@ -96,17 +96,18 @@ func extractTypeFromBase64Key(key string) (string, error) {
// parseKeyString parses any key string in OpenSSH or SSH2 format to clean OpenSSH string (RFC4253).
func parseKeyString ( content string ) ( string , error ) {
// Transform all legal line endings to a single "\n".
content = strings . NewReplacer ( "\r\n" , "\n" , "\r" , "\n" ) . Replace ( content )
// remove trailing newline (and beginning spaces too)
// remove whitespace at start and end
content = strings . TrimSpace ( content )
lines := strings . Split ( content , "\n" )
var keyType , keyContent , keyComment string
if len ( lines ) == 1 {
if ! strings . Contains ( content , "-----BEGIN" ) {
// Parse OpenSSH format.
parts := strings . SplitN ( lines [ 0 ] , " " , 3 )
// Remove all newlines
content = strings . NewReplacer ( "\r\n" , "" , "\n" , "" ) . Replace ( content )
parts := strings . SplitN ( content , " " , 3 )
switch len ( parts ) {
case 0 :
return "" , errors . New ( "empty key" )
@ -133,6 +134,11 @@ func parseKeyString(content string) (string, error) {
} else {
// Parse SSH2 file format.
// Transform all legal line endings to a single "\n".
content = strings . NewReplacer ( "\r\n" , "\n" , "\r" , "\n" ) . Replace ( content )
lines := strings . Split ( content , "\n" )
continuationLine := false
for _ , line := range lines {