Upload tool for an led name tag with USB-HID interface
![LED Mini Board](photos/green_badge.jpg)
![LED Mini Board](photos/blueBadge.jpg)
Added Accentuated french Characters
![French LED Mini Board](photos/accentuated.gif)
## Hardware
@ -129,6 +133,10 @@ shows a bicycle crossing the display in left-to-right and right-to-left (as a se
shows a simple animation of a slowly beating heart on the first message, and a blinking heart on the second message.
./led-badge-11x44.py -B 50 -m 0 -s 8 "Bonjour à toutes et à tous" "Bienvenu(e)s en Master 2 EEA ISHM" "Ingénierie des systèmes Humains Machines" "Bonne réussite à votre promotion 2023-2024"
![M2 ishm](photos/m2ishm.gif)
python3 ./led-badge-11x44.py --list-names
prints the list of builtin icon names, including :happy: :happy2: :heart: :HEART: :heart2: :HEART2: :fablab: :bicycle: :bicycle_r: :owncloud: ::
@ -138,36 +146,27 @@ prints the list of builtin icon names, including :happy: :happy2: :heart: :HEART
parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,description='Upload messages or graphics to a 11x44 led badge via USB HID.\nVersion %s from https://github.com/jnweiger/led-badge-ls32\n -- see there for more examples and for updates.'%__version,epilog='Example combining image and text:\n sudo %s"I:HEART2:you"'%sys.argv[0])
parser.add_argument('-t','--type',default='11x44',help="Type of display: supported values are 12x48 or (default) 11x44. Rename the program to led-badge-12x48, to switch the default.")
description='Upload messages or graphics to a 11x44 led badge via USB HID.\nVersion %s from https://github.com/jnweiger/led-badge-ls32\n -- see there for more examples and for updates.'%__version,
epilog='Example combining image and text:\n sudo %s"I:HEART2:you"'%sys.argv[0])
help="Type of display: supported values are 12x48 or (default) 11x44. Rename the program to led-badge-12x48, to switch the default.")
parser.add_argument('-s','--speed',default='4',help="Scroll speed (Range 1..8). Up to 8 comma-separated values")
parser.add_argument('-B','--brightness',default='100',help="Brightness for the display in percent: 25, 50, 75, or 100")
parser.add_argument('-m','--mode',default='0',help="Up to 8 mode values: Scroll-left(0) -right(1) -up(2) -down(3); still-centered(4); animation(5); drop-down(6); curtain(7); laser(8); See '--mode-help' for more details.")
help="Brightness for the display in percent: 25, 50, 75, or 100")
help="Up to 8 mode values: Scroll-left(0) -right(1) -up(2) -down(3); still-centered(4); animation(5); drop-down(6); curtain(7); laser(8); See '--mode-help' for more details.")
parser.add_argument('-b','--blink',default='0',help="1: blinking, 0: normal. Up to 8 comma-separated values")
parser.add_argument('-a','--ants',default='0',help="1: animated border, 0: normal. Up to 8 comma-separated values")
parser.add_argument('-p','--preload',metavar='FILE',action='append',help=argparse.SUPPRESS)# "Load bitmap images. Use ^A, ^B, ^C, ... in text messages to make them visible. Deprecated, embed within ':' instead")
parser.add_argument('-l','--list-names',action='version',help="list named icons to be embedded in messages and exit",version=':'+': :'.join(bitmap_named.keys())+': :: or e.g. :path/to/some_icon.png:')
parser.add_argument('message',metavar='MESSAGE',nargs='+',help="Up to 8 message texts with embedded builtin icons or loaded images within colons(:) -- See -l for a list of builtins")