deletion_success=Webhook is verwijderd.
settings.webhook.test_delivery_desc=Test deze webhook met een nep-gebeurtenis.
settings.webhook.test_delivery_desc=Test deze webhook met een nep-gebeurtenis.
settings.webhook.test_delivery_success=A fake event has been added to the delivery queue. It may take few seconds before it shows up in the delivery history.
settings.githooks_desc=Git hooks are powered by Git itself. You can edit hook files below to set up custom operations.
settings.githook_edit_desc=Als haak niet actief is, zal monster inhoud worden gepresenteerd. Verlof inhoud leeg zal deze haak uitschakelen.
settings.githook_edit_desc=Als haak niet actief is, zal monster inhoud worden gepresenteerd. Verlof inhoud leeg zal deze haak uitschakelen.
settings.githook_name=Haak naam
settings.githook_name=Haak naam
settings.githook_content=Haak inhoud
settings.githook_content=Haak inhoud
settings.update_githook=Haak bijwerken
settings.update_githook=Haak bijwerken
settings.add_webhook_desc=Gitea will send <code>POST</code> requests with a specified content type to the target URL. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guide</a>.
settings.branch_filter_desc=Branch whitelist voor push, branch creatie en branch verwijdering events, gespecificeerd als glob patroon. Indien leeg of <code>*</code> worden events voor alle branches gerapporteerd. Zie <a href=""></a> documentatie voor syntaxis. Voorbeelden: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.branch_filter_desc=Branch whitelist voor push, branch creatie en branch verwijdering events, gespecificeerd als glob patroon. Indien leeg of <code>*</code> worden events voor alle branches gerapporteerd. Zie <a href=""></a> documentatie voor syntaxis. Voorbeelden: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.active_helper=Information about triggered events will be sent to this webhook URL.
settings.add_hook_success=De webhook is toegevoegd.
settings.add_hook_success=De webhook is toegevoegd.
settings.update_webhook=Bewerk webhook
settings.update_webhook=Bewerk webhook
settings.update_hook_success=Webhook is bijgewerkt.
settings.update_hook_success=Webhook is bijgewerkt.
settings.delete_webhook=Verwijder webhook
settings.delete_webhook=Verwijder webhook
settings.recent_deliveries=Recente bezorgingen
settings.recent_deliveries=Recente bezorgingen
settings.hook_type=Type hook
settings.hook_type=Type hook
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Slack</a> into your repository.
settings.slack_token=Slack token
settings.slack_token=Slack token
settings.slack_domain=Slack domein
settings.slack_domain=Slack domein
settings.slack_channel=Slack kanaal
settings.slack_channel=Slack kanaal
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Discord</a> into your repository.
settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Dingtalk</a> into your repository.
settings.add_telegram_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Telegram</a> into your repository.
settings.add_matrix_hook_desc=Integreer <a href="%s">Matrix</a> in uw repository.
settings.add_matrix_hook_desc=Integreer <a href="%s">Matrix</a> in uw repository.
settings.add_msteams_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Microsoft Teams</a> into your repository.
settings.add_feishu_hook_desc=Integreer <a href="%s">Feishu</a> in uw repository.
settings.add_feishu_hook_desc=Integreer <a href="%s">Feishu</a> in uw repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Installeer sleutels
settings.deploy_keys=Installeer sleutels
settings.add_deploy_key=Toevoegen deploy sleutel
settings.add_deploy_key=Toevoegen deploy sleutel
settings.deploy_key_desc=Deploy keys have read-only pull access to the repository.
settings.is_writable=Schrijf toegang inschakelen
settings.is_writable=Schrijf toegang inschakelen
settings.is_writable_info=Allow this deploy key to <strong>push</strong> to the repository.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Er zijn nog geen deploy sleutels.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Er zijn nog geen deploy sleutels.
settings.key_been_used=A deploy key with identical content is already in use.
settings.key_name_used=A deploy key with the same name already exists.
settings.add_key_success=The deploy key '%s' has been added.
settings.protect_check_status_contexts_desc=Require status checks to pass before merging Choose which status checks must pass before branches can be merged into a branch that matches this rule. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another branch, then merged or pushed directly to a branch that matches this rule after status checks have passed. If no contexts are selected, the last commit must be successful regardless of context.
settings.protect_check_status_contexts_list=Status checks found in the last week for this repository
settings.protect_required_approvals_desc=Allow only to merge pull request with enough positive reviews.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled=Restrict approvals to whitelisted users or teams
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc=Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Wanneer nieuwe commits die de inhoud van het pull-verzoek veranderen, naar de branch worden gepusht, worden oude goedkeuringen verwijderd.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Wanneer nieuwe commits die de inhoud van het pull-verzoek veranderen, naar de branch worden gepusht, worden oude goedkeuringen verwijderd.
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Beschermde bestanden die niet direct gewijzigd mogen worden, zelfs als de gebruiker het recht heeft om bestanden in deze branch toe te voegen, te bewerken of te verwijderen. Meerdere patronen kunnen worden gescheiden met een puntkomma ('\;'). Zie <a href=""></a> documentatie voor patroon syntaxis. Voorbeelden: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Beschermde bestanden die niet direct gewijzigd mogen worden, zelfs als de gebruiker het recht heeft om bestanden in deze branch toe te voegen, te bewerken of te verwijderen. Meerdere patronen kunnen worden gescheiden met een puntkomma ('\;'). Zie <a href=""></a> documentatie voor patroon syntaxis. Voorbeelden: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Disabling branch protection allows users with write permission to push to the branch. Continue?
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Samenvoegen van afgewezen beoordelingen blokkeren
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Samenvoegen van afgewezen beoordelingen blokkeren
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Samenvoegen zal niet mogelijk zijn wanneer er wijzigingen worden aangevraagd door officiële beoordelaars, zelfs niet als er genoeg goedkeuringen zijn.
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Samenvoegen zal niet mogelijk zijn wanneer er wijzigingen worden aangevraagd door officiële beoordelaars, zelfs niet als er genoeg goedkeuringen zijn.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Samenvoegen blokkeren als pull request verouderd is
settings.block_outdated_branch=Samenvoegen blokkeren als pull request verouderd is
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Samenvoegen is niet mogelijk als de hoofd branch achter loop op de basis branch.
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Samenvoegen is niet mogelijk als de hoofd branch achter loop op de basis branch.
settings.default_branch_desc=Select a default repository branch for pull requests and code commits:
settings.choose_branch=Kies een branch…
settings.choose_branch=Kies een branch…
settings.no_protected_branch=There are no protected branches.
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min=Required approvals cannot be negative.
settings.archive.text=Archiving the repo will make it entirely read-only. It is hidden from the dashboard, cannot be committed to and no issues or pull-requests can be created.
settings.archive.success=The repo was successfully archived.
settings.archive.error=An error occurred while trying to archive the repo. See the log for more details.
settings.archive.error_ismirror=You cannot archive a mirrored repo.
settings.archive.branchsettings_unavailable=Branch settings are not available if the repo is archived.
settings.unarchive.button=Repo De-Archiveren
settings.unarchive.button=Repo De-Archiveren
settings.unarchive.header=Deze Repo de-archiveren
settings.unarchive.header=Deze Repo de-archiveren
settings.unarchive.text=Un-Archiving the repo will restore its ability to receive commits and pushes, as well as new issues and pull-requests.
settings.unarchive.success=De repo is met succes gede-archiveerd.
settings.unarchive.error=An error occurred while trying to un-archive the repo. See the log for more details.
settings.update_avatar_success=The repository avatar has been updated.
settings.lfs_filelist=LFS bestanden opgeslagen in deze repository
settings.lfs_no_lfs_files=Geen LFS bestanden opgeslagen in deze repository
settings.lfs_findcommits=Vind commits
settings.lfs_findcommits=Vind commits
settings.lfs_lfs_file_no_commits=Geen Commits gevonden voor dit LFS-bestand
settings.lfs_noattribute=This path does not have the lockable attribute in the default branch
settings.lfs_delete=Delete LFS file with OID %s
settings.lfs_delete_warning=Deleting an LFS file may cause 'object does not exist' errors on checkout. Are you sure?
teams.can_create_org_repo_helper=Members can create new repositories in organization. Creator will get administrator access to the new repository.
teams.read_access_helper=Members can view and clone team repositories.
teams.write_access=Schrijf toegang
teams.write_access=Schrijf toegang
teams.write_access_helper=Members can read and push to team repositories.
teams.admin_access=Beheerder toegang
teams.admin_access=Beheerder toegang
teams.admin_access_helper=Leden kunnen van en naar repositories pullen, pushen, en er medewerkers aan toevoegen.
teams.admin_access_helper=Leden kunnen van en naar repositories pullen, pushen, en er medewerkers aan toevoegen.
teams.no_desc=Dit team heeft geen omschrijving
teams.no_desc=Dit team heeft geen omschrijving
teams.owners_permission_desc=Owners have full access to <strong>all repositories</strong> and have <strong>administrator access</strong> to the organization.
teams.members=Team leden
teams.members=Team leden
teams.update_settings=Instellingen bijwerken
teams.update_settings=Instellingen bijwerken
teams.delete_team=Verwijder team
teams.delete_team=Verwijder team
teams.add_team_member=Nieuwe team lid aanmaken
teams.add_team_member=Nieuwe team lid aanmaken
teams.delete_team_title=Verwijder team
teams.delete_team_title=Verwijder team
teams.delete_team_desc=Deleting a team revokes repository access from its members. Continue?
teams.delete_team_success=Het team is verwijderd.
teams.delete_team_success=Het team is verwijderd.
teams.read_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access: members can view and clone team repositories.
teams.write_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access: members can read from and push to team repositories.
teams.admin_permission_desc=Dit team heeft <strong>beheersrechten</strong>: leden kunnen van en naar teamrepositories pullen, pushen, en er medewerkers aan toevoegen.
teams.admin_permission_desc=Dit team heeft <strong>beheersrechten</strong>: leden kunnen van en naar teamrepositories pullen, pushen, en er medewerkers aan toevoegen.
teams.create_repo_permission_desc=Additionally, this team grants <strong>Create repository</strong> permission: members can create new repositories in organization.
teams.search_repo_placeholder=Repository zoeken…
teams.search_repo_placeholder=Repository zoeken…
teams.remove_all_repos_title=Verwijder alle team repositories
teams.remove_all_repos_title=Verwijder alle team repositories
teams.remove_all_repos_desc=This will remove all repositories from the team.
