repo_gitignore_helper_desc=Choose which files not to track from a list of templates for common languages. Typical artifacts generated by each language's build tools are included on .gitignore by default.
issue_labels=Issue Labels
issue_labels=Issue Labels
issue_labels_helper=Select an issue label set.
issue_labels_helper=Select an issue label set.
license_helper=Select a license file.
license_helper=Select a license file.
license_helper_desc=A license governs what others can and can't do with your code. Not sure which one is right for your project? See <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">Choose a license.</a>
readme_helper=Select a README file template.
readme_helper=Select a README file template.
readme_helper_desc=This is the place where you can write a complete description for your project.
auto_init=Initialize Repository (Adds .gitignore, License and README)
auto_init=Initialize Repository (Adds .gitignore, License and README)
trust_model_helper=Select trust model for signature verification. Possible options are:
trust_model_helper_collaborator=Collaborator: Trust signatures by collaborators
trust_model_helper_committer=Committer: Trust signatures that match committers
trust_model_helper_collaborator_committer=Collaborator+Committer: Trust signatures by collaborators which match the committer
trust_model_helper_default=Default: Use the default trust model for this installation
create_repo=Create Repository
create_repo=Create Repository
default_branch=Default Branch
default_branch=Default Branch
default_branch_helper=The default branch is the base branch for pull requests and code commits.