@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ type ProtectedBranch struct {
EnableWhitelist bool
WhitelistUserIDs [ ] int64 ` xorm:"JSON TEXT" `
WhitelistTeamIDs [ ] int64 ` xorm:"JSON TEXT" `
EnableMergeWhitelist bool ` xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT false" `
MergeWhitelistUserIDs [ ] int64 ` xorm:"JSON TEXT" `
MergeWhitelistTeamIDs [ ] int64 ` xorm:"JSON TEXT" `
CreatedUnix util . TimeStamp ` xorm:"created" `
UpdatedUnix util . TimeStamp ` xorm:"updated" `
@ -61,6 +64,28 @@ func (protectBranch *ProtectedBranch) CanUserPush(userID int64) bool {
return in
// CanUserMerge returns if some user could merge a pull request to this protected branch
func ( protectBranch * ProtectedBranch ) CanUserMerge ( userID int64 ) bool {
if ! protectBranch . EnableMergeWhitelist {
return true
if base . Int64sContains ( protectBranch . MergeWhitelistUserIDs , userID ) {
return true
if len ( protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs ) == 0 {
return false
in , err := IsUserInTeams ( userID , protectBranch . MergeWhitelistTeamIDs )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( 1 , "IsUserInTeams:" , err )
return false
return in
// GetProtectedBranchByRepoID getting protected branch by repo ID
func GetProtectedBranchByRepoID ( RepoID int64 ) ( [ ] * ProtectedBranch , error ) {
protectedBranches := make ( [ ] * ProtectedBranch , 0 )
@ -97,40 +122,35 @@ func GetProtectedBranchByID(id int64) (*ProtectedBranch, error) {
// If ID is 0, it creates a new record. Otherwise, updates existing record.
// This function also performs check if whitelist user and team's IDs have been changed
// to avoid unnecessary whitelist delete and regenerate.
func UpdateProtectBranch ( repo * Repository , protectBranch * ProtectedBranch , whitelistUserIDs , whitelistTeamIDs [ ] int64 ) ( err error ) {
func UpdateProtectBranch ( repo * Repository , protectBranch * ProtectedBranch , whitelistUserIDs , whitelistTeamIDs , mergeWhitelistUserIDs , mergeWhitelistTeamIDs [ ] int64 ) ( err error ) {
if err = repo . GetOwner ( ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "GetOwner: %v" , err )
hasUsersChanged := ! util . IsSliceInt64Eq ( protectBranch . WhitelistUserIDs , whitelistUserIDs )
if hasUsersChanged {
protectBranch . WhitelistUserIDs = make ( [ ] int64 , 0 , len ( whitelistUserIDs ) )
for _ , userID := range whitelistUserIDs {
has , err := hasAccess ( x , userID , repo , AccessModeWrite )
whitelist , err := updateUserWhitelist ( repo , protectBranch . WhitelistUserIDs , whitelistUserIDs )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "HasAccess [user_id: %d, repo_id: %d]: %v" , userID , protectBranch . RepoID , err )
} else if ! has {
continue // Drop invalid user ID
return err
protectBranch . WhitelistUserIDs = whitelist
protectBranch . WhitelistUserIDs = append ( protectBranch . WhitelistUserIDs , userID )
whitelist , err = updateUserWhitelist ( repo , protectBranch . MergeWhitelistUserIDs , mergeWhitelistUserIDs )
if err != nil {
return err
protectBranch . MergeWhitelistUserIDs = whitelist
// if the repo is in an orgniziation
hasTeamsChanged := ! util . IsSliceInt64Eq ( protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs , whitelistTeamIDs )
if hasTeamsChanged {
teams , err := GetTeamsWithAccessToRepo ( repo . OwnerID , repo . ID , AccessModeWrite )
// if the repo is in an organization
whitelist , err = updateTeamWhitelist ( repo , protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs , whitelistTeamIDs )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "GetTeamsWithAccessToRepo [org_id: %d, repo_id: %d]: %v" , repo . OwnerID , repo . ID , err )
protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs = make ( [ ] int64 , 0 , len ( teams ) )
for i := range teams {
if teams [ i ] . HasWriteAccess ( ) && com . IsSliceContainsInt64 ( whitelistTeamIDs , teams [ i ] . ID ) {
protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs = append ( protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs , teams [ i ] . ID )
return err
protectBranch . WhitelistTeamIDs = whitelist
whitelist , err = updateTeamWhitelist ( repo , protectBranch . MergeWhitelistTeamIDs , mergeWhitelistTeamIDs )
if err != nil {
return err
protectBranch . MergeWhitelistTeamIDs = whitelist
// Make sure protectBranch.ID is not 0 for whitelists
if protectBranch . ID == 0 {
@ -174,6 +194,73 @@ func (repo *Repository) IsProtectedBranch(branchName string, doer *User) (bool,
return false , nil
// IsProtectedBranchForMerging checks if branch is protected for merging
func ( repo * Repository ) IsProtectedBranchForMerging ( branchName string , doer * User ) ( bool , error ) {
if doer == nil {
return true , nil
protectedBranch := & ProtectedBranch {
RepoID : repo . ID ,
BranchName : branchName ,
has , err := x . Get ( protectedBranch )
if err != nil {
return true , err
} else if has {
return ! protectedBranch . CanUserMerge ( doer . ID ) , nil
return false , nil
// updateUserWhitelist checks whether the user whitelist changed and returns a whitelist with
// the users from newWhitelist which have write access to the repo.
func updateUserWhitelist ( repo * Repository , currentWhitelist , newWhitelist [ ] int64 ) ( whitelist [ ] int64 , err error ) {
hasUsersChanged := ! util . IsSliceInt64Eq ( currentWhitelist , newWhitelist )
if ! hasUsersChanged {
return currentWhitelist , nil
whitelist = make ( [ ] int64 , 0 , len ( newWhitelist ) )
for _ , userID := range newWhitelist {
has , err := hasAccess ( x , userID , repo , AccessModeWrite )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "HasAccess [user_id: %d, repo_id: %d]: %v" , userID , repo . ID , err )
} else if ! has {
continue // Drop invalid user ID
whitelist = append ( whitelist , userID )
// updateTeamWhitelist checks whether the team whitelist changed and returns a whitelist with
// the teams from newWhitelist which have write access to the repo.
func updateTeamWhitelist ( repo * Repository , currentWhitelist , newWhitelist [ ] int64 ) ( whitelist [ ] int64 , err error ) {
hasTeamsChanged := ! util . IsSliceInt64Eq ( currentWhitelist , newWhitelist )
if ! hasTeamsChanged {
return currentWhitelist , nil
teams , err := GetTeamsWithAccessToRepo ( repo . OwnerID , repo . ID , AccessModeWrite )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "GetTeamsWithAccessToRepo [org_id: %d, repo_id: %d]: %v" , repo . OwnerID , repo . ID , err )
whitelist = make ( [ ] int64 , 0 , len ( teams ) )
for i := range teams {
if teams [ i ] . HasWriteAccess ( ) && com . IsSliceContainsInt64 ( newWhitelist , teams [ i ] . ID ) {
whitelist = append ( whitelist , teams [ i ] . ID )
// DeleteProtectedBranch removes ProtectedBranch relation between the user and repository.
func ( repo * Repository ) DeleteProtectedBranch ( id int64 ) ( err error ) {
protectedBranch := & ProtectedBranch {