// CreateAutoMergeComment is a internal function, only use it for CommentTypePRScheduledToAutoMerge and CommentTypePRUnScheduledToAutoMerge CommentTypes
// createAutoMergeComment is a internal function, only use it for CommentTypePRScheduledToAutoMerge and CommentTypePRUnScheduledToAutoMerge CommentTypes
PullIDint64`xorm:"NOT NULL UNIQUE(pull_commit_user) DEFAULT 0"`// Which PR was the review on?
PullIDint64`xorm:"NOT NULL INDEX UNIQUE(pull_commit_user) DEFAULT 0"`// Which PR was the review on?
CommitSHAstring`xorm:"NOT NULL VARCHAR(40) UNIQUE(pull_commit_user)"`// Which commit was the head commit for the review?
CommitSHAstring`xorm:"NOT NULL VARCHAR(40) UNIQUE(pull_commit_user)"`// Which commit was the head commit for the review?
UpdatedFilesmap[string]ViewedState`xorm:"NOT NULL LONGTEXT JSON"`// Stores for each of the changed files of a PR whether they have been viewed, changed since last viewed, or not viewed
UpdatedFilesmap[string]ViewedState`xorm:"NOT NULL LONGTEXT JSON"`// Stores for each of the changed files of a PR whether they have been viewed, changed since last viewed, or not viewed
UpdatedUnixtimeutil.TimeStamp`xorm:"updated"`// Is an accurate indicator of the order of commits as we do not expect it to be possible to make reviews on previous commits
UpdatedUnixtimeutil.TimeStamp`xorm:"updated"`// Is an accurate indicator of the order of commits as we do not expect it to be possible to make reviews on previous commits