@ -108,47 +108,61 @@ func SetExecutablePath(path string) error {
// Init initializes git module
func Init ( ctx context . Context ) error {
DefaultContext = ctx
// Git requires setting user.name and user.email in order to commit changes.
// Git requires setting user.name and user.email in order to commit changes - if they're not set just add some defaults
for configKey , defaultValue := range map [ string ] string { "user.name" : "Gitea" , "user.email" : "gitea@fake.local" } {
if stdout , stderr , err := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(get setting)" , GitExecutable , "config" , "--get" , configKey ) ; err != nil || strings . TrimSpace ( stdout ) == "" {
// ExitError indicates this config is not set
if _ , ok := err . ( * exec . ExitError ) ; ok || strings . TrimSpace ( stdout ) == "" {
if _ , stderr , gerr := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(set " + configKey + ")" , "git" , "config" , "--global" , configKey , defaultValue ) ; gerr != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to set git %s(%s): %s" , configKey , gerr , stderr )
} else {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to get git %s(%s): %s" , configKey , err , stderr )
if err := checkAndSetConfig ( configKey , defaultValue , false ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Set git some configurations.
if _ , stderr , err := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(git config --global core.quotepath false)" ,
GitExecutable , "config" , "--global" , "core.quotepath" , "false" ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to execute 'git config --global core.quotepath false': %s" , stderr )
// Set git some configurations - these must be set to these values for gitea to work correctly
if err := checkAndSetConfig ( "core.quotePath" , "false" , true ) ; err != nil {
return err
if version . Compare ( gitVersion , "2.18" , ">=" ) {
if _ , stderr , err := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(git config --global core.commitGraph true)" ,
GitExecutable , "config" , "--global" , "core.commitGraph" , "true" ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to execute 'git config --global core.commitGraph true': %s" , stderr )
if err := checkAndSetConfig ( "core.commitGraph" , "true" , true ) ; err != nil {
return err
if _ , stderr , err := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(git config --global gc.writeCommitGraph true)" ,
GitExecutable , "config" , "--global" , "gc.writeCommitGraph" , "true" ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to execute 'git config --global gc.writeCommitGraph true': %s" , stderr )
if err := checkAndSetConfig ( "gc.writeCommitGraph" , "true" , true ) ; err != nil {
return err
if runtime . GOOS == "windows" {
if _ , stderr , err := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(git config --global core.longpaths true)" ,
GitExecutable , "config" , "--global" , "core.longpaths" , "true" ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to execute 'git config --global core.longpaths true': %s" , stderr )
if err := checkAndSetConfig ( "core.longpaths" , "true" , true ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func checkAndSetConfig ( key , defaultValue string , forceToDefault bool ) error {
stdout , stderr , err := process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( "git.Init(get setting)" , GitExecutable , "config" , "--get" , key )
if err != nil {
perr , ok := err . ( * process . Error )
if ! ok {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to get git %s(%v) errType %T: %s" , key , err , err , stderr )
eerr , ok := perr . Err . ( * exec . ExitError )
if ! ok || eerr . ExitCode ( ) != 1 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to get git %s(%v) errType %T: %s" , key , err , err , stderr )
currValue := strings . TrimSpace ( stdout )
if currValue == defaultValue || ( ! forceToDefault && len ( currValue ) > 0 ) {
return nil
if _ , stderr , err = process . GetManager ( ) . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "git.Init(set %s)" , key ) , "git" , "config" , "--global" , key , defaultValue ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Failed to set git %s(%s): %s" , key , err , stderr )
return nil
// Fsck verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
func Fsck ( ctx context . Context , repoPath string , timeout time . Duration , args ... string ) error {
// Make sure timeout makes sense.