auths.allowed_domains_helper=Leave empty to allow all domains. Separate multiple domains with a comma (',').
auths.skip_tls_verify=Skip TLS Verify
auths.force_smtps=Force SMTPS
auths.force_smtps_helper=By default SMTPS will be used for port 465, set this to use smtps on other ports, otherwise STARTTLS is used if supported.
auths.force_smtps_helper=SMTPS is always used on port 465. Set this to force SMTPS on other ports. (Otherwise STARTTLS will be used on other ports if it is supported by the host.)
auths.helo_hostname=HELO Hostname
auths.helo_hostname_helper=Hostname sent with HELO. Leave blank to send current hostname.