teams.add_all_repos_title=Voeg alle repositories toe
teams.add_all_repos_title=Voeg alle repositories toe
teams.add_all_repos_desc=This will add all the organization's repositories to the team.
teams.add_nonexistent_repo=De opslagplaats die u probeert toe te voegen bestaat niet: maak deze eerst aan.
teams.add_nonexistent_repo=De opslagplaats die u probeert toe te voegen bestaat niet: maak deze eerst aan.
teams.add_duplicate_users=Gebruiker is al een teamlid.
teams.add_duplicate_users=Gebruiker is al een teamlid.
teams.repos.none=No repositories could be accessed by this team.
teams.specific_repositories_helper=Members will only have access to repositories explicitly added to the team. Selecting this <strong>will not</strong> automatically remove repositories already added with <i>All repositories</i>.
teams.all_repositories=Alle repositories
teams.all_repositories=Alle repositories
teams.all_repositories_helper=Team has access to all repositories. Selecting this will <strong>add all existing</strong> repositories to the team.
teams.all_repositories_read_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access to <strong>all repositories</strong>: members can view and clone repositories.
teams.all_repositories_write_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access to <strong>all repositories</strong>: members can read from and push to repositories.
teams.all_repositories_admin_permission_desc=This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access to <strong>all repositories</strong>: members can read from, push to and add collaborators to repositories.
hooks.desc=Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined here are defaults and will be copied into all new repositories. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">webhooks guide</a>.
hooks.add_webhook=Standaard Webhook toevoegen
hooks.add_webhook=Standaard Webhook toevoegen
hooks.update_webhook=Standaard Webhook bijwerken
hooks.update_webhook=Standaard Webhook bijwerken
@ -1806,6 +1979,7 @@ systemhooks.desc=Webhooks maken automatisch HTTP POST-verzoeken naar een server
auths.attributes_in_bind=Verkrijg attributes van de Bind DN context
auths.attributes_in_bind=Verkrijg attributes van de Bind DN context
auths.allow_deactivate_all=Laat een leeg zoekresultaat toe om alle gebruikers te deactiveren
auths.allow_deactivate_all=Laat een leeg zoekresultaat toe om alle gebruikers te deactiveren
auths.use_paged_search=Gebruik Paged Search
auths.restricted_filter=Beperkt filter
auths.restricted_filter=Beperkt filter
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Laat leeg om geen gebruikers als beperkt in te stellen. Gebruik een asterisk ('*') om alle gebruikers die niet overeenkomen met Admin Filter als beperkt in te stellen.
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Laat leeg om geen gebruikers als beperkt in te stellen. Gebruik een asterisk ('*') om alle gebruikers die niet overeenkomen met Admin Filter als beperkt in te stellen.
auths.ms_ad_sa=MS AD Search Attributes
auths.smtphost=SMTP host
auths.smtphost=SMTP host
auths.smtpport=SMTP poort
auths.smtpport=SMTP poort
auths.allowed_domains=Toegelaten domeinen
auths.allowed_domains=Toegelaten domeinen
auths.allowed_domains_helper=Leave empty to allow all domains. Separate multiple domains with a comma (',').
auths.enable_tls=Activeer TLS-encryptie
auths.enable_tls=Activeer TLS-encryptie
auths.skip_tls_verify=TLS-verificatie overslaan
auths.skip_tls_verify=TLS-verificatie overslaan
auths.pam_service_name=PAM servicenaam
auths.pam_service_name=PAM servicenaam
auths.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 Provider
auths.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 Provider
auths.oauth2_clientID=Client-ID (sleutel)
auths.oauth2_clientID=Client-ID (sleutel)
auths.openIdConnectAutoDiscoveryURL=OpenID Connect Auto Discovery URL
auths.oauth2_use_custom_url=Use Custom URLs Instead of Default URLs
auths.sspi_auto_activate_users_helper=Allow SSPI auth method to automatically activate new users
auths.sspi_strip_domain_names=Verwijder domeinnamen uit gebruikersnamen
auths.sspi_strip_domain_names_helper=If checked, domain names will be removed from logon names (eg. "DOMAIN\user" and "" both will become just "user").
auths.sspi_separator_replacement=Separator to use instead of \, / and @
auths.sspi_separator_replacement_helper=The character to use to replace the separators of down-level logon names (eg. the \ in "DOMAIN\user") and user principal names (eg. the @ in "").
auths.sspi_default_language_helper=Default language for users automatically created by SSPI auth method. Leave empty if you prefer language to be automatically detected. authenticatie authenticatie registering a new OAuth2 authentication, the callback/redirect URL should be: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 Provider
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 Provider
auths.tip.bitbucket=Register a new OAuth consumer on<your username>/oauth-consumers/new and add the permission 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.nextcloud=Registreer een nieuwe OAuth consument op je installatie met behulp van het volgende menu "Instellingen -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.nextcloud=Registreer een nieuwe OAuth consument op je installatie met behulp van het volgende menu "Instellingen -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.dropbox=Create a new application at
auths.tip.facebook=Register a new application at and add the product "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.github=Register a new OAuth application on
auths.tip.gitlab=Register a new application on
auths.tip.google_plus=Obtain OAuth2 client credentials from the Google API console at
auths.tip.openid_connect=Gebruik de OpenID Connect Discovery URL (<server>/.well-known/openid-configuration) om de eindpunten op te geven
auths.tip.twitter=Go to, create an application and ensure that the “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” option is enabled
auths.tip.discord=Register a new application on
auths.tip.gitea=Register a new OAuth2 application. Guide can be found at een nieuwe applicatie aan op Selecteer de volgende machtigingen van de "Yandex". assport API" sectie: "Toegang tot e-mailadres", "Toegang tot avatar" en "Toegang tot gebruikersnaam, voornaam en achternaam, geslacht" een nieuwe applicatie aan op Selecteer de volgende machtigingen van de "Yandex". assport API" sectie: "Toegang tot e-mailadres", "Toegang tot avatar" en "Toegang tot gebruikersnaam, voornaam en achternaam, geslacht"
auths.edit=Authenticatiebron bewerken
auths.edit=Authenticatiebron bewerken
auths.activated=This Authentication Source is Activated
auths.new_success=The authentication '%s' has been added.
auths.update_success=De authenticatie-bron is bijgewerkt.
auths.update_success=De authenticatie-bron is bijgewerkt.
monitor.queue.maxnumberworkers=Maximum aantal workers herzien
monitor.queue.review_add=Beoordeel/Voeg workers toe
monitor.queue.review_add=Beoordeel/Voeg workers toe
monitor.queue.configuration=Initiële configuratie
monitor.queue.configuration=Initiële configuratie
monitor.queue.nopool.title=Geen Worker-pool
monitor.queue.nopool.title=Geen Worker-pool
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=This queue wraps other queues and does not itself have a worker pool.
monitor.queue.wrapped.desc=A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc=A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title=Voeg workers toe
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title=Voeg workers toe
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit=Voeg workers toe
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit=Voeg workers toe
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc=Add Workers to this pool with or without a timeout. If you set a timeout these workers will be removed from the pool after the timeout has lapsed.
monitor.queue.pool.flush.added=Flush Worker toegevoegd voor %[1]s
monitor.queue.pool.flush.added=Flush Worker toegevoegd voor %[1]s
monitor.queue.settings.title=Pool instellingen
monitor.queue.settings.title=Pool instellingen
monitor.queue.settings.desc=Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
enable_captcha_popup=Wymagaj walidacji CAPTCHA przy samodzielnej rejestracji użytkownika.
enable_captcha_popup=Wymagaj walidacji CAPTCHA przy samodzielnej rejestracji użytkownika.
require_sign_in_view=Wymagaj zalogowania w celu przeglądania stron
require_sign_in_view=Wymagaj zalogowania w celu przeglądania stron
require_sign_in_view_popup=Ogranicz dostęp do strony dla zalogowanych użytkowników. Odwiedzający zobaczą jedynie obszar logowania oraz strony umożliwiające rejestrację.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Ogranicz dostęp do strony dla zalogowanych użytkowników. Odwiedzający zobaczą jedynie obszar logowania oraz strony umożliwiające rejestrację.
issues.force_push_codes=`force-pushed %[1]s from <a href="%[3]s">%[2]s</a> to <a href="%[5]s">%[4]s</a> %[6]s`
issues.due_date_form_add=Dodaj termin realizacji
issues.due_date_form_add=Dodaj termin realizacji
@ -1153,6 +1167,7 @@ pulls.update_branch_success=Aktualizacja gałęzi powiodła się
pulls.update_not_allowed=Nie masz uprawnień do aktualizacji gałęzi
pulls.update_not_allowed=Nie masz uprawnień do aktualizacji gałęzi
pulls.outdated_with_base_branch=Ta gałąź jest przestarzała w stosunku do gałęzi bazowej
pulls.outdated_with_base_branch=Ta gałąź jest przestarzała w stosunku do gałęzi bazowej
pulls.closed_at=`zamknął(-ęła) ten pull request <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
pulls.closed_at=`zamknął(-ęła) ten pull request <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
pulls.reopened_at=`otworzył(-a) ponownie ten Pull Request <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>` kamień milowy kamień milowy
milestones.open_tab=Otwarte %d
milestones.open_tab=Otwarte %d
@ -1390,6 +1405,7 @@ settings.add_team=Dodaj zespół
settings.add_team_duplicate=Zespół już posiada repozytorium
settings.add_team_duplicate=Zespół już posiada repozytorium
settings.add_team_success=Zespół ma teraz dostęp do repozytorium.
settings.add_team_success=Zespół ma teraz dostęp do repozytorium.
settings.search_team=Szukaj zespołu…
settings.search_team=Szukaj zespołu…
settings.change_team_permission_tip=Uprawnienia zespołu ustawione są konfigurowane na stronie ustawień zespołu i nie mogą być zmieniane dla pojedynczych repozytoriów
settings.delete_team_tip=Ten zespół ma dostęp do wszystkich repozytoriów i nie może zostać usunięty
settings.delete_team_tip=Ten zespół ma dostęp do wszystkich repozytoriów i nie może zostać usunięty
settings.remove_team_success=Dostęp zespołu do repozytorium został usunięty.
settings.remove_team_success=Dostęp zespołu do repozytorium został usunięty.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Kiedy nowe commity zmieniające zawartość Pull Requesta są wypychane do gałęzi, wcześniejsze zatwierdzenia zostaną unieważnione.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Kiedy nowe commity zmieniające zawartość Pull Requesta są wypychane do gałęzi, wcześniejsze zatwierdzenia zostaną unieważnione.
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Chronione pliki, które nie mogą być zmienione bezpośrednio, nawet jeśli użytkownik ma uprawnienia do dodawania, edytowania lub usuwania plików w tej gałęzi. Wzorce można rozdzielić za pomocą średnika ('\;'). Zobacz dokumentację <a href=""></a> dla składni wzorca. Przykłady: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.add_protected_branch=Włącz ochronę
settings.add_protected_branch=Włącz ochronę
settings.delete_protected_branch=Wyłącz ochronę
settings.delete_protected_branch=Wyłącz ochronę
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Ochrona gałęzi dla gałęzi "%s" została zaktualizowana.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Ochrona gałęzi dla gałęzi "%s" została zaktualizowana.
emails.not_updated=Nie udało się zaktualizować żądanego adresu e-mail: %v
emails.not_updated=Nie udało się zaktualizować żądanego adresu e-mail: %v
emails.duplicate_active=Ten e-mail jest już aktywny dla innego użytkownika.
emails.duplicate_active=Ten e-mail jest już aktywny dla innego użytkownika.
emails.change_email_header=Aktualizuj właściwości adresu e-mail
emails.change_email_text=Czy na pewno chcesz zaktualizować ten adres?
emails.change_email_text=Czy na pewno chcesz zaktualizować ten adres?
orgs.org_manage_panel=Zarządzanie organizacją
orgs.org_manage_panel=Zarządzanie organizacją
@ -1921,7 +1975,9 @@ hooks.desc=Webhooki automatycznie tworzą zapytania HTTP POST do serwera, kiedy
hooks.add_webhook=Dodaj domyślny Webhook
hooks.add_webhook=Dodaj domyślny Webhook
hooks.update_webhook=Zaktualizuj domyślny Webhook
hooks.update_webhook=Zaktualizuj domyślny Webhook
systemhooks.desc=Webhooki automatycznie tworzą zapytania HTTP POST do serwera, kiedy następują pewne zdarzenia w Gitea. Webhooki zdefiniowane w tym miejscu będą wykonywane dla wszystkich repozytoriów, więc rozważ ewentualne konsekwencje dla wydjaności. Przeczytaj o tym więcej w <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">przewodniku o Webhookach</a>.
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Pozostaw puste, aby nie ustawiać żadnych użytkowników jako ograniczonych. Użyj gwiazdki ('*'), aby ustawić wszystkich użytkowników, którzy nie pasują do Filtra Administratora jako ograniczonych. rejestracji nowego uwierzytelnienia OAuth2, URL zwrotny/przekierowań powinien mieć postać<serwer>/user/oauth2/<nazwa uwierzytelnienia>/callback rejestracji nowego uwierzytelnienia OAuth2, URL zwrotny/przekierowań powinien mieć postać<serwer>/user/oauth2/<nazwa uwierzytelnienia>/callback
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=Dostawca OAuth2
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=Dostawca OAuth2
auths.tip.bitbucket=Zarejestruj nowego konsumenta OAuth na<twoja nazwa użytkownika>/oauth-consumers/new i dodaj uprawnienie "Account" - "Read"
auths.tip.bitbucket=Zarejestruj nowego konsumenta OAuth na<twoja nazwa użytkownika>/oauth-consumers/new i dodaj uprawnienie "Account" - "Read"
auths.tip.nextcloud=Zarejestruj nowego klienta OAuth w swojej instancji za pomocą menu "Settings -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.dropbox=Stwórz nową aplikację na
auths.tip.dropbox=Stwórz nową aplikację na
auths.tip.facebook=Zarejestruj nową aplikację na i dodaj produkt "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.facebook=Zarejestruj nową aplikację na i dodaj produkt "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.github=Zarejestruj nową aplikację OAuth na
auths.tip.github=Zarejestruj nową aplikację OAuth na
auths.tip.twitter=Przejdź na, stwórz aplikację i upewnij się, że opcja “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” jest włączona
auths.tip.twitter=Przejdź na, stwórz aplikację i upewnij się, że opcja “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” jest włączona
auths.tip.discord=Zarejestruj nową aplikację na
auths.tip.discord=Zarejestruj nową aplikację na
auths.tip.gitea=Zarejestruj nową aplikację OAuth2. Przewodnik można znaleźć na
auths.tip.gitea=Zarejestruj nową aplikację OAuth2. Przewodnik można znaleźć naórz nową aplikację na Wybierz następujące uprawnienia z "Yandex.Passport API": "Access to email address", "Access to user avatar" and "Access to username, first name and surname, gender"
auths.edit=Edytuj źródło uwierzytelniania
auths.edit=Edytuj źródło uwierzytelniania
auths.activated=To źródło uwierzytelniania jest aktywne
auths.activated=To źródło uwierzytelniania jest aktywne
auths.new_success=Uwierzytelnienie '%s' zostało dodane.
auths.new_success=Uwierzytelnienie '%s' zostało dodane.
monitor.queue.nopool.title=Brak puli procesów pracujących
monitor.queue.nopool.title=Brak puli procesów pracujących
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=Ta kolejka zawiera inne kolejki i nie posiada w sobie puli procesów pracujących.
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=Ta kolejka zawiera inne kolejki i nie posiada w sobie puli procesów pracujących.
monitor.queue.wrapped.desc=A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc=A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc=Dodaj procesy pracujące do tej puli z limitem czasu lub bez. Jeśli ustawisz limit czasu, procesy te zostaną usunięte z puli po osiągnięciu limitu czasu.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder=Liczba procesów
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder=Liczba procesów
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder=Ustaw 0 na brak limitu czasowego
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder=Ustaw 0 na brak limitu czasowego
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero=Liczba procesów pracujących do dodania musi być większa od zera
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration=Limit czasu musi być czasem golang, np. 5m lub 0
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration=Limit czasu musi być czasem golang, np. 5m lub 0
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Wyczyść kolejkę
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Wyczyść kolejkę
monitor.queue.pool.flush.desc=Czyszczenie doda proces pracujący, który zakończy się po opróżnieniu kolejki lub osiągnięciu limitu czasu.
monitor.queue.pool.flush.submit=Dodaj proces czyszczący
monitor.queue.pool.flush.added=Proces czyszczący dodany dla %[1]s
monitor.queue.settings.title=Ustawienia Puli
monitor.queue.settings.title=Ustawienia Puli
monitor.queue.settings.desc=Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
monitor.queue.settings.timeout=Zwiększ limit czasu
monitor.queue.settings.timeout=Zwiększ limit czasu
enable_javascript=Este site funciona melhor com JavaScript.
enable_javascript=Este site funciona melhor com JavaScript.
toc=Table of Contents
username=Nome de usuário
username=Nome de usuário
email=Endereço de e-mail
email=Endereço de e-mail
@ -82,10 +83,13 @@ loading=Carregando…
error404=A página que você está tentando acessar <strong>não existe</strong> ou <strong>você não está autorizado</strong> a visualizá-la.
error404=A página que você está tentando acessar <strong>não existe</strong> ou <strong>você não está autorizado</strong> a visualizá-la.
occurred=An error has occurred
report_message=If you are sure this is a Gitea bug, please search for issue on <a href="">GitHub</a> and open new issue if necessary.
app_desc=Um serviço de hospedagem Git amigável
app_desc=Um serviço de hospedagem Git amigável
install=Fácil de instalar
install=Fácil de instalar
install_desc=Simply <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">run the binary</a> for your platform, ship it with <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Docker</a>, or get it <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">packaged</a>.
platform_desc=Gitea roda em qualquer sistema operacional em que <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a> consegue compilar: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, etc. Escolha qual você gosta mais!
platform_desc=Gitea roda em qualquer sistema operacional em que <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a> consegue compilar: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, etc. Escolha qual você gosta mais!
lightweight=Leve e rápido
lightweight=Leve e rápido
@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ openid_signin=Habilitar acesso via OpenID
openid_signin_popup=Habilitar o acesso de usuários via OpenID.
openid_signin_popup=Habilitar o acesso de usuários via OpenID.
openid_signup=Habilitar o auto-cadastro via OpenID
openid_signup=Habilitar o auto-cadastro via OpenID
openid_signup_popup=Habilitar o auto-cadastro com base no OpenID.
openid_signup_popup=Habilitar o auto-cadastro com base no OpenID.
enable_captcha=Enable registration CAPTCHA
enable_captcha_popup=Obrigar validação por CAPTCHA para auto-cadastro de usuários.
enable_captcha_popup=Obrigar validação por CAPTCHA para auto-cadastro de usuários.
require_sign_in_view=Exigir acesso do usuário para a visualização de páginas
require_sign_in_view=Exigir acesso do usuário para a visualização de páginas
require_sign_in_view_popup=Limitar o acesso de página aos usuários que acessaram. Os visitantes só verão a página de 'acesso' e páginas de cadastro.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Limitar o acesso de página aos usuários que acessaram. Os visitantes só verão a página de 'acesso' e páginas de cadastro.
@ -201,8 +206,17 @@ my_orgs=Minhas organizações
my_mirrors=Meus espelhamentos
my_mirrors=Meus espelhamentos
view_home=Ver %s
view_home=Ver %s
search_repos=Encontre um repositório…
search_repos=Encontre um repositório…
filter=Other Filters
show_both_archived_unarchived=Showing both archived and unarchived
show_only_archived=Showing only archived
show_only_unarchived=Showing only unarchived
show_both_private_public=Showing both public and private
email_desc=Seu endereço de e-mail principal será usado para notificações e outras operações.
email_desc=Seu endereço de e-mail principal será usado para notificações e outras operações.
theme_desc=Este será o seu tema padrão em todo o site.
theme_desc=Este será o seu tema padrão em todo o site.
requires_activation=Requires activation
primary_email=Tornar privado
primary_email=Tornar privado
activate_email=Send Activation
activations_pending=Activations Pending
email_deletion=Remover endereço de e-mail
email_deletion=Remover endereço de e-mail
email_deletion_desc=O endereço de e-mail e informações relacionadas serão removidos de sua conta. Commits aplicados por este endereço de e-mail permanecerão inalterados. Continuar?
email_deletion_desc=O endereço de e-mail e informações relacionadas serão removidos de sua conta. Commits aplicados por este endereço de e-mail permanecerão inalterados. Continuar?
@ -457,6 +475,7 @@ add_email=Adicionar novo endereço de e-mail
add_openid=Adicionar URI OpenID
add_openid=Adicionar URI OpenID
add_email_confirmation_sent=Um novo e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para '%s'. Por favor verifique sua caixa de e-mail dentro de %s para confirmar seu e-mail.
add_email_confirmation_sent=Um novo e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para '%s'. Por favor verifique sua caixa de e-mail dentro de %s para confirmar seu e-mail.
add_email_success=O novo endereço de e-mail foi adicionado.
add_email_success=O novo endereço de e-mail foi adicionado.
email_preference_set_success=Email preference has been set successfully.
add_openid_success=O novo endereço de OpenID foi adicionado.
add_openid_success=O novo endereço de OpenID foi adicionado.
keep_email_private=Ocultar endereço de e-mail
keep_email_private=Ocultar endereço de e-mail
keep_email_private_popup=Seu endereço de e-mail será ocultado de outros usuários.
keep_email_private_popup=Seu endereço de e-mail será ocultado de outros usuários.
@ -513,6 +532,7 @@ new_token_desc=Aplicativos usando um token possuem acesso total à sua conta.
token_name=Nome do token
token_name=Nome do token
generate_token=Gerar token
generate_token=Gerar token
generate_token_success=Seu novo token foi gerado. Copie-o agora, pois ele não será mostrado novamente.
generate_token_success=Seu novo token foi gerado. Copie-o agora, pois ele não será mostrado novamente.
generate_token_name_duplicate=<strong>%s</strong> has been used as an application name already. Please use a new one.
access_token_deletion=Excluir token de acesso
access_token_deletion=Excluir token de acesso
access_token_deletion_desc=A exclusão de um token revoga o acesso à sua conta para aplicativos que o usam. Continuar?
access_token_deletion_desc=A exclusão de um token revoga o acesso à sua conta para aplicativos que o usam. Continuar?
@ -668,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=O padrão de '%s' não é permitido em um nome de
need_auth=Autorização de clone
need_auth=Autorização de clone
migrate_type=Tipo de migração
migrate_type=Tipo de migração
migrate_type_helper=Este repositório será um <span class="text blue">espelhamento</span>
migrate_type_helper=Este repositório será um <span class="text blue">espelhamento</span>
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Your site administrator has disabled new mirrors.
migrate_items=Itens da migração
migrate_items=Itens da migração
@ -722,6 +743,8 @@ tags=Tags
pulls=Pull requests
pulls=Pull requests
org_labels_desc=Organization level labels that can be used with <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization
@ -811,25 +834,37 @@
commits.older=Mais Antigo
commits.older=Mais Antigo
commits.newer=Mais recente
commits.newer=Mais recente
commits.signed_by=Acessado por
commits.signed_by=Acessado por
commits.signed_by_untrusted_user=Signed by untrusted user
commits.signed_by_untrusted_user_unmatched=Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer
commits.gpg_key_id=ID da chave GPG
commits.gpg_key_id=ID da chave GPG
ext_issues=Ext. Issues
ext_issues=Ext. Issues
ext_issues.desc=Link para o issue tracker externo.
ext_issues.desc=Link para o issue tracker externo.
issues.desc=Organize relatórios de bugs, tarefas e marcos.
issues.desc=Organize relatórios de bugs, tarefas e marcos.
issues.filter_assignees=Filter Assignee
issues.filter_milestones=Filter Milestone
issues.filter_labels=Filter Label
issues.filter_reviewers=Filter Reviewer issue issueítulo não pode ser em brancoítulo não pode ser em branco labels etiqueta etiqueta etiquetas etiquetas items milestone marco marco marco marco abertos abertos fechados fechadosáveisáveis users responsáveis responsáveis responsável responsável reviewers review
issues.no_ref=Nenhum branch/tag especificado
issues.no_ref=Nenhum branch/tag especificado
issues.create=Criar issue
issues.create=Criar issue
issues.new_label=Nova etiqueta
issues.new_label=Nova etiqueta
@ -841,6 +876,8 @@ não existem etiquetas. Crie uma etiqueta em '
issues.label_templates.helper=Selecione um conjunto de etiquetas
issues.label_templates.helper=Selecione um conjunto de etiquetas
issues.label_templates.use=Use o conjunto de etiquetas
issues.label_templates.use=Use o conjunto de etiquetas
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Houve erro ao carregar arquivo de template '%s': %v
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Houve erro ao carregar arquivo de template '%s': %v
pulls.no_merge_desc=O merge deste pull request não pode ser aplicado porque todas as opções de mesclagem do repositório estão desabilitadas.
pulls.no_merge_desc=O merge deste pull request não pode ser aplicado porque todas as opções de mesclagem do repositório estão desabilitadas.
pulls.no_merge_helper=Habilite as opções de merge nas configurações do repositório ou faça o merge do pull request manualmente.
pulls.no_merge_helper=Habilite as opções de merge nas configurações do repositório ou faça o merge do pull request manualmente.
@ -1089,10 +1159,15 @@ pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Merge falhou: O push foi rejeitado mas não havia
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Não é possível executar uma operação de reabertura pois há um pull request pendente (#%d) com propriedades idênticas.`
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Não é possível executar uma operação de reabertura pois há um pull request pendente (#%d) com propriedades idênticas.`
pulls.status_checking=Algumas verificações estão pendentes
pulls.status_checking=Algumas verificações estão pendentes
pulls.status_checks_success=Todas as verificações foram bem sucedidas
pulls.status_checks_success=Todas as verificações foram bem sucedidas
settings.branch_filter_desc=Controle de permissão de push, eventos de criação e exclusão de branch, especificados como padrão glob. Se vazio ou <code>*</code>, eventos para todos os branches serão relatados. Veja <a href=""></a> documentação para sintaxe. Exemplos: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.branch_filter_desc=Controle de permissão de push, eventos de criação e exclusão de branch, especificados como padrão glob. Se vazio ou <code>*</code>, eventos para todos os branches serão relatados. Veja <a href=""></a> documentação para sintaxe. Exemplos: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
@ -1392,6 +1497,7 @@ settings.slack_channel=Canal
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Integre o <a href="%s">Discord</a> em seu repositório.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Integre o <a href="%s">Discord</a> em seu repositório.
settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc=Integre o <a href="%s">Dingtalk</a> em seu repositório.
settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc=Integre o <a href="%s">Dingtalk</a> em seu repositório.
settings.add_telegram_hook_desc=Integre <a href="%s">Telegram</a> no seu repositório.
settings.add_telegram_hook_desc=Integre <a href="%s">Telegram</a> no seu repositório.
settings.add_matrix_hook_desc=Integrate <a href="%s">Matrix</a> into your repository.
settings.add_msteams_hook_desc=Integre <a href="%s">Microsoft Teams</a> no seu repositório.
settings.add_msteams_hook_desc=Integre <a href="%s">Microsoft Teams</a> no seu repositório.
settings.add_feishu_hook_desc=Integre o <a href="%s">Feishu</a> em seu repositório.
settings.add_feishu_hook_desc=Integre o <a href="%s">Feishu</a> em seu repositório.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Quando novos commits que mudam o conteúdo do pull request são enviados para o branch, as antigas aprovações serão descartadas.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Quando novos commits que mudam o conteúdo do pull request são enviados para o branch, as antigas aprovações serão descartadas.
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Rejeitar pushes para este branch se não estiverem assinados ou não verificáveis
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Rejeitar pushes para este branch se não estiverem assinados ou não verificáveis
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns=Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href=""></a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Proteção do branch '%s' foi atualizada.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Proteção do branch '%s' foi atualizada.
@ -1452,6 +1560,8 @@ settings.protected_branch_deletion=Desabilitar proteção de branch
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Desabilitar a proteção de branch permite que os usuários com permissão de escrita realizem push. Continuar?
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Desabilitar a proteção de branch permite que os usuários com permissão de escrita realizem push. Continuar?
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Bloquear merge em revisões rejeitadas
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Bloquear merge em revisões rejeitadas
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=O merge não será possível quando são solicitadas alterações pelos revisores oficiais, mesmo que haja aprovação suficiente.
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=O merge não será possível quando são solicitadas alterações pelos revisores oficiais, mesmo que haja aprovação suficiente.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Block merge if pull request is outdated
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
settings.default_branch_desc=Selecione um branch padrão para pull requests e commits de código:
settings.default_branch_desc=Selecione um branch padrão para pull requests e commits de código:
settings.choose_branch=Escolha um branch...
settings.choose_branch=Escolha um branch...
settings.no_protected_branch=Não há branches protegidos.
settings.no_protected_branch=Não há branches protegidos.
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min=Aprovações necessárias não podem ser negativas.
settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min=Aprovações necessárias não podem ser negativas.
settings.bot_token=Token do Bot
settings.bot_token=Token do Bot
settings.chat_id=ID do Chat
settings.chat_id=ID do Chat
settings.matrix.homeserver_url=Homeserver URL
settings.matrix.room_id=Room ID
settings.matrix.access_token=Access Token
settings.matrix.message_type=Message Type
settings.archive.button=Arquivar repositório
settings.archive.button=Arquivar repositório
settings.archive.header=Arquivar este repositório
settings.archive.header=Arquivar este repositório
settings.archive.text=Arquivando um repositório fará com que o mesmo fique inteiramente em modo somente leitura. Ele ficará oculto no painel, não poderá receber commits e nem será possível criar issues e pull requests.
settings.archive.text=Arquivando um repositório fará com que o mesmo fique inteiramente em modo somente leitura. Ele ficará oculto no painel, não poderá receber commits e nem será possível criar issues e pull requests.
@ -1536,6 +1650,7 @@ário da revisão alterações alterações
diff.committed_by=committed by
releases.desc=Acompanhe as versões e downloads do projeto.
releases.desc=Acompanhe as versões e downloads do projeto.
@ -1588,6 +1703,7 @@ branch.deleted_by=Excluído por %s
branch.restore_success=A branch '%s' foi restaurada.
branch.restore_success=A branch '%s' foi restaurada.
branch.restore_failed=Falha ao restaurar a branch %s.
branch.restore_failed=Falha ao restaurar a branch %s.
branch.protected_deletion_failed=A branch '%s' está protegida. Ela não pode ser excluída.
branch.protected_deletion_failed=A branch '%s' está protegida. Ela não pode ser excluída.
branch.default_deletion_failed=Branch '%s' is the default branch. It cannot be deleted.
branch.restore=Restaurar branch '%s'
branch.restore=Restaurar branch '%s' branch '%s' branch '%s'
branch.included_desc=Este branch faz parte do branch padrão
branch.included_desc=Este branch faz parte do branch padrão
emails.change_email_text=Are your sure you want to update this email address?
orgs.org_manage_panel=Gerenciamento da organização
orgs.org_manage_panel=Gerenciamento da organização
@ -1819,6 +1975,9 @@ hooks.desc=Os webhooks fazem solicitações HTTP POST automaticamente para um se
hooks.add_webhook=Adicionar Webhook padrão
hooks.add_webhook=Adicionar Webhook padrão
hooks.update_webhook=Atualizar Webhook padrão
hooks.update_webhook=Atualizar Webhook padrão
systemhooks.desc=Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined will act on all repositories on the system, so please consider any performance implications this may have. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">webhooks guide</a>.
systemhooks.add_webhook=Add System Webhook
systemhooks.update_webhook=Update System Webhook
auths.auth_manage_panel=Gerenciamento de fonte de autenticação
auths.auth_manage_panel=Gerenciamento de fonte de autenticação fonte de autenticação fonte de autenticação
@ -1850,6 +2009,8 @@ auths.use_paged_search=Use a pesquisa paginada
auths.search_page_size=Tamanho da página
auths.search_page_size=Tamanho da página
auths.filter=Filtro de usuário
auths.filter=Filtro de usuário
auths.admin_filter=Filtro de administrador
auths.admin_filter=Filtro de administrador
auths.restricted_filter=Restricted Filter
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Leave empty to not set any users as restricted. Use an asterisk ('*') to set all users that do not match Admin Filter as restricted. cadastrar uma nova autenticação OAuth2, o retorno de chamada/redirecionamento URL deve ser: <host>/user/oauth2/<Nome da Autenticação>/callback cadastrar uma nova autenticação OAuth2, o retorno de chamada/redirecionamento URL deve ser: <host>/user/oauth2/<Nome da Autenticação>/callback
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=Provedor OAuth2
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=Provedor OAuth2
auths.tip.bitbucket=Cadastrar um novo consumidor de OAuth em<seu nome de usuário> e adicionar a permissão 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.bitbucket=Cadastrar um novo consumidor de OAuth em<seu nome de usuário> e adicionar a permissão 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.nextcloud=Register a new OAuth consumer on your instance using the following menu "Settings -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.dropbox=Criar um novo aplicativo em
auths.tip.dropbox=Criar um novo aplicativo em
auths.tip.facebook=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo em e adicionar o produto "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.facebook=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo em e adicionar o produto "Facebook Login"
auths.tip.github=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo de OAuth na
auths.tip.github=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo de OAuth na
auths.tip.twitter=Vá em, crie um aplicativo e certifique-se de que está habilitada a opção “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter“
auths.tip.twitter=Vá em, crie um aplicativo e certifique-se de que está habilitada a opção “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter“
auths.tip.discord=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo em
auths.tip.discord=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo em
auths.tip.gitea=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo OAuth2. Guia pode ser encontrado em
auths.tip.gitea=Cadastrar um novo aplicativo OAuth2. Guia pode ser encontrado em a new application at Select following permissions from the "Yandex.Passport API" section: "Access to email address", "Access to user avatar" and "Access to username, first name and surname, gender"
auths.edit=Editar fonte de autenticação
auths.edit=Editar fonte de autenticação
auths.activated=Esta fonte de autenticação está ativada
auths.activated=Esta fonte de autenticação está ativada
auths.new_success=A autenticação '%s' foi adicionada.
auths.new_success=A autenticação '%s' foi adicionada.
@ -1987,6 +2150,7 @@ config.mailer_user=Usuário
config.mailer_use_sendmail=Usar o Sendmail
config.mailer_use_sendmail=Usar o Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_path=Caminho do Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_path=Caminho do Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_args=Argumentos extras para o Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_args=Argumentos extras para o Sendmail
config.mailer_sendmail_timeout=Sendmail Timeout
config.send_test_mail=Enviar e-mail de teste
config.send_test_mail=Enviar e-mail de teste
config.test_mail_failed=Falha ao enviar o e-mail de teste para '%s': %v
config.test_mail_failed=Falha ao enviar o e-mail de teste para '%s': %v
config.test_mail_sent=O e-mail de teste foi enviado para '%s'.
config.test_mail_sent=O e-mail de teste foi enviado para '%s'.
@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ openid_signin=Habilitar início de sessão com OpenID
openid_signin_popup=Habilitar o início de sessão do utilizador usando o OpenID.
openid_signin_popup=Habilitar o início de sessão do utilizador usando o OpenID.
openid_signup=Habilitar a auto-inscrição com OpenID
openid_signup=Habilitar a auto-inscrição com OpenID
openid_signup_popup=Habilitar a utilização do OpenID para fazer auto-inscrições.
openid_signup_popup=Habilitar a utilização do OpenID para fazer auto-inscrições.
enable_captcha=Habilitar CAPTCHA na inscrição
enable_captcha_popup=Exigir CAPTCHA na auto-inscrição de utilizadores.
enable_captcha_popup=Exigir CAPTCHA na auto-inscrição de utilizadores.
require_sign_in_view=Exigir sessão iniciada para visualizar páginas
require_sign_in_view=Exigir sessão iniciada para visualizar páginas
require_sign_in_view_popup=Limitar o acesso às páginas aos utilizadores inscritos. Os visitantes só poderão visualizar as páginas de início de sessão e de inscrição.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Limitar o acesso às páginas aos utilizadores inscritos. Os visitantes só poderão visualizar as páginas de início de sessão e de inscrição.
@ -687,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=O padrão '%s' não é permitido no nome de um rep
need_auth=Autorização de clonagem
need_auth=Autorização de clonagem
migrate_type=Tipo de migração
migrate_type=Tipo de migração
migrate_type_helper=Este repositório será um <span class="text blue">espelho</span>
migrate_type_helper=Este repositório será um <span class="text blue">espelho</span>
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ report_message=Если вы уверены, что это ошибка Gitea,
app_desc=Удобный сервис собственного хостинга репозиториев Git
app_desc=Удобный сервис собственного хостинга репозиториев Git
install=Простой в установке
install=Простой в установке
install_desc=Просто <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">запустите исполняемый файл</a> для вашей платформы, разверните через <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Docker</a>, или установите <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">с помощью менеджера пакетов</a>.
platform_desc=Gitea работает на любой операционной системе, которая может компилировать <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a>: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM и т. д. Выбирайте, что вам больше нравится!
platform_desc=Gitea работает на любой операционной системе, которая может компилировать <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a>: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM и т. д. Выбирайте, что вам больше нравится!
@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ openid_signin=Включение входа через OpenID
enable_captcha_popup=Запрашивать капчу при регистрации пользователя.
enable_captcha_popup=Запрашивать капчу при регистрации пользователя.
require_sign_in_view=Требовать авторизации для просмотра страниц
require_sign_in_view=Требовать авторизации для просмотра страниц
require_sign_in_view_popup=Ограничение доступа к страницам только для пользователей, выполнивших вход. Посетители увидят только страницы входа и регистрации.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Ограничение доступа к страницам только для пользователей, выполнивших вход. Посетители увидят только страницы входа и регистрации.
@ -204,8 +206,17 @@ my_orgs=Мои организации
my_mirrors=Мои зеркала
my_mirrors=Мои зеркала
view_home=Показать %s
view_home=Показать %s
search_repos=Поиск репозитория…
search_repos=Поиск репозитория…
filter=Другие фильтры
show_both_archived_unarchived=Показаны архивированные и разархивированные
show_only_archived=Показаны только архивированные
show_only_unarchived=Показаны только разархивированные
show_both_private_public=Показаны как публичные, так и частные
show_only_private=Показаны только приватные
show_only_public=Показаны только публичные
issues.in_your_repos=В ваших репозиториях
issues.in_your_repos=В ваших репозиториях
@ -677,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Шаблон имени репозитория '%s
need_auth=Требуется авторизация
need_auth=Требуется авторизация
migrate_type=Тип миграции
migrate_type=Тип миграции
migrate_type_helper=Этот репозиторий будет <span class="text blue">зеркалом</span>
migrate_type_helper=Этот репозиторий будет <span class="text blue">зеркалом</span>
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Администратор вашего сайта отключил новые зеркала.
migrate_items=Элементы миграции
migrate_items=Элементы миграции
@ -864,6 +876,8 @@Меток пока не существует. Со
issues.label_templates.helper=Выберите метку
issues.label_templates.helper=Выберите метку
issues.label_templates.use=Использовать набор меток
issues.label_templates.use=Использовать набор меток
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Не удалось загрузить файл шаблона метки «%s»: %v
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Не удалось загрузить файл шаблона метки «%s»: %vпометить этот разговор как разрешённый
issues.assignee.error=Не все назначения были добавлены из-за непредвиденной ошибки.
issues.assignee.error=Не все назначения были добавлены из-за непредвиденной ошибки.
pulls.desc=Включить запросы на слияние и проверки кода.
pulls.desc=Включить запросы на слияние и проверки кода.
@ -1137,10 +1159,15 @@ pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Слияние не удалось: отправ
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Вы не можете снова открыть, поскольку уже существует запрос на слияние (#%d) из того же репозитория с той же информацией о слиянии и ожидающий слияния.`
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Вы не можете снова открыть, поскольку уже существует запрос на слияние (#%d) из того же репозитория с той же информацией о слиянии и ожидающий слияния.`
pulls.status_checking=Выполняются некоторые проверки
pulls.status_checking=Выполняются некоторые проверки
pulls.status_checks_success=Все проверки выполнены успешно
pulls.status_checks_success=Все проверки выполнены успешно
pulls.status_checks_warning=Некоторые проверки сообщили о предупреждениях
pulls.status_checks_failure=Некоторые проверки не удались
pulls.status_checks_error=Некоторые проверки сообщили об ошибках
pulls.update_branch=Обновить ветку
pulls.update_branch=Обновить ветку
pulls.update_branch_success=Обновление ветки выполнено успешно
pulls.update_branch_success=Обновление ветки выполнено успешно
pulls.update_not_allowed=У вас недостаточно прав для обновления ветки
pulls.update_not_allowed=У вас недостаточно прав для обновления ветки
pulls.outdated_with_base_branch=Эта ветка отстает от базовой ветки
pulls.outdated_with_base_branch=Эта ветка отстает от базовой ветки
pulls.closed_at=`закрыл этот запрос на слияние <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]с</a>`
pulls.reopened_at=`переоткрыл этот запрос на слияние <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]</a>`Новый этапНовый этап
milestones.open_tab=%d открыты
milestones.open_tab=%d открыты
@ -1523,6 +1550,8 @@ settings.dismiss_stale_approvals=Отклонить устаревшие раз
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Когда новые коммиты, изменяющие содержимое Pull Request'а, отправляются в ветку, старые разрешения будут отклонены.
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=Когда новые коммиты, изменяющие содержимое Pull Request'а, отправляются в ветку, старые разрешения будут отклонены.
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Отклонить push в эту ветку, если они не подписанные или не поддаются проверке
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Отклонить push в эту ветку, если они не подписанные или не поддаются проверке
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns=Защищённые шаблоны файлов (разделённые через '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Защищенные файлы, которые не могут быть изменены напрямую, даже если пользователь имеет право добавлять, редактировать или удалять файлы в этой ветке. Несколько шаблонов могут быть разделены ('\;'). Смотрите <a href=""></a> документацию для синтаксиса шаблонов. Например: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.add_protected_branch=Включить защиту
settings.add_protected_branch=Включить защиту
settings.delete_protected_branch=Отключить защиту
settings.delete_protected_branch=Отключить защиту
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Настройки защиты ветки '%s' были успешно изменены.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Настройки защиты ветки '%s' были успешно изменены.
@ -1532,6 +1561,7 @@ settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Любой пользователь с
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Блокировка слияния по отклоненным отзывам
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Блокировка слияния по отклоненным отзывам
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Слияние будет не возможным, если будут запрошены официальными рецензентами изменения, даже если имеется достаточное количество одобрений.
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Слияние будет не возможным, если будут запрошены официальными рецензентами изменения, даже если имеется достаточное количество одобрений.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Блокировать слияние, если pull request устарел
settings.block_outdated_branch=Блокировать слияние, если pull request устарел
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Слияние будет невозможно, если головная ветвь находится позади базовой ветви.
settings.default_branch_desc=Главная ветка является "базовой" для вашего репозитория, на которую по умолчанию направлены все Pull Request'ы и которая является лицом вашего репозитория. Первое, что увидит посетитель — это содержимое главной ветки. Выберите её из уже существующих:
settings.default_branch_desc=Главная ветка является "базовой" для вашего репозитория, на которую по умолчанию направлены все Pull Request'ы и которая является лицом вашего репозитория. Первое, что увидит посетитель — это содержимое главной ветки. Выберите её из уже существующих:
notices.delete_success=Уведомления системы были удалены.
notices.delete_success=Уведомления системы были удалены.
@ -2300,6 +2358,8 @@ error.no_committer_account=Аккаунт пользователя с таким
error.no_gpg_keys_found=Не найден GPG ключ соответствующий данной подписи
error.no_gpg_keys_found=Не найден GPG ключ соответствующий данной подписи
error.not_signed_commit=Неподписанный коммит
error.not_signed_commit=Неподписанный коммит
error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys=Не удалось получить соответствующий GPG ключ пользователя
error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys=Не удалось получить соответствующий GPG ключ пользователя
error.probable_bad_signature=ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ! Хотя в базе данных есть ключ с этим идентификатором! Это коммит SUSPICIOUS (подозрительный).
error.probable_bad_default_signature=ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ! Хотя ключ по умолчанию имеет этот идентификатор, он не проверяет это коммит! Это коммит SUSPICIOUS (подозрительный).
error.no_unit_allowed_repo=У вас нет доступа ни к одному разделу этого репозитория.
error.no_unit_allowed_repo=У вас нет доступа ни к одному разделу этого репозитория.
openid_signin_popup=Aktivera användarinloggning via OpenID.
openid_signin_popup=Aktivera användarinloggning via OpenID.
openid_signup=Aktivera självregistrering genom OpenID
openid_signup=Aktivera självregistrering genom OpenID
openid_signup_popup=Aktivera OpenID-baserad självregistrering av användare.
openid_signup_popup=Aktivera OpenID-baserad självregistrering av användare.
enable_captcha=Aktivera CAPTCHA registrering
enable_captcha_popup=Kräv captcha för användarregistrering.
enable_captcha_popup=Kräv captcha för användarregistrering.
require_sign_in_view=Kräv Inloggning För Att Visa Sidor
require_sign_in_view=Kräv Inloggning För Att Visa Sidor
require_sign_in_view_popup=Begränsa åtkomst till inloggande användare. Besökare kommer bara kunna se inloggnings- och registreringssidorna.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Begränsa åtkomst till inloggande användare. Besökare kommer bara kunna se inloggnings- och registreringssidorna.
@ -205,8 +206,17 @@ my_orgs=Mina organisationer
my_mirrors=Mina speglar
my_mirrors=Mina speglar
view_home=Visa %s
view_home=Visa %s
search_repos=Hitta en utvecklingskatalog…
search_repos=Hitta en utvecklingskatalog…
filter=Övriga Filter
show_both_archived_unarchived=Visar både arkiverade och icke arkiverade
show_only_archived=Visar endast arkiverade
show_only_unarchived=Visa endast icke arkiverade
show_both_private_public=Visar både offentliga och privata
show_only_private=Visar endast privata
show_only_public=Visar endast publika
issues.in_your_repos=I dina utvecklingskataloger
issues.in_your_repos=I dina utvecklingskataloger
@ -522,6 +532,7 @@ new_token_desc=Applikationer som använder en token har full åtkomst till ditt
generate_token=Generera Token
generate_token=Generera Token
generate_token_success=Din nya token har genererats. Kopiera nu då den inte kommer visas igen.
generate_token_success=Din nya token har genererats. Kopiera nu då den inte kommer visas igen.
generate_token_name_duplicate=<strong>%s</strong> has been used as an application name already. Please use a new one.
access_token_deletion=Ta bort åtkomst token
access_token_deletion=Ta bort åtkomst token
access_token_deletion_desc=Borttagning utav en token kommer återkalla åtkomst till ditt konto för de applikationer som använder den. Vill du fortsätta?
access_token_deletion_desc=Borttagning utav en token kommer återkalla åtkomst till ditt konto för de applikationer som använder den. Vill du fortsätta?
@ -677,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Mönstret '%s' är otillåtet i ett utvecklingskat
need_auth=Klona Auktorisering
need_auth=Klona Auktorisering
migrate_type_helper=Detta repo kommer att vara en <span class="text blue">spegling</span>
migrate_type_helper=Detta repo kommer att vara en <span class="text blue">spegling</span>
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Din webbplatsadministratör har inaktiverat nya speglar.
pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request=Rebase och sammanfogning
pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request=Rebase och sammanfogning
pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request=Rebase och Merge (--no-ff)
pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request=Rebase och Merge (--no-ff)
pulls.squash_merge_pull_request=Squasha och sammanfogning
pulls.squash_merge_pull_request=Squasha och sammanfogning
pulls.require_signed_wont_sign=The branch requires signed commits but this merge will not be signed
pulls.invalid_merge_option=Du kan inte använda detta mergealternativet för denna pull-request.
pulls.invalid_merge_option=Du kan inte använda detta mergealternativet för denna pull-request.
pulls.merge_conflict=Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst merging: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>Hint: Try a different strategy
pulls.rebase_conflict=Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst rebasing commit: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>%[3]s<br>Hint:Try a different strategy
pulls.unrelated_histories=Merge Failed: The merge head and base do not share a common history. Hint: Try a different strategy
pulls.merge_out_of_date=Merge Failed: Whilst generating the merge, the base was updated. Hint: Try again.
pulls.push_rejected=Sammanfogningen misslyckades: push-förfrågan avvisades med följande meddelande:<br>%s<br>Granska githookarna för denna utvecklingskatalog
pulls.push_rejected=Sammanfogningen misslyckades: push-förfrågan avvisades med följande meddelande:<br>%s<br>Granska githookarna för denna utvecklingskatalog
pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Sammanfogningen misslyckades: Push-förfrågan avvisades, men utan något meddelande från fjärrvärden.<br>Granska githookarna för denna utvecklingskatalog
pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Sammanfogningen misslyckades: Push-förfrågan avvisades, men utan något meddelande från fjärrvärden.<br>Granska githookarna för denna utvecklingskatalog
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Du kan inte återuppliva denna pull-request då det redan finns en identisk pull-request öppen (#%d).`
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Du kan inte återuppliva denna pull-request då det redan finns en identisk pull-request öppen (#%d).`
pulls.status_checking=Some checks are pending
pulls.status_checks_success=All checks were successful
settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator=Organisationer kan inte läggas till som en medarbetare.
settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator=Organisationer kan inte läggas till som en medarbetare.
settings.change_team_access_not_allowed=Att ändra teamåtkomst för utvecklingskatalogen har begränsats till organisationsägaren
settings.change_team_access_not_allowed=Att ändra teamåtkomst för utvecklingskatalogen har begränsats till organisationsägaren
settings.team_not_in_organization=Teamet är inte i samma organisation som utvecklingskatalogen
settings.team_not_in_organization=Teamet är inte i samma organisation som utvecklingskatalogen
settings.add_team=Add Team
settings.add_team_duplicate=Teamet har redan utvecklingskatalogen
settings.add_team_duplicate=Teamet har redan utvecklingskatalogen
settings.add_team_success=Teamet har nu tillgång till utvecklingskatalogen.
settings.add_team_success=Teamet har nu tillgång till utvecklingskatalogen.
settings.search_team=Search Team…
settings.change_team_permission_tip=Team's permission is set on the team setting page and can't be changed per repository
settings.delete_team_tip=This team has access to all repositories and can't be removed
settings.remove_team_success=Teamets åtkomst till utvecklingskatalogen har tagits bort.
settings.remove_team_success=Teamets åtkomst till utvecklingskatalogen har tagits bort.
settings.add_webhook=Lägg Till Webbhook
settings.add_webhook=Lägg Till Webbhook
settings.add_webhook.invalid_channel_name=Webhook channel name cannot be empty and cannot contain only a # character.
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks gör automatiskt ett HTTP POST anrop mot en server när vissa Gitea events triggas. Läs mer om detta i <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guiden</a>.
settings.hooks_desc=Webhooks gör automatiskt ett HTTP POST anrop mot en server när vissa Gitea events triggas. Läs mer om detta i <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guiden</a>.
settings.webhook_deletion=Ta bort Webhook
settings.webhook_deletion=Ta bort Webhook
settings.webhook_deletion_desc=Borttagning utav en webhook tar även bort dess inställningar och leveranshistorik. Vill du fortsätta?
settings.webhook_deletion_desc=Borttagning utav en webhook tar även bort dess inställningar och leveranshistorik. Vill du fortsätta?
@ -1367,6 +1445,7 @@ settings.event_header_repository=Händelser i utvecklingskatalogen
settings.event_create_desc=Branch eller tagg skapad.
settings.event_create_desc=Branch eller tagg skapad.
settings.branch_filter_desc=Branch whitelist for push, branch creation and branch deletion events, specified as glob pattern. If empty or <code>*</code>, events for all branches are reported. See <a href=""></a> documentation for syntax. Examples: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
settings.active_helper=Information about triggered events will be sent to this webhook URL.
settings.add_hook_success=Webhook har lagts till.
settings.add_hook_success=Webhook har lagts till.
settings.update_webhook=Uppdatera Webhook
settings.update_webhook=Uppdatera Webhook
settings.update_hook_success=Webhook har blivit uppdaterad.
settings.update_hook_success=Webhook har blivit uppdaterad.
@ -1418,10 +1521,14 @@ settings.protected_branch_can_push_yes=Du kan pusha
settings.protected_branch_can_push_no=Du kan inte pusha
settings.protected_branch_can_push_no=Du kan inte pusha
settings.branch_protection=Branchskydd för '<b>%s</b>'
settings.branch_protection=Branchskydd för '<b>%s</b>'
settings.protect_this_branch=Aktivera branchskydd
settings.protect_this_branch=Aktivera branchskydd
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Prevents deletion and restricts Git pushing and merging to the branch.
settings.protect_disable_push=Inaktivera Push
settings.protect_disable_push=Inaktivera Push
settings.protect_disable_push_desc=Inga push-förfrågningar kommer att tillåtas till denna branch.
settings.protect_disable_push_desc=Inga push-förfrågningar kommer att tillåtas till denna branch.
settings.protect_enable_push=Aktivera Push
settings.protect_enable_push=Aktivera Push
settings.protect_enable_push_desc=Alla med skrivrättigheter kommer att kunna pusha till denna branch (men inte force-pusha).
settings.protect_enable_push_desc=Alla med skrivrättigheter kommer att kunna pusha till denna branch (men inte force-pusha).
settings.protect_check_status_contexts_desc=Require status checks to pass before merging Choose which status checks must pass before branches can be merged into a branch that matches this rule. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another branch, then merged or pushed directly to a branch that matches this rule after status checks have passed. If no contexts are selected, the last commit must be successful regardless of context.
settings.protect_check_status_contexts_list=Statuskontroller funna under senaste veckan för denna utvecklingskatalog
settings.protect_check_status_contexts_list=Statuskontroller funna under senaste veckan för denna utvecklingskatalog
settings.protect_required_approvals=Godkännanden som krävs:
settings.protect_required_approvals=Godkännanden som krävs:
settings.protect_required_approvals_desc=Allow only to merge pull request with enough positive reviews.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled=Restrict approvals to whitelisted users or teams
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc=Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams=Vitlistade team för granskning:
settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams=Vitlistade team för granskning:
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals=Dismiss stale approvals
settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc=When new commits that change the content of the pull request are pushed to the branch, old approvals will be dismissed.
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Avslå pushar till denna branch om de är osignerade eller inte verifierbara
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Avslå pushar till denna branch om de är osignerade eller inte verifierbara
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns=Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href=""></a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.add_protected_branch=Aktivera skydd
settings.add_protected_branch=Aktivera skydd
settings.delete_protected_branch=Inaktivera skydd
settings.delete_protected_branch=Inaktivera skydd
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Skydd för branch '%s' har blivit uppdaterat.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Skydd för branch '%s' har blivit uppdaterat.
settings.remove_protected_branch_success=Skydd för branch '%s' har blivit inaktiverat.
settings.remove_protected_branch_success=Skydd för branch '%s' har blivit inaktiverat.
settings.protected_branch_deletion=Inaktivera skydd för branch
settings.protected_branch_deletion=Inaktivera skydd för branch
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Genom att inaktivera branchskyddet tillåts användare med skrivrättigheter att pusha till branchen. Vill du fortsätta?
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Genom att inaktivera branchskyddet tillåts användare med skrivrättigheter att pusha till branchen. Vill du fortsätta?
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Block merge on rejected reviews
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Merging will not be possible when changes are requested by official reviewers, even if there are enough approvals.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Block merge if pull request is outdated
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
settings.default_branch_desc=Välj en standard branch för Pull Requests och Code Commits:
settings.default_branch_desc=Välj en standard branch för Pull Requests och Code Commits:
settings.choose_branch=Välj en branch…
settings.choose_branch=Välj en branch…
settings.no_protected_branch=Det finns inga skyddade brancher.
settings.no_protected_branch=Det finns inga skyddade brancher.
emails.change_email_text=Are your sure you want to update this email address?
@ -1805,6 +1976,8 @@ hooks.add_webhook=Lägg till en förvald webhook
hooks.update_webhook=Uppdatera en förvald webhook
hooks.update_webhook=Uppdatera en förvald webhook
systemhooks.desc=Webhooks gör automatiskt HTTP POST förfrågningar till en server när vissa Gitea händelser utlösare. Webhooks definierade kommer att agera på alla utvecklingskataloger på systemet, så tänk på eventuella prestandakonsekvenser detta kan ha. Läs mer i <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">guiden för webbhookar</a>.
systemhooks.desc=Webhooks gör automatiskt HTTP POST förfrågningar till en server när vissa Gitea händelser utlösare. Webhooks definierade kommer att agera på alla utvecklingskataloger på systemet, så tänk på eventuella prestandakonsekvenser detta kan ha. Läs mer i <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">guiden för webbhookar</a>.
systemhooks.add_webhook=Add System Webhook
systemhooks.update_webhook=Update System Webhook
auths.auth_manage_panel=Hantering av autentiseringkälla
auths.auth_manage_panel=Hantering av autentiseringkälla
auths.attribute_ssh_public_key=Attribut för offentlig SSH-nyckel
auths.attribute_ssh_public_key=Attribut för offentlig SSH-nyckel
auths.attributes_in_bind=Hämta attribut ur Bind DN Context
auths.attributes_in_bind=Hämta attribut ur Bind DN Context
auths.allow_deactivate_all=Allow an empty search result to deactivate all users
auths.use_paged_search=Använd paginerad sökning
auths.use_paged_search=Använd paginerad sökning
auths.restricted_filter=Restricted Filter
auths.restricted_filter_helper=Leave empty to not set any users as restricted. Use an asterisk ('*') to set all users that do not match Admin Filter as restricted.
auths.sspi_auto_activate_users_helper=Allow SSPI auth method to automatically activate new users
auths.sspi_strip_domain_names=Remove domain names from usernames
auths.sspi_strip_domain_names_helper=If checked, domain names will be removed from logon names (eg. "DOMAIN\user" and "" both will become just "user").
auths.sspi_separator_replacement=Separator to use instead of \, / and @
auths.sspi_separator_replacement_helper=The character to use to replace the separators of down-level logon names (eg. the \ in "DOMAIN\user") and user principal names (eg. the @ in "").
auths.sspi_default_language=Default user language
auths.sspi_default_language_helper=Default language for users automatically created by SSPI auth method. Leave empty if you prefer language to be automatically detected. Autensiering Autensieringär man registrerar en ny OAuth2-autentisering, så skall callback/redirect-länken vara: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callbackär man registrerar en ny OAuth2-autentisering, så skall callback/redirect-länken vara: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 leverantör
auths.tip.oauth2_provider=OAuth2 leverantör
auths.tip.bitbucket=Registrera en ny OAuth konsument på<your username>/oauth-consumers/new och lägg till behörighet 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.bitbucket=Registrera en ny OAuth konsument på<your username>/oauth-consumers/new och lägg till behörighet 'Account' - 'Read'
auths.tip.nextcloud=Register a new OAuth consumer on your instance using the following menu "Settings -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
auths.tip.dropbox=Skapa en ny applikation på
auths.tip.dropbox=Skapa en ny applikation på
auths.tip.facebook=Registrera en ny appliaktion på och lägg till produkten ”Facebook-inloggning”
auths.tip.facebook=Registrera en ny appliaktion på och lägg till produkten ”Facebook-inloggning”
auths.tip.github=Registrera en ny OAuth applikation på
auths.tip.github=Registrera en ny OAuth applikation på
@ -1867,6 +2054,8 @@ auths.tip.google_plus=Erhåll inloggningsuppgifter för OAuth2 från Google API-
auths.tip.openid_connect=Använd OpenID Connect Discovery länken (<server>/.well-known/openid-configuration) för att ange slutpunkterna
auths.tip.openid_connect=Använd OpenID Connect Discovery länken (<server>/.well-known/openid-configuration) för att ange slutpunkterna
auths.tip.twitter=Gå till, skapa en applikation och försäkra att alternativet "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter" är aktiverat
auths.tip.twitter=Gå till, skapa en applikation och försäkra att alternativet "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter" är aktiverat
auths.tip.discord=Registrera en ny applikation på
auths.tip.discord=Registrera en ny applikation på
auths.tip.gitea=Register a new OAuth2 application. Guide can be found at a new application at Select following permissions from the "Yandex.Passport API" section: "Access to email address", "Access to user avatar" and "Access to username, first name and surname, gender"
auths.edit=Redigera autensieringskälla
auths.edit=Redigera autensieringskälla
auths.activated=Denna autentiseringskälla är aktiverad
auths.activated=Denna autentiseringskälla är aktiverad
auths.new_success=Autentisering '%s' har lagts till.
auths.new_success=Autentisering '%s' har lagts till.
@ -1878,12 +2067,14 @@ auths.delete_auth_desc=Borttagning av en autensieringskälla förhindrar använd
auths.still_in_used=Autentiseringskällan är fortfarande i bruk. Konvertera eller ta bort alla användare som använder denna autentiseringskälla först.
auths.still_in_used=Autentiseringskällan är fortfarande i bruk. Konvertera eller ta bort alla användare som använder denna autentiseringskälla först.
auths.deletion_success=Autentiseringskällan har tagits bort.
auths.deletion_success=Autentiseringskällan har tagits bort.
auths.login_source_exist=Autentiseringkällan '%s' finns redan.
auths.login_source_exist=Autentiseringkällan '%s' finns redan.
auths.login_source_of_type_exist=An authentication source of this type already exists.
monitor.queue.review_add=Granska/Lägg till arbetare
monitor.queue.review_add=Granska/Lägg till arbetare
monitor.queue.configuration=Initial Configuration
monitor.queue.nopool.title=No Worker Pool
monitor.queue.nopool.desc=This queue wraps other queues and does not itself have a worker pool.
monitor.queue.wrapped.desc=A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc=A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title=Lägg till arbetare
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title=Lägg till arbetare
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit=Lägg till arbetare
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit=Lägg till arbetare
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc=Add Workers to this pool with or without a timeout. If you set a timeout these workers will be removed from the pool after the timeout has lapsed.
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder=Set to 0 for no timeout
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero=Number of Workers to add must be greater than zero
monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration=Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Töm kö
monitor.queue.pool.flush.title=Töm kö
monitor.queue.pool.flush.desc=Töm komma att lägga till en arbetare som kommer lämna när kön är tom eller när tidsgränsen är nådd.
monitor.queue.pool.flush.desc=Töm komma att lägga till en arbetare som kommer lämna när kön är tom eller när tidsgränsen är nådd.
monitor.queue.pool.flush.submit=Add Flush Worker
monitor.queue.pool.flush.added=Flush Worker added for %[1]s
monitor.queue.settings.title=Pool Settings
monitor.queue.settings.desc=Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
enable_javascript=Цей веб-сайт працює краще з JavaScript.
enable_javascript=Цей веб-сайт працює краще з JavaScript.
toc=Table of Contents
username=Ім'я кристувача
username=Ім'я кристувача
email=Адреса електронної пошти
email=Адреса електронної пошти
@ -82,10 +83,13 @@ loading=Завантаження…
error404=Сторінка, до якої ви намагаєтеся звернутися або до <strong>, не існує</strong> або <strong>Ви не маєте права</strong> на її перегляд.
error404=Сторінка, до якої ви намагаєтеся звернутися або до <strong>, не існує</strong> або <strong>Ви не маєте права</strong> на її перегляд.
occurred=An error has occurred
report_message=If you are sure this is a Gitea bug, please search for issue on <a href="">GitHub</a> and open new issue if necessary.
app_desc=Зручний власний сервіс хостингу репозиторіїв Git
app_desc=Зручний власний сервіс хостингу репозиторіїв Git
install=Легко встановити
install=Легко встановити
install_desc=Simply <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">run the binary</a> for your platform, ship it with <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Docker</a>, or get it <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">packaged</a>.
platform_desc=Gitea виконується на платформі, для якої можливо скомпілювати <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a>: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, та інших. Оберіть ту, яка вам до вподоби!
platform_desc=Gitea виконується на платформі, для якої можливо скомпілювати <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Go</a>: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, та інших. Оберіть ту, яка вам до вподоби!
@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ openid_signin=Увімкнути реєстрацію за допомогою Op
openid_signin_popup=Увімкнути вхід за допомогою OpenID.
openid_signin_popup=Увімкнути вхід за допомогою OpenID.
openid_signup=Увімкнути самостійну реєстрацію за допомогою OpenID
openid_signup=Увімкнути самостійну реєстрацію за допомогою OpenID
openid_signup_popup=Увімкнути самореєстрацію користувачів на основі OpenID.
openid_signup_popup=Увімкнути самореєстрацію користувачів на основі OpenID.
enable_captcha=Enable registration CAPTCHA
enable_captcha_popup=Вимагати перевірку CAPTCHA при самостійній реєстрації користувача.
enable_captcha_popup=Вимагати перевірку CAPTCHA при самостійній реєстрації користувача.
require_sign_in_view=Вимагати авторизації для перегляду сторінок
require_sign_in_view=Вимагати авторизації для перегляду сторінок
require_sign_in_view_popup=Обмеження доступу до сторінки для користувачів, які виконали вхід. Відвідувачі побачать тільки сторінки входу і реєстрації.
require_sign_in_view_popup=Обмеження доступу до сторінки для користувачів, які виконали вхід. Відвідувачі побачать тільки сторінки входу і реєстрації.
@ -201,8 +206,17 @@ my_orgs=Мої організації
my_mirrors=Мої дзеркала
my_mirrors=Мої дзеркала
view_home=Переглянути %s
view_home=Переглянути %s
search_repos=Шукати репозиторій…
search_repos=Шукати репозиторій…
filter=Інші фільтри
show_both_archived_unarchived=Показано архівовані і не архівовані
show_only_archived=Показано тільки архівовані
show_only_unarchived=Показано тільки не архівовані
show_both_private_public=Показано публічні та приватні
show_only_private=Показано тільки приватні
show_only_public=Показано тільки публічні
issues.in_your_repos=В ваших репозиторіях
issues.in_your_repos=В ваших репозиторіях
@ -518,6 +532,7 @@ new_token_desc=Додатки, що використовують токен, м
token_name=Ім'я токену
token_name=Ім'я токену
generate_token=Згенерувати токен
generate_token=Згенерувати токен
generate_token_success=Ваш новий токен був створений. Скопіюйте його зараз, оскільки він не буде показаний знову.
generate_token_success=Ваш новий токен був створений. Скопіюйте його зараз, оскільки він не буде показаний знову.
generate_token_name_duplicate=<strong>%s</strong> has been used as an application name already. Please use a new one.
access_token_deletion=Видалити токен доступу
access_token_deletion=Видалити токен доступу
access_token_deletion_desc=Видалення токена скасовує доступ до вашого облікового запису для програм, що використовують його. Продовжити?
access_token_deletion_desc=Видалення токена скасовує доступ до вашого облікового запису для програм, що використовують його. Продовжити?
@ -673,6 +688,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Шаблон '%s' не дозволено в на
need_auth=Клонувати з авторизацією
need_auth=Клонувати з авторизацією
migrate_type=Тип міграції
migrate_type=Тип міграції
migrate_type_helper=Даний репозиторій буде <span class="text blue">дзеркалом</span>
migrate_type_helper=Даний репозиторій буде <span class="text blue">дзеркалом</span>
migrate_type_helper_disabled=Your site administrator has disabled new mirrors.
migrate_items=Деталі міграції
migrate_items=Деталі міграції
@ -727,6 +743,8 @@ tags=Теги
pulls=Запити на злиття
pulls=Запити на злиття
org_labels_desc=Organization level labels that can be used with <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization
@ -824,19 +842,29 @@ ext_issues=Зов. Проблеми
ext_issues.desc=Посилання на зовнішню систему відстеження проблем.
ext_issues.desc=Посилання на зовнішню систему відстеження проблем.
issues.desc=Організація звітів про помилки, завдань та етапів.
issues.desc=Організація звітів про помилки, завдань та етапів.
issues.filter_assignees=Filter Assignee
issues.filter_milestones=Filter Milestone
issues.filter_labels=Filter Label
issues.filter_reviewers=Filter ReviewerНова проблемаНова проблемаЗаголовок не може бути пустимЗаголовок не може бути пустимМіткиМітки labelsБез міткиБез міткиОчистити міткиОчистити мітки itemsЕтапЕтап milestoneЕтап відсутнійЕтап відсутнійОчистити етапОчистити етапАктивні етапиАктивні етапиЗакриті етапиЗакриті етапиВиконавеціВиконавеці usersПрибрати виконавецівПрибрати виконавецівНемає виконавецяНемає виконавеця reviewers review
issues.no_ref=Не вказана гілка або тег
issues.no_ref=Не вказана гілка або тег
issues.create=Створити проблему
issues.create=Створити проблему
issues.new_label=Нова мітка
issues.new_label=Нова мітка
@ -848,6 +876,8 @@Ще немає міток. Натисніть 'Но
issues.label_templates.helper=Оберіть набір міток
issues.label_templates.helper=Оберіть набір міток
issues.label_templates.use=Використовувати набір міток
issues.label_templates.use=Використовувати набір міток
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Не вдалося завантажити файл шаблона мітки '%s': %v
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Не вдалося завантажити файл шаблона мітки '%s': %v
pulls.no_merge_desc=Цей запити на злиття неможливо злити, оскільки всі параметри об'єднання репозиторія вимкнено.
pulls.no_merge_desc=Цей запити на злиття неможливо злити, оскільки всі параметри об'єднання репозиторія вимкнено.
pulls.no_merge_helper=Увімкніть параметри злиття в налаштуваннях репозиторія або злийте запити на злиття вручну.
pulls.no_merge_helper=Увімкніть параметри злиття в налаштуваннях репозиторія або злийте запити на злиття вручну.
@ -1102,10 +1159,15 @@ pulls.push_rejected_no_message=Не вдалося виконати злиття
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Ви не можете знову відкрити, оскільки вже існує запит на злиття (%d) з того ж репозиторія з тією ж інформацією про злиття і в очікуванні.`
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Ви не можете знову відкрити, оскільки вже існує запит на злиття (%d) з того ж репозиторія з тією ж інформацією про злиття і в очікуванні.`
pulls.status_checking=Деякі перевірки знаходяться на розгляді
pulls.status_checking=Деякі перевірки знаходяться на розгляді
pulls.status_checks_success=Всі перевірки були успішними
pulls.status_checks_success=Всі перевірки були успішними
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Відхилити пуш запити до цієї гілки, якщо вони не підписані або неперевірені
settings.require_signed_commits_desc=Відхилити пуш запити до цієї гілки, якщо вони не підписані або неперевірені
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns=Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc=Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href=""></a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
settings.add_protected_branch=Увімкнути захист
settings.add_protected_branch=Увімкнути захист
settings.delete_protected_branch=Вимкнути захист
settings.delete_protected_branch=Вимкнути захист
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Налаштування захисту гілки '%s' були успішно змінені.
settings.update_protect_branch_success=Налаштування захисту гілки '%s' були успішно змінені.
@ -1490,6 +1560,8 @@ settings.protected_branch_deletion=Відключити захист гілки
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Будь-який користувач з дозволами на запис зможе виконувати push в цю гілку. Ви впевнені?
settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc=Будь-який користувач з дозволами на запис зможе виконувати push в цю гілку. Ви впевнені?
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Блокувати злиття при відкидаючих рецензіях
settings.block_rejected_reviews=Блокувати злиття при відкидаючих рецензіях
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Злиття буде недоступним, якщо є запит змін від офіційних рецензентів, навіть за наявності достатньої кількості схвалень.
settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc=Злиття буде недоступним, якщо є запит змін від офіційних рецензентів, навіть за наявності достатньої кількості схвалень.
settings.block_outdated_branch=Block merge if pull request is outdated
settings.block_outdated_branch_desc=Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
settings.default_branch_desc=Головна гілка є 'базовою' для вашого репозиторія, на яку за замовчуванням спрямовані всі запити на злиття і яка є обличчям вашого репозиторія. Перше, що побачить відвідувач - це зміст головної гілки. Виберіть її з уже існуючих:
settings.default_branch_desc=Головна гілка є 'базовою' для вашого репозиторія, на яку за замовчуванням спрямовані всі запити на злиття і яка є обличчям вашого репозиторія. Перше, що побачить відвідувач - це зміст головної гілки. Виберіть її з уже існуючих